The thing is simple. We spread the reasoning of pic related.
>the butthurt and cognitive dissonance would be spectacular.
Other urls found in this thread:
i refuse to promote communist thinking even ironically to cause butthurt
People who consider themselves "communist" would extremely disagree with their own logic, it's not spreading communism, this is anti-communism
Dumb marxist shit is what got us into this mess in the first place. Stop reading that fucking kike.
“…Variation in material wealth has less effect on well-being than does variation in other forms of wealth, such as health or social connections.” [1]
[1] – “Wealth Transmission and Inequality Among Hunter-Gatherers”
i agree with that pic unironically
Daily reminder that sexbots and artificial wombs will make the female gender obsolete.
yes I agree, Marxism is shit and this is an example of why marxist logic is shit
This is a good idea, Spain.
the thing is that now everyone is with virtue signaling hating incles, and that pic make a dumb and superficial cognitive dissonance between communism and hating incles.
Hilariously effective
we must take the means of (sexual re)production
Then you don't belong here.
Not bad
>even ironically to cause butthurt
leaf i am dissapoint
I should get on Twitter for this Pearl Inspector, that's premium, top shelf bantz
Why is this place obsessed with incels right now?
I can not argue with this.
why? it would just show them how stupid it is
this is the thread that if you pull at it persistently enough unravels:
1) thot culture
2) gynocentrism
3) Marxism
basically a win-win
>tfw I start to become a Marxist
exactly. Gracias amigo.
Daily Reminder: Incel is a Reddit word. It was started on reddit and there is an organized effort by the left to spread the use of the word. Just take a look at how many incel threads are in the catalog.
Jow Forums has always used Robot or Wizard. Only kike shills, meme flags, and reddit roasties use the word incel. Do your part and call them out
>such as health or social connections
like vagina.
I declare that we will not have lasting peace and prosperity until there is an incel in every thot
Isn't that what rape is for?
I agree, but this is aiming normies, so we have to use their shitty terms
This incel thing is definitely an op. I've only ever seen it used by leftists as a way to insult white males. Never seen it used on Jow Forums except from shills.
It is not right for women to horde their means of reproduction. As a capitalist hordes money, women shouldn't horde their sexual production. Their favoritism creates an unequal playing field similar to capitalism.
You don't need sex. It's okay to be incel.
The average man has every right to female reproduction as every female has every right to male reproduction.
>muh 19th century materialism
In stands for "involuntary". Anyway, as pointed by some anons above, that word is shit.
read the thread, it's to expose the stupidity of that.
We're burying wizard finally. They ruined it.
holy fuck, this is genius
Incelism has never been tried...
chink Bogdanov?
free market reeeeeeeee
No, fuck off. I'm only half a year off. I even told this slut to get her pussy out of my face, you can't take this away from me.
Wtf I love communism now
> WIN!
>cognitive dissonance gives them problems
they're just parasites user, they don't really believe that shit
maybe some of them start realizing how wrong they are.
This is great.
>Posting best doll
I approve of this.
And unlike a human woman, when your rubbery doll becomes old and nasty you throw it away and buy a new one.
You can keep the toilet seat up and not have to worry about browsing in incognito mode on your browser.
Have a (you)
Yeah. Forcing people to fuck you. That's progressive.
The ((((progressives)))) were forcing people to give them money, not to mention forcing them out of their jobs and social circles. It's time for them to learn that two can play this game.
This place is dead and has been for a while. It's mostly reddit and non whites.
I don’t think they’ll really get it, user.
>means of reproduction
Very clever idea user, Godspeed.
None of these stupid fucks have ever actually read marx and won't understand it anyway.
Though it will be worth it for the lols.
This, although I'll admit it made me chuckle. Fuck commies though, there are better ways to point out lefty hypocrisy.
Not if kikes and roasties have anything to say about it
Im going to post this in leftypol
A lot of dumb thots are subscribed to Faceberg pages like "Gommunist memes :DDD" so they know the basic dogma of Marxism even if they don't read books
Dont be such an anti fun cocksucker
Leftist women should spread their legs to prevent future attacks. No one's an incel if they aren't celibate
Your move, ladies
making the enemy follow its own rules is the best way to point out their hypocrisy
yes, exposing the fullness of "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" would be a good thing.
can't tell if magapede or stormfag refugee..
human sexual behaviour is fascist and roasties are the gestapo.
Memeing incels as the sexual proletariat being opressed by the roastie bourgeoisie is a pretty good plan.
that picture made me sad
But user, watching leftists squirm under the hypocritical weight of their own ideology is such devilish fun.
incels = commies
kill all incels
>Sieze the means of baby production!
Unironically this is what women want you to do.
>anonymous donor egg
>not fully synthetic eggs with preordered recombinant DNA sequences designed to optimize your genetic input
>feminists, white knights, and other species of primate not being reduced to raw material for the new humanity within the first year
These western capitalist women absolutely disgust me.
A logical, sound argument, where "its my body" isn't an end all. THERE IS NO PROPERTY! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DEMAND IT'S [[YOUR]] BODY.
Its fucking brilliant
>For citizens with property valued 11,000 asses or less, which was below the lowest census for military service, their children—proles (from Latin prōlēs, "offspring")—were listed instead of their property; hence, the name proletarius, "the one who produces offspring". The only contribution of a proletarius to the Roman society was seen in his ability to raise children, the future Roman citizens who can colonize new territories conquered by the Roman Republic and later by the Roman Empire.
>unable to a gf
This has potential.
>we heard about Universal Basic Income, but have you ever hear about Universal Basic Partners?
Do they have these in shortstack?
The game is rigged so we have to fight fire with fire you pansy
>what is an analogy
Top kek. You have to use unnecessarily big words when talking like a communist, however.
One meditate per day make you realize that there is not "incel" only "volcel"
The choices you make define the fractalverse you experience thanks to your "expectations"
Stop throwing shit in your personnalverse and it'll stop throwing shit back at you to balance things out.
Once you understand the your personnalverse is a fractalverse thanks to your capacity for making choices.
Deal with your situation or start making new choices.
Changing require a lot of will.
If you refuse to change, don't blame others.
Does this make any sense to you?
Butthurt is the whole point.
That and the LULz
>meme flag
>reddit spacing
Where did I say anything about incel? It's only an opportunity to show a flaw in communist "logic"
Amusingly Brave New World covers this. It wasn't a communist OR capitalist system per se - but it applies certain concepts to certain facets of life. Sexual communism is EXACTLY what Huxley proposed in BNW because of the government controlled breeding and birth.
In 1984 birth was still required so pairing was still actually something done by the individuals which I always found odd about it. Divorce was even allowed still which definitely would cause more harm in The Party than is let on about.
Keep posting this idea, it is a good one. Funny at worst at least. Lulz still have their place.
>women should redistribute sex to those in need
This is actually a really good way to redpill people on how shitty communism is.
A leaf with principal, how rare.
Have you apologized to your overlords today Jow Forums?
Can someone give me a rundown on what the hell an "incel" is? I've been on the down low the past few weeks.
>Universal Basic Partners
A guy who can't get laid.
Involuntary celibacy.
Lots of people who claim to be incel are actually not involuntary, because they aren't even trying.
Incel is also not male only.
It's "involuntarily celibate," someone who is a virgin because no one really wants them.
Like the bottom of pic related
I should add