Any anons here with kids? Do you send them to public schools...

Any anons here with kids? Do you send them to public schools? Wife is knocked up and I dont want to have my kid indoctrinated at school by commie leftists

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What's with the undercover pedo fetish?

It's worse than a pedo fetish, it's yellow fever.

That woman is like 45

Just be vigilant with their school assignments and talk to them about any adults they talk to. Once had a teacher trying to lead a classroom in prayer while another one told them if Trump became President he was going to kill every brown child in the classroom. They're all retarded, but if you hold them accountable they can't do shit.

When it is time to have kids I am moving to Eastern Europe or Asia.

Post the next segment OP. I need to know if there is a feminine penis.

Yeah but when they get to a certain age it's hard to keep them from being programmed. Look at the types of normies coming out of schools today.

Actually considering moving back to Vietnam with my wife.

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There isn't, that's a real woman

Wish I had it, sorry bro.

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Homeschool or private.
Unless you live in a really good district. Also, remember teachers are all leftists that couldn't make it in the job they really wanted.

Isn't homeschooling illegal?

I have two kids and sent them to public school and they turned out just fine.

You have to user.

They need the oppurtunity to choose their own path. Without the socialization school offers, they'll be fucked regardless of indoctrination anyways.

she looks like an asian ivanka

imagine not all women are white and look like trash when they hit 30s and actually keep a youthful look even when old

I home school

Yup, I really think thats where the most radical useless leftists go, that's why I'm afraid.

Where do you live? What's your racial demographic in your area? Define "just fine".

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Oldfag here. I homeschool my kid mainly because I live in rural Texas and the closet school is pretty far but also to avoid all the degeneracy in public schools. Look into "homeschool cooperative" in your area there should be a group close by.

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Your kids will almost certainly be kek'd without socialization.

Good luck and godspeed anyways, I wish the best for them.

Depends where you live. I teach at a public school in Central Florida. Most teachers are Christians and almost all openly laugh at SJW insanity. I grew up in Chicago and there were some insane liberals teaching utter nonsense

>Without the socialization school offers
School fucked me up, don't listen to this fool.

>Actually considering moving back to Vietnam with my wife.

Not to mention the education in Eastern Europe and Asia is superior.
The American curriculum is designed to babysit blacks and Latinos who still fail while smart kids have to sit through Holocaust and slavery classes.

I'm in AZ, so I'm surrounded by leftist spics, so private or home school's gonna be the only option unless we move back to Vietnam. I will look into that though thanks txanon.

Thanks man

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SO true. Homeschool kids either turn out to be social retards, or become rebellious degenerates once they get their first taste of freedom.

My kids go to school in a suburban area with a white majority, but with other races mixed in as well. My oldest is 22, intelligent, married, and already has a good job. You just need to take an active role as a parent, keep an eye on what they are being taught, and not be afraid to teach them valuable life lessons along the way. School isn't the nanny raising your children. Be active in their lives and they turn out well.

School made me hate socializing. It also gave me zero loyalty or alliance to peers.

You can send your kid to

Hahahaha I crack myself up
silly goyim

And there are kids so badly bullied they become NEETs and drug addict antisocial robots.

Asian women look like aliens or some shit

I'm just here to cure the Yellow fever...

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There always have been. Instill good values in them and that is much less likely to happen. Kids who turn into NEETs are almost always enabled to start doing so by their weak or apathetic parents.

Your kid should probably still go to school and learn some social skills at the bare minimum. Good experiences/bad experiences are very important for the growth of the child - especially in the early years.

Just make sure you listen to your kid whenever they tell you about "how was your day at school" to see if they were taught commie shit.

Depends on the school district and the age. Grade school is pretty harmless, although they do spend an inordinate amount of time on stupid shit like black history. Just pick someone like Colin Powell or Larry Elder for your kid to research to fully piss off the teacher.

YOU need to be the primary educator of your child. By that I mean enrichment activities like a list of vocabulary words to expand their speaking ability, discussing cutting edge science technology like genetic engineering, and DEFINITELY teach them logic, rhetoric and debating so that they can see through the BS. Have mock debates over dinner, winner gets a chocolate bar. Sometimes the stupid SJW stuff they are taught in school is an EXCELLENT launching point to discuss the issue and administer red pills for older kids.

Going to school with 'disadvantaged' kids (provided your kids are in the excel or GATE class) is also a fantastic life red pill. Good to show them how NOT to be, instead of sheltering them so they grow up to be libtards.

>having kids just before the Great Collapse
Just fuck my shit up senpai.

It varies very much from school to school, you should check it out. You still have a few years to find a good school.

That's why I chose not to get one. You can't escape the kike nazis so breeding isn't an option, you will end up with a bugman terrorist or a satanist slut. Have fun.

FORGET the fucking whatever, post SAYCE

GATE can backfire and give them a sense of entitlement and superiority where it is unearned.

2bh this is the case for all women, make up makes even the most hideous of women look hot

Not in the U.S. Maybe in some states and there are rules about how to homeschool in others. Like the child may have to test with the public school.

