If you're wondering who's behind destroying the Boy Scouts

Do I even need brackets?

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Burn the witch

just shut (((it))) down ffs its just a pedophile ring anyway



gas the kike

The Boy Scouts are committing suicide. Is there even any resistance from within?
Now all the trads will decline to join, hardly any onions children will join, and the “scouts” will cease to exist.

>Is there even any resistance from within?
You'd think there would be, but look at how many companies, schools, and other organizations just go along with the progressive/anti-white agenda. It's very rare that people take a stand against it.

mental slavery


well for starters the mormon church which I believe was the biggest sponsor of BSA has dumped them. All the eagles from my troop (myself included) are no longer participating in events / donations

Every person who was involved in scouting that I know included are furious. They're going to end up a organization with a bunch of corporate sponsors but no members. And they'll cheapen what it means to be an Eagle Scout in the meanwhile.


Boy (((Scouts))) is dying anyway because nobody has time to spend hours doing crafty projects with their kids twice a week and all day on Saturday. Being a scoutleader is tremendously time consuming and the stupid shitty regulations and classes you need to take to be a parent leader are retarded. Sure there will still be church groups and hard core outdoor enthusiasts that will carry on, but the entire organization has been shrinking DRASTICALLY over the last decades. Like, 90% I would guess. Plus, the diverse crowd just doesn't get scouting. You think Paco or Tyrone is going to be a scout? Paco won't because it will remind him too much of his early childhood south of the border gathering firewood to cook. Tyrone won't because, well you all know why.

Scouts was dead anyway, this is just the final (((spit))) on it's grave.

t. Kids were in scouts from 2004-2009


Shes making it less gay. It was previously the gayest club in america, now its not. I applaud her. If any boyscout managed to come out strait, they were incels anyways.

they're rich people not affected by this

/mu/ related

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i'm so surprised by this

I was in Boy Scouts we were already bad as fuck, starting fires, killing shit, beating people up, smoking weed drinking, being mean to kids. ad chicks to the mix. what could go wrong
>this is fine.jpeg

I completely understand why they used to burn women at the stake now.

Always an overweight Jewish woman. Big fat overbearing bitches

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Every fucking time!

1. Women are the Jews Hitler warned you about.
2. That's the least Jewish looking woman I've seen today.

Jow Forums has the largest concentration of eagles I think on the entire internet. I don't know a single left wing eagle.

I bet you $50 she was a teen mother and fucked up her life early on. Now she is out to destroy the society that shamed her.

Sounds like you had a shit troop. We had parent "leaders" that didn't take any training at all and went on camp outs and all sorts of stuff with us. if you wanted to go or help you just went.

I bet you $100 she's childless and incel.

eagle meant something when it was a Christian conservative leadership development organization.

what does it stand for now? they destroyed it, its a YMCA summer camp now.



Fat ugly kike on her period?

Start your own thing

Probably says something about self improvement and politics. Got mine in 2010

No wonder you faggots never get pussy. Too afraid of cooties

I was never a boyscout. I thought anything with a uniform was dumb and gay when I was a kid. So I defer judgement to actual scouts.

i wouldnt want to at this point. All the pedo scandals and political correctness would sap the life out of it. Best just to look after your own children

Its bullshit. They could have just accepted that theres no demand filor girl scouts instead of trying to destroy the boy scouts like this

BUT BUT - why was her position even allowed to be created in the 1st place? It's not just her... there are other people at the top who would have agreed/contribooted to her new title/job/power.

I was a scout as a little kid, never went very far with it, but it was fun.
This is fucking moronic

That explains a lot if the Mormons dumped them.

But from my understanding there's competing organizations that have gained a ton of support as the BSA has lost its way.

Which is the reason the BSA are trying to do this shit like opening themselves up to girls. They're desperate for new members since they've been losing so many after enacting their more liberal policies.

Who are the loser men bowing to the dictates of a woman?

>Massive pedo organization falls apart
Yeah we don't care.

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>blonde, blue eyed kike
What could this mean?

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They exist, jews are notorious gene thieves

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The boy scouts ended over 30 years ago, when most of it's leaders were outed as gay child molesters. The Gay Scouts continued to use the name boy scouts.

They're everywhere

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Digits she gets a seizure

when i was a young lad, i lived in the sort of household that waters down tomato sauce. when my mum sent me off to the scouts i didn't want to speak to anyone or do anything because i thought it was gay.
going up to the glens and singing by the bonfire and finding dead sheep in the crevices between the rocks i remember more clearly than 10000 days squandered on video games and weed.

>when your culture needs strategy officers

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"Ivanka-kins, give him a job."

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when did you realize that the older scouts jammed those sheep between the rocks?


