Multiculturalism > white ethnostate, prove me wrong

multiculturalism > white ethnostate, prove me wrong

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Other urls found in this thread:

>stolen meme
>too much text
>german flag
I think you proved yourself wrong amigo, but its okay, we all know what denazification did to you.
Aloha snackbar.

Attached: Progressives are Golems Made to Malfunction.jpg (1472x9336, 3.48M)

100% Turk confirmed

high res unedited

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Realpolitik-tier ethnic conflict is an inevitable side effect of multiethnic societies


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All of Chads friends end up being his slaves though

if every group in a society requires representation in government, then wouldnt multiculturalism necessarily cause some group or groups to become marginalized or to not have their needs met but instead only recieve a portion at most of the states attention (distribution of representation) ?

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Your argument
>open the borders so these different cultures can enrich us with ethnic foods

I hope you get raped till you die.

>implying any of them will retain their traditions and their society won't just become crass consumerism and walmarts

>multiculturalism good
let me stop you there friend, fascism is okay with multiracialism but not multiculturalism

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meme is retty good tho

America already proved you wrong.

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ala ackbar my brother

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The originator of this thread is either not white or worse, a traitor who has betrayed their mother & forgotten the fact of their father.
Report to link provided for establishment of purity

white but traitor.

This, but for Israel:

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diversity > multiculturalism
the lesser of two evils

this meme is true, my best friend is based black guy I met on csgo like 4 years ago

The merkel has gotten to you
Anyone who calls themselves "white nationalist" (or "alt-right" for that matter) is usually (((controlled opposition))) but white nationalists unaffiliated with that are alright, so long as they don't think Europe should be an unorganized mix of white people, it has to go down to ethnicities in terms of borders
I'm not even white but all this subversion against the people who brought so much to the world makes me sick

t. Mehmet Atatürk

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China town, little Italy, little Havana, etc.

People naturally want to be with their own.