OP here. My wife is Vietnamese. So I'm afraid of having a small elliot Rodger too. So socializing is going to be important. I'm thinking of just going back to Vietnam. I got 5 years to get out of here.

I know I worry about that too man.

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Theres a distinct lack of sauce talk going round.


It doesn't pay off these days. You can aswell stay playboy and not contribute to the downfall of civ

Trying to seize the means of her reproduction?

Saying school socializes children is like saying prison socializes adults. Sure some kids do well in school but others are tortured or ostracized.

private school mate, ur kid should be smart enough for a scholarship

>Only asians have make up


How many mass shooters were homeschooled and how many went to public school?


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I took my kids out after 2nd grade. No regrets. They are red pilled and are completely socialized and can have normal conversations with adults. They also know more about the world than most kids. With all the endless programs now online it’s easy to homeschool.

If I manage to raise a kid, I'll send them to local school, because degneracy has not reached our education system yet.

Now give us the source for the love of God.

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Private or good home schooling is far better that public schools atm. Doing private school here. It's very expensive for me, but the results are unbeatable.

This is probably true. My parents chose to let television and the government raise me. Then they wonder why I never call.

Iowa is very homeschool friendly. Don't go with public schools. You will end up with a basedboy or worse

Spent 6 years pointing my son through private Catholic school at $4,800 a year.
Find out that the school accepts state aid (N.Y.) and in return works off state text books with state tests...pushes slavery education over constitution...almost all teachers are dumb broads leftists that are waiting to get into the public school system.
Catholic church in America getting cucked by new pope...can't even criticize two lesbians having kid in the school.

Build new house in better school district, and send kid to public school this year. More men teachers. Some of them based. But all in all, it's the same damn school system minus morning prayer and church service in holy days of obligation.

I have always stayed on top of what they teach and have to re-teach to correct the record and make sure he is taking the red pill.

Its a constant struggle no matter where your kid grows. But if you stay active and engaged, the kid will have a chance

How much?

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Some kids are disabled and would just kill themselves if kicked out.


Send them to Catholic School. Everyone in my family went to one besides myself who was public the whole way and they all turned out much better academically than I ever did. If you're really worried about them not functioning in the real world then maybe send them to public school for high school if you have a good quality public school system in your area but catholic school will give them a much better baseline education and values than public ever will. I currently work at a catholic school and seeing how the kids are treated both in kindness and with discipline is really something else. Public school sucks because the teachers have so little control over students, I wasted DAYS of my life there because some shit kids would hold up the class because they were acting out and being vocal about their own problems when they should have just been working. In catholic school, you either get with the program or you're gone as far as I'm concerned. I went to public school in Syosset, NY which is jew central with a large asian and indian population, blue ribbon school system and lots of programs for kids but school life there was toxic and degenerate.

There are many NEETs with helicopter parents that paid attention to them all day. So it isn't necessarily true.

This. Almost all of the AES kids had this mentality of being superior. They ate up the programs and always stressed over getting good grades so they could get into a good college. It was kind of sickening. I get that they want to do well, but all they were doing was testing well. It's not like they were learning anything.

You're polish your country has been degenerates day one

>mfw want to have kids in the future
>not sure where to raise them as UK is utter shithole

>breeding with a gook
Not even a high iq jap, gtfo of here, hope your kid eternally suffers.

Elliot Rogers was not a problem because of the school system. Elliot Rogers was a problem because his family did not love him. His dad was overly sexual with his stepmom. His mom and stepmom both neglected him. He grew to resent women and thought that status would buy him a woman just like it did with his dad. Read his manifesto. He did not grow up in a loving household.

Come to Aus mate, we got degeneracy here, buy you are on a whole new level in bongland.

>Do you send them to public schools
Of course not, that'd be child abuse.

Yeah no public school for them. Private school only. Blacks have ruined the education system. They are disruptive and create a poor learning environment.

I went to school with them, so I know first hand. I will skrimp and save to keep my kids being exposed to that shit.

Thank you for your input, Schlomo Sanchez, however, this is not sauce

hopefully better than this shitter

why would you say that?

Fuck that sucks man. But not surprising. New pope or not, Catholics are usually pretty degenerate in my personal experience dealing with them.

See above. No offense, bro.

No regrets, my wife has helped me a lot in my life and is the most selfless person I know.

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I have two kids in public school

> I live in a congressionally conservative district
> still have Marxist liberals trying to indoctrinate kids
> still have racists blaming everything on White people
> still does it matter because I raise my kids right
> be involved
> Talk to them like adults about everything
> never use emotion to explain political issues
> Let them tell you all of their thoughts and don’t judge
> teach them that until they are running their own company they are going to have to put up with idiotic bosses and idiotic teachers
> and my god man don’t let them be on social media and put them in at least one sport
> tell them you expect A’s in all of their classes but if they get some B’s don’t chew them out about it

Whatever side you present to your children is the side they will turn into. Never show them this side of you who comes across as a worried little pussy.

Also, and this is very important....

