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a quick face-check on google seems close enough, yeah.
Oliver Gutierrez
There are rumors of a european super liga in the near future. I hope the uefa is for once useful and implements this.
Robert Harris
nah everything related to FIFA is serious mafia stuff and they tend to continue their business model >t. a friend of mine works for the FIFA legal depatment - it's worse than you could ever imagine
Thank you. He seems to have been anything but a revisionist and yet this map doesn't quite fit the Generalplan.
William Myers
hm, can't find him with beard these things should be neatly repacked, hosted on some image hoster: one link - one single simple blatant thing ready to go for discussion in msm comment sections
Connor Wilson
imagine her with DD tits.
damn the nofap is getting really hard .... like the benis.
gives me an idea: how about we put some Anthrax on the Grimme-Pokal ?
or ask Jow Forums for some chlorine gas
Jack Perry
let's see if we can crash this with a little multi-culti sobering once shit goes like the (((ECHO)))-preis.
I mean its clear they only looked at the revenue those two rappers made and said "yeah they look quoten-negerisch enough, let's invite them" and suddenly one of them oy veys because he didn't feel included enough.
Serves them right. They only care about money, not about art and their multi-cultural approach hit the wall when they tried to invited a pursuer of entartete kunst.
Jonathan Cox
>now i'm confused That wasn't code or something. I literally planted 200 onions ( Stuttgarter Riesen)
kiddo that won't happen because you face fierce resistance from the ones that profit from the current system and you only find lurkwarm support from the once that could profit from the abolishment.
If you boykott the GEZ thats on you and you have to be ready to face some jailtime, meanwhile the GEZ gets Money from every fucking company and their motorfleet and they won't risk shit to support your nation wide boycott.
Look at Switzerland. They had the opportunity and they refused. Popular resistance is nonsense.
Only violence will rid us of this evil.
And look how opposed the AfD was when Akif Pertürkdings said the ÖR should be abolished. Then all these boomers argued like the boomers they are and the AfD wanted even more ÖR, but the good right wing ÖR this time.
Julian James
deal, 100k won't make a difference at this point
Brody James
thats barely enough clay to burry the shitskins in.
Luis Miller
Man I tried that shit a few years ago cause of Jow Forums. It was so disgusting I puked and felt like absolute shit for hours.
Elijah Evans
>haha, reported you
haha i raped your citizens
Leo Moore
>100k won't make a difference at this point Is it ok, that I want to cry after reading that?
Are there any shitskin-free zones in Germany right now?
Because I heard that there are tonns of them even in Dresden and Leipzig
Man I drank like 3 onions at once. The onion thing was semi big like 4-5 years ago on Jow Forums, or at least thats when I read some studies on it s positive effects.
Elijah Hughes
and just to say, boxing is not realy something to fight with, boxing is for matches and to challenge your ingroup counterparts with, its not good enough for fighting shitskins. Shitskins are realy bad at hand-to-hand combat and boxing will not cover enough to deal with them.
Eli Young
Why the fuck is kraut/pol/ compared to other threads God damn I love you german bros.
you are thinking like 99% of Michels, well maybe the more anarchic part of them but still what happens if all the wage slaves of a company collectively call in sick tomorrow? nothing much as Mr. Bossman would need to answer the phone himself and could close for the day because nobody will be there to do the work and he will make zero shekels will still having to pay them as this is completely within the law same for the GEZ if every citizen of even the smallest state would collectively not pay its fee you would throw a pretty big stone in their machinery, their administration would be busy for at least a decade doing all the paperwork and it would cost them a couple of millions in the progress will getting nothing in return you don't even need to escalate this to the point of risking prison time, leave alone there aren't enough lawyers, judges, cops or even prison cells in the whole country to accommodate the millions of people worst case would be they put you on home arrest which in turn means million of people not going to work, not paying income taxes and the shit goes on and on the problem with this country and its citizens is that they have no idea how much power they hold as a whole its funny that this is the first the niggers arriving here daily on a dinky comprehended
boxing is not a martial art so your statement doesn't mean anything. But your MMA stuff also is not martial arts. A martial art is where you kill or immobile your enemy. And why would anyone do that with punches when you can stab him.
its not the grappling, its the choking. A fight situation is not a one on one but something you have to come up with overwhelling force. For that boxing is good untill one is down and then the boxer makes the mistake to further use his arms or even kick at him.
And no, its not their size or their weight, they lack the mental ability for real hand-to-hand combat.
But anyway thats not what i was getting it. I asked him what he trained with not how actualy usefull it is in a fight. For that i just use a weapon.
Hunter Wood
"Generalstreiks" didn't go really well in the past
because strikes need to be organized and announced in advanced per law the fact alone that we have a law in place for this should give you an idea how much they fear people working towards a common goal
Parker Flores
>striking against your employment No. Never.
Lincoln Wilson
Germans aren't made for that. We aren't like the french people that strike all the time.
Caleb King
this is just more popular uprising fantasies and its exactly how a michel imagines "resistance".
You are better off shooting tax collectors then this.
Cameron Torres
If I went on an exchange should I go to Bavaria or Württemberg?
yeah i also find the idea silly as you could just as well get another job i worked for a big automobile manufacture during my university time and participated in a strike which means i got drunk all day and still got a pay raise which was cool but not really my idea of negotiating a salary
decades of collective shaming left a mark on the country and its citizens many such cases sad
you shooting a tax collector gets you a lot of Blaulicht, your face on ÖR and prison time a couple of thousand people doing so gets you chaos and chaos is what people fear the most, because you cannot predict it
>Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart is full of roaches and niggers by now
James Wright
Listen to Just go and speak to really stuck-up germans who want to pretend they're not german because they hate them now because they used to financially aid them, but now they are rich and hate us saupreisn.
Also: look at how the vote. Chosen people of germany my ass.
according to the saved image where we had 60% was 3 hours ago, the decrease is still there, but it stagnates (michels need to sleep as well to bash the fash and the llama-wool scarves are in the wash) so most of the normies are in bed right now huddling up in their blanket to some fencheltee.
there are situations where you do not have a weapon. You need experience in hand to hand if you want a chance of coming out alive. I hate people that say 'hurr durr weapons'. I'm saying boxing or MMA will make you superman. O'm saying it's not bad to have them as tools in your arsenal. Besides, you can choke an enemy to death and MMA teaches you that.
Brayden Fisher
yes, but totes votes amount? right, middle of night, so who would vote? spd cucks? cdu boomers? green stoners? nah online polls are giimick aidscancer anyway, but you get to study the behaviour of interest groups
Dylan Ortiz
Don't get me wrong, i love bavaria and i always wanted to see it myself, but this localized god-complex meme needs to get its teeth kicked in.
CSU is not le based just because seehofer speaks radical stuff during election-time and then is a good little doggie for merkel again.
Reminder: every vote for the CSU in your little Kaff ends up as vote for the CDU in all of germany and the CDU is the arrogant altpartei that got us in the mess you call us out for.
Luke Ramirez
if anything the shit moved by 1000 votes in the last couple of hours probably got posted on r/schulz
I visited Bavaria the last time in 2008 and even then cities like munich were flooded with shitskins. I can only imagine how bad it must be these days. The landscape is nice though especially when you come from the flat north.
boomermann the double agent. him, nah he only really cares about tingling his narcissism. but somewhere in his entourage, there must be fags who pushed him into it, fagy who knew full well it would desasterously crash. who?