Are they making up positions for meme degrees? Sad!

he said 'she', not 'you'. i get that people have shit going on in their lives but the hair trigger temper and reactivity is what gives us a bad reputation.

jej, they must have been playing 4d chess because it was rotten as fuck. i took the skull because i was an edgy poorfag and it stank out the entire barracks XD

If girls start getting into hiking i dont know what ill do. Ill juat die inside, can you imagine? Girls going around outside tying knots? Oh i think im gonna be sick

Girls have their own organization. Which coincidentally isn't allowing boys in or changing it's name.

shit looks like the dumb squad is here

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the sheep were wedged between the rocks ass out
the lads took turns one after another having their way with the defenseless sheep
you visited later in the season, and came upon the sheep remains, taking a skull as a trophy

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>Girls have their own organization.
The Girl Scouts are the larges SJW organization in the world.
If you need likes on facebook, or 10 million followers on twitter overnight, contact them about pushing your agenda. Their rates are reasonable... free of course, if you are non-white male.
I'm not allowed to comment about their disliking, down voting, or hate crimes they commit.

I'm not sure what the fuck you're on about but apparently you couldn't tell the point I was making.

>Girls should change the Girl Scouts, or make a new organization. Not change the Boy Scouts.

you go straight to hell

I'm going to inflict this on the entire thread because you reminded me youtube.com/watch?v=fvozYm3S-kw

Girl scouts are a cookie selling business user, they are unrelated things.
But yes, keep fighting to keep boys AWAY from girls as much as you can, especially if they need older men to take them in the woods to accomplish this task. Whatever we do, we can NOT let girls have access to these experiences, that is very important.

if that's true how come there was no stale cum on my knob after i fucked it?

>they are unrelated things.
>make a new organization. Not change the Boy Scouts.

It's almost like I already covered that. Women want to invade and alter male "spaces", for lack of a better word, and organizations without ever doing the same, and I'm tired of it.

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you used the wrong hole


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This is a disaster for child fuckers. Little girls are notorious tattle tales.

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It's confusing to you because the both have scouts in the name. I understand that makes your peanut brain think there is some kind of dichotomy, but there isnt.

Boyscouts use public resources, girl scouts do not. Thats why boyscouts always has these problems with discrimination. If someone made a private boyscouts, they could keep their group as gay as they want! But nobody does, because the only people that would care enough to take boys only into the woods are pedophiles like yourself.

What the fuck does that job title even mean? Sounds like some stupid shit a woman made up.

>Boyscouts use public resources, girl scouts do not.
That sure is convenient, almost by design it seems. Really makes one ponder.

What movie is this from? Looks familiar

>Boyscouts use public resources, girl scouts do not.

Citation needed

those cookies aren't gonna bake themselves.

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Are there any alternatives to the now "Scouts?" I wanted to put my future son through that program and now that that's ruined I don't know

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The Army

the troops were only as good as the members were willing to make it. when I first joined the troop was the best in the local area, the scoutmasters were either ex-military or active national guard and many of the parents were willing to provide vehicles, trailers, equipment, etc. in the last third of my time in scouts the troop began to fall to shit because incompetent people and women were the only ones willing to take control after the experienced eagles moved away and the vet scoutmasters stepped down and moved away. all that was left were kids with ADD and 56%ers when I said fuck it and left.

They use school resources.

Idk im sure you can find another pedophile to take your son into the forest away from girls.

Imagine my shock. Fucking (((Bitch)))

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>If any boyscout managed to come out strait, they were incels anyways.
I smell projection

I left the scouts in 2009. And Tyrone would love the scouts since it'll be good to teach him something for him to learn when he gets shipped back to africa

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>when you're a Libertarian and you don't want to like Hitler but jews make that im-fucking-possible

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I know two lefty eagles.
One was a friend in high school. He went complete commie degenerate.

Good one leaf I keked

Take a bath with a toaster

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>I smell projection
Then you better take a shower because it sounds like you got some all over yourself

Goddammit why, why would you do that.

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Wow it's almost as if it's done so boys can form a friendship and bond with each other. And then later in life being able to have a place where you can do something with the guys that isn't degenerate and the pressure of looking like an idiot or embarrassing yourself in front of females is lifted allowing you to be you.

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Join us user

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tfw my parents never put me in any sort of sports of scout programs

The whole reason youre embarrassed around girls is because youre out bonding with boys in gay little nerd clubs, like the boyscouts.
Between dressing like fags and being molested, your primy concern is if a girl is hiking near them. Lmao, absolutely pathetic

>If I insult it instead of debating it then I win.
It's not like there was a time period when the Boy Scouts were actually good

Check her LinkedIn profile-
She's also worked for the US Treasury and Homeland Security


T. shill

Take a second to obsorb how fucking pathetic it is to be upset about this dumb fucking shit. Meaningless outrage about nothing

That it's a woman is more telling than her being jew.
Women can be more detrimental for society than kikes when it comes to feminism.

One of these days you fucks are going to mass-trigger dudes who feel they have nothing left, and rather than killing themselves, you're going to be dealing with thousands of serial killers.

You best read up on your history, fucktard. You're in for a baaaaad ride.
And me, being an outlaw who loves money, I'll be more'n happy to supply incels and other assorted broken fucks with explosives or stimulant drugs to make their attacks far more damaging and their minds far more insane.

Money's money, honey.

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Let's be realistic. Boy scouts has been in the shitter for 20 years thanks to all the mongoloid downs kids being the social face of boy scouts. The molestations and faggots were just nails in the coffin.

Adding girls isn't going to lower anyones opinion of scouting because we've all been avoiding tardscouts for years

can i get a qrd on what's happening with the scouts?