> Constantly write scathing letters about teachers you have a problem with
> this takes time, energy, and effort
> make them Anonymous with no return address sent from the post office
> never tell them who you are
> never put anything in the letter that could help identify your children
> Sometimes you might need to wait until next semester when your child does not have that teacher before you write a letter
> sometimes hand write the letter, other times type the letter, but do your best to never let your identity be known or else they will take it out on your children
> my favorite LARP when writing to the administrators is that I am a single mother with serious health concerns and that the stress of having a racist or liberal indoctrinating teacher is starting to affect my health in an extremely negative way and that I might have to sell my house to enroll my child in a private school (they hate that)

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About $1100 per month. All school supplies provided. Plus uniforms, homemade lunch, transport. Being reading major chapter books by the end of 1st grade.
>Challenger Schools

>Without the socialization school offers,
Thats a load of bullshit.
>if you don't send your kids to public schools they'll never have any socialization
This is some next level statism.

So we should have tard schools. Why complicate things?

If your wife won't stay home and raise plus home school them, then you are just another example of putting your dick in the wrong hole.


It is possible to "inoculate" them, especially girls. They won't start learning about much in the way of pozz until 4th grade when they start learning state history,. Chances are some injuns got BTFO'd, and your kids are going to hear about it, the implication being whites are evil.

First, you need to have laid the groundwork. This is very easy with girls, because little girls worship their daddies. Nurture that relationship, and as they're growing up, tell them stories you'll have of when they were babies--all the stuff you did. And LOVE them. Know what's going on in their world day-to-day. Can't overstate this. If you're a part of their every day experience, they won't get in with the wrong crowd, and if they do, you'll be the 2nd to know. With a little effort, little girls will knee-jerk be very uncomfortable doing something their dad won't like (at least until a certain age maybe? not there yet). Even a shit dad has a grace-period up until 12-13.

So, when you start hearing about the tip of the pozz iceberg, they'll be ready for babby's first race-realism. Remember that humans are naturally tribal, and not only that, diversity fucking sucks, so you don't have to con them into anything.


I spent that entire webm being scared a penis was going to flop out

Where is your school system? Round abouts

But the non makeup side looks way better. Makeup makes bitches look hideous.

I live in Texas in a university town. we have some of the best public schools in the nation, although they are very diverse. My son has special needs so he probably gets more help there than he would in a private school and I couldn't home school him so it is my best choice. He is already naturally redpilled on race at 12.

2 kids here. I send them to public school but I live in a wealthy white right-leaning suburb. I can't imagine what I'd do if I lived elsewhere - probably move.

absolutely devilish, checked

I live in West Phoenix Arizona.

Yeah, schools that give hardly education at all so your perfect child who tortures kids in school doesn't have to be annoyed.

who dat?

Some public schools are better than others. If your kid is smart and in a big city they can get into better public schools. If you live in the sticks you're k-12 is going to be completely useless and good luck with your dumb kid scoring well on standardized tests.
But jnfortunately, elite private schools are really the only k-12 schools with good, high paid teachers and students who aren't all as dumb as... well, the public. Unless you have $30,000+ to spend each year on your kid's k-12, they are going to get slave training and nothing else. That is why 100% of ruling class kids go to expensive k-12.

teach hierarchy and higher standards from the moment they can understand. The opportunity arises naturally.
>well, that kid gets away with throwing food and you can't because you're smarter than they (it helps that your white child will be smarter than some other kids at the playground).
It's true that nigger children really behave badly much like nigger adults, so you're in luck! Use them as examples, and compare your child favorably to them. When your child can hear, tell your wife how shitty "those gross animals" were at the playground, and how smart your kid is to avoid them. The prophecy is self-fulfilling.

anyone reading? I'll write more if so

Try a hundred and forty five.
Asians are immortal.

user with 5 kids here. Private school is worth every penny, Catholic schools are preferable imho. Just have to find the schools without crazy Catholic liberals, which tbqh is most outside of the NE US.

I unironically prefer the no make up side and basically you're a faggot with fucked up standards from watching too much porn.

>> my favorite LARP when writing to the administrators is that I am a single mother with serious health concerns and that the stress of having a racist or liberal indoctrinating teacher is starting to affect my health in an extremely negative way and that I might have to sell my house to enroll my child in a private school (they hate that)



I have a son in the first grade, I shit you not his class is 90% muslim, every type of Muslim you can think of too. I didn't want to send him to a public school but its at the end of our block and it's actually pretty uncucked compared to the other schools around

Yes. So gar it's been easy to keep him on the right track, but he's in 2nd grade so they don't get much indoctrination lies. Just make sure your children have more trust in you. Never lie to them and be open with them; put time in with them and explain things and talk to them like they're a human and never talk to them as if they're a dog. No need to over simplify things, kids are very smart and if they don't understand a word or something, explain that to them too.

Trust, time l, effort and love is how you will overcome the conditioning your child will go through. Bestow on them critical thinking skills so that they can spot a lie or straight garbage coming from their teachers.

Where the fuck do you live?

Is that incel heaven user? They all look great.