Russian commies in Latvia

Russian commie scum in Latvia protesting.

As you can see most of them had red flags and balloons. Just like some kind of antifa rally.

Here's a facebook video of a Russian communist protest in Riga, Latvia 2 days ago. They were protesting against education in Latvian language 26 years after the collapse of the USSR - they have been so dumb that they couldn't learn the language.


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Other urls found in this thread:

Don't let the cancer spread user. For your ancestors.

That guy who had pro-Latvian sign, commies broke it and then surrounded him from all sides.

Remind me of something out of Charlottesville..

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Average commie scum in Latvia.

Sadly most of the Russian population are like this..

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suicide squad

It's also interesting that this protest was organized by a Russian kike (((Tatjana Zdanoka))).

It's a very typical tactic for commie kikes to divide society.

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Here's more of this rat kikess.

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i'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that the "commie" russians are way more based than normie latvians in urban centers

>Garina said the situation is similar in Latvia. "I hate to generalize and call the Russian-speaking part of society more homophobic than the rest," she cautioned. "That is of course a huge generalization, and there’s plenty of homophobes amongst ethnic Latvians as well. But the fact is, sadly, the Russian-speaking community is largely living in Russia's media space — which is still freely available in Latvia — and the overwhelming propaganda machine is, of course, working. We’ve witnessed a lot more aggression and anger from the Russian-speaking part of the society in terms of LGBT rights."

I support based Russians against Latvi-fags

Absolutely disgraceful

ive seen the video but couldn't understand what they were saying. what did the sign say and whats the problem with ruskies?

That's because you're a communist... That's very obvious.

Based Latvians killed off scum like you.

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The sign said:

"Nezināt valsts valodu, kurā dzīvo, var ciemiņš, idiots vai okupants, kurš uzspiež savu valodu."

which means:

"Only a tourist, idiot or an occupant who forces his own language can not know the language of the country they live in"

Something like that..

Here's an article in latvian:

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So they're Soviet patriots. I can't stand when patriotism is distorted in such a way to be associated with political leanings. Same with ameridumbs and mah freedums or polaks and ''antinazi-anticommie nationalism''.

gotta protect latvias dignity and also its fag minister of foreign affairs amirite

latvian kikes are now afraid someone is going to take away all they have stolen and send them to gulag

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Here's the organizer

>gotta protect latvias dignity and also its fag minister of foreign affairs amirite

fag minister is a shitlib who supports equality, inclusiveness and rapefugees.

this has nothing to do with fag minister.

>Same with ameridumbs and mah freedums or polaks and ''antinazi-anticommie nationalism''.

This was a totally different case. that guy was holding the sign was from some far-right organization, he was the only one who dared to do that. National Alliance are too big of a pussies to do that kind of stuff.

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Garina is already on the judas watch.

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And btw, Garina is a Russian last name. She's a Russian who know Latvian language.

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Haven't jews been all over Europe in the 19th and 20th century before pogroms happened?...

There certainly are many of you in Latvia.

Like who?

Why are you hiding behind Jewropean Jewnion flag?

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why are you hiding in a jewropean jewnion country? latvia is an historical aberration caused by jewish divisiveness. it should not exist and will not exist in 40 years.

Starting with you and your family. Are many of your friends and coworkers from Israel moving back?

pol is now full of kike shills...

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that is a very primitive strategy, rebbe

Is that a mutt? Or is just a ugly commie?

That is slav.

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Holly fucking shit