Tell me your ancestry percentage
Who here is a legit mutt no memeing?
100% white
I am a mutt, Eurasian, 75% Northern European, 25% North East Asian.
30% Amerindian, 70% European (Great Britain and Iberia), 100% degenerate
18.75% Ameridian 6.25% Gernan, 25% Finn, 25% Croatian, 12.5 irish, 12.5 Swede
Never took a DNA test, but people keep confusing me as being albino, so I guess I'm good.
I'm 100% Nigerian
I'm a Caucasian mutt. U.S. census considers Arabs / North Africans to be White because of our skull shape and indigenous population's origins, so I can't even leech off of niggaffirmative niggaction. Most people assume I'm White, Mexican, or both, but I also live in Spic Diego.
>Wh*toid lives in san diego
>San diego use to be owned by mexico
>San diego is in SoCal and right above Mexico
>Wh*toid: whats up with all the beanerz!?1
I'm white..rrright?
50 romanian 25 german 25 irish
>Giving Silicon Valley your DNA so C.I.A. niggers have more access to your information. Ever.
ur 100% Paul dumbass
LUL nvm they changed it - I'm actually a model minority "West Asian"
English 34%, Irish 34%, Dutch 15%, German 15% and Creek 2%
I'm mutt yes.
Don't worry bro, mutts make the best doggos
100% Finnish
Haven't tested tho.
40% Scottish, 30% English, 30% welsh.... I'm an abomination
So like 75 percent mongoloid
La creature de whisky
Oh it's the
>You're not white enough
D&C tactic of the year
>46% Western European
>40% Celtic
Does this make me a mutt?
genghis spawn
my fucking sides
75% Scandinavian, 25% Finnlandian
You will never guess where am I from.
.1 don't forget the .1
Ultra Mutt here...25% Polish, 25% Hungarian, 12,5% Sioux, 12,5% Iranian.
Rest is some kind of generic american mid-west mix
Unfortunately I'm 100% British Isles but atleast I look like an Aryan
I'm a complete European mutt.
>30%ish British Isles
>A mix of Irish, English, and Welsh
>20%ish Italian
>15-20%ish German
>part Slovak
>part Norwegian.
Just fuck my shit up senpai. I have no real identity. It sucks. At least I'm 0% nigger and 0% kike.
>sending your DNA to be analyzed and stored on a database
Maybe for my dog. Sorry pol
I'm now curious on how you look like, I've never seen any half middle easterners half white in my area.
25% Irish, 75% German, pure North Texan master race right here
Mutt to a degree. 50% Ukrainian and 50% Irish. Sure as hell aint an Aryan but my ass hole is pinker than most. If you brush away the ass pubes
am castizo. Have white skin, but it tans too easy.
Official family story is 1/4 Ukrainian, 1/4 Polish, 1/4 Czech, 1/8 Finnish and 1/8 French.
Great-great-grandfather also illegally immigrated to Saskatchewan from North Dakota, so technically 1/8 American
Legit mutt here, half Egyptian - half British
Currently waiting for my 23 and me
Would I make it in the ethnostate, Jow Forums?
>mfw when i voluntarily gave up all my personal information to the government including fingerprints, polygraph, dna, and credit history before being red pilled
Am I a mutt? Give it to me straight Euro and spic faggots.
whiter than you muhammad
Come home white man
Yes. you probably look like pic related
Go back to Jow Forums
no way it's that precise. you're for sure 20% nigger sorry
Well at least I'm not jewish or black.
Tangentially related: my dog is a legit mutt
My great grandfather emigrated from Switzerland so it makes sense.
99% European, 98% Northwestern European
Fucking 23andme, saying I'm 0.8% Ashkanazi.....
My grandmother is finnish, her husband was swedish.
My fathet was german and irish.
All 4 FOB.
Im autistic.
amerimutt reporting in
my dad is a southern italian so i'm only half white
idk borderline my mother is a white cuban so im assuming ancestry from spain
really doesnt since swiss blood isnt unique enough to genetically seperate/identify from their french/german neighbors. maybe you can distinguish between a st.gallen or appenzel from a italian or a ticino from a german but beyond that no way in hell. that test is fucking with you. and your grandfather was a retard
I love these threads...
somebody in your family tree shouldve been swinging from a branch instead of getting it on with great grandma
>proud of being an anglo cuck
the absolute state of the amerimutt lmao
yo i've been looking for that pic but with a creepy smile, any sauce on it? also i'm trying to find this game where you go down this shaft but it has stairs and shit, and at the bottom theres like a monster dude. sorry if i'm rambling
100% arab
>posts factual data about the genetics of Switzerland
>gets called a kike by a mutt
this board
guarantee you dont even know where the cantons i mentioned are mr "muh heritage swiss" you nigger poser eigenossen are the worst
if only you could edit images in some tpe of porgram
What a freakin joke when I see you post about decadency and ethnic cleansing when you are already a part of the problem mutt
Only a certain part of Europe could bypass the problem but we also disapear with our share of African migrants
Our masters have won, we will vanish
How is this related to politics? kys
6th great gma was an escaped slave sometime in the 1780s
Leave America then. Join the EU.
mutt threads deserve to be not only deleted but anyone who posts them should get a month long ban. You are the cancer killing Jow Forums.
That's not so bad, you probably look white as fuck
>its not the plebbit colony /ptg/
>its not the endless eceleb posts
>its not blacked threads
its the threads shaming race mixing that are killing pol. spoken like a true muttmad mutt
>mutt threads deserve to be not only deleted but anyone who posts them should get a month long ban. You are the cancer killing Jow Forums.