Are elephants /ouranimal/?

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They are capable of remembering peoples and know to stay away from ones with bad behaviours. E.g. Elephants will flee from people who look/sound like their enemies, and run to 'good people' for help (without direct experience, ie based on some communication from other Elephants.)

Pretty based tbqh

>not being woke about turtles

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Praise Ganesha tbqh.

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Let me know when our boy George fucks up a Muslim refugee camp and we can talk.

no, the shark is /ourguy/

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Don't shark bite white people usually? Niggers can't swim. My vote goes to the crocodile.

Are the muslims still being removed? Haven't read about them for a while now.

Sounds racist.

> sharks eat niggers swimming across the mediterranean

i sense meme energy in based ganesh. may his dexterous trunk guide us all

elephants are showing better survival instincts than vikings. worrying times

All the best animals are :^)

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Mate if we appropriate elephants and Ganesh that would be brilliant. Especially as the left has such a hard on for elephants at the moment.

He can't he's dead, died about 6 years ago now.

kek smiles upon your hitler digits and passes the torch to based ganesh

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88 as well dammmmmmm

need some based elephant memes m8.

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an elephant never forgets that the Rohingya are subhumans who all deserve to die

nope, it's still doggers

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did David Attenborough say that?

Of course dogs are a given, but ele be new on the scene