You are now manually aware that this is the face of a future First Lady

You are now manually aware that this is the face of a future First Lady

Attached: kim-kardashian-at-cannes-lions-festival-in-cannes_1.jpg (1200x1800, 249K)

Other urls found in this thread:

If she First Lady’s like she can suck a dick, she’ll do just fine

Kim is the origin of the /shitted/ myth

welcome to the jewish america

Attached: eb1.jpg (1024x768, 391K)

Seems improbable, but fine by me - that'll spell the doom of the country, which is what I want.

>year 2020
>Jow Forums has a Kanye West general thread

I saw posters of this whore and her fat sisters plastered over elevators in my city today. I'm sick of seeing her and her Down syndrome husband's faces everywhere.

Not the first lady. Second Lady.

Attached: 1499226016554.jpg (1269x1152, 648K)

Trump/West 2024

Attached: 1503582914862.webm (720x1080, 381K)

>supporting non-Whites in politics let alone in the country
Conservatives truly are just as anti-White as liberals.

Attached: daniel-2-image.png (1724x1149, 1.12M)

Still better than Michael Obama

and you are now breathing manually.
fuck off

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just look at his stupid gay face

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>I support niggers being president just as long as I like them
...the fucking state of nu/pol/

I think he's gonna split with the Kardashians within a year or so. Watch him settle down with Candace Owens. Now that's a first lady nigger I can get behind

>those saggy tits
>that beat-up vag from having multiple kids
No thanks

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The absolute state of the muriland.

>thinking that the Jews don't control both parties and they don't want you to support another non-White president.

she's so fucking hot I don't know what you're talking about.

>Race traitor Jew
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>hurr durr I'm a Republican Capitalist Conservative

she looks blacker with every day's passing

If Kayne is truly red pilled he and kim will be done in 16 months.

How did Kanye even end up married to that goblina?

I do not care about Kanye but they do not seem like they would be a match at all. It feels like some kind of a kike-arranged marriage for the media.


El ass del mongrelito

Attached: K2.jpg (2048x1536, 232K)

>she's so fucking hot

Attached: kardashian ass.jpg (1280x1500, 478K)

meant to be

Everyone loves a good comeback story

Just saying.

If he's every bit the nigger like other niggers he stays with her.

But if he's starting to have higher brain function he starts banging candice owens.

I've never been into Kanye but I really think he is receiving the PlusUltra Transmission from beyond and is now polarized into the side of GOOD.

Basically kanye is going against hollywood, pizzagate, media, mental enslavement and the General establishment.
>redpilling an entire Liberal Bastion

This is a good thing and THEY want to silence this...
>hard to find Entire unedited interview

This is another TOOL and method we have to expose the world to the CABAL!!!

You will Enjoy this... kinda long but school is in session so sit down and get LEARNED

The cosmic great awakening is happening and WE ALL FEEL IT

Attached: 1525002703102.jpg (625x419, 31K)

>hurr durr I'm a Republican Capitalist Conservative
lol, would this be called an "Ad Strawmanem"?

You're a cancer.

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While you guys have a point I think you are overlooking things a little bit. Divorce is degenerate, it comes from hell, even Trump knows this which is why he redeemed himself and turned his life over to a higher power. Now yes in most cases it would be preferable to race-mixing anyway, it is a mental illness/perversion & besides maybe the 0.0001% who might have a john smith romance it needs to be discouraged and basically stamped out the way they're doing with gay bigotry type shit, however, he is a public figure and if he becomes in government he cannot be sending any more bad signals to the American people as we try to become a healed nation. In a more racially sane America, the mixed peoples may organize in more health ways and we would be able to put them in a place to help their communities, in this case, the Kanye West children may be in a better position to lead them to their promised land than the alternative figures the left and the pointy nosed people who run american will be throwing at them. Unless Kardashian is like a satan worshipper or something. In any case, you can be redpilled and still step in doo doo earlier in your life even if it is rare.

None of that makes this timeline any better but I am just pontifriciating.

How many % is she on, 30-35?

I am now fully aware that OP is a huge faggot.

Attached: Gay Lord Identified.gif (720x480, 126K)

u mean like
>> 170469058

duh it’s what i fucking voted for!

trump only hires the best!

(((javanka))) will be gone in a few months after the election!

im not tired of winning!

what have you done for the movement!?