The dark side of elitism

For my whole life I am on the course of becoming pol‘s Übermensch. I build up myself, my body, my knowledge. To go to the end, to fight, for what is right forever.
Spare me the description.
My Kamaraden had the same opinion: They, too wanted to fight till the end.
Now I am the only one left, because they couldn‘t keep. Their selves from back then would agree that they were sorted out.
Now I can‘t treat them as equal anymore; Because I didn‘t gibe up. As last.
The truth is so cruel.
Only the best can carry the absolute truth, because only they can see in it their usefulness. Therefore the absolute truth can never be pouplar

Attached: homuraSuicide.png (720x720, 911K)

Only siths deal in absolutes.

No. You are just weak

It dosen't have to be like this user. We can show you the power of the dark side.

It's lonely at the top, and normies gonna norm. Keep going.

user, when the abyss looks into me, the I whisper back. I know a deep truth, that does not need to be disclosed here and now.
I came to report you that the fundamental problem with salvation is not that it doesn‘t exist. It does. But that it is not for the many. Only for the few

And I fear it is not for few - but for one, who is also all.

Keep going, brother

I had a LSD trip and had a profound realization of the fractal nature of suffering and salvation. Life is a bitter world of pain. We must suffer against it and forge our self in steel. We must do what is hard and necessary. No matter the cost. Seig Heil to you.

Are you talking about Jesus?

Yes, I came to the realization, that Jesus ist a Manofestation of the desires of the Collective Unconscious. This makes him a man, and a carrier of everyone’s collective will. But most of all, he is an Idea. An Idea that can manifest itself, once again