Why do you still trust the Electoral College?

Why do you still trust the Electoral College?

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Popular vote marginalizes rural and suburban retards.


Actually the apportionment of electoral votes themselves gives smaller states more weight per citizen than larger ones.

Popular vote is just immigrant flow into a couple big cities who have been used to socially engineer election results.

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>land should matter more than people

it gives low population states more weight than large population ones.

Imagine seeing this map and thinking the DNC represents America.

It's only a matter of time until Republicans get the popular vote but lose the electoral and throw a massive hissy fit. I'm talking barricading the Oval, violence. Dems don't have the balls for it. That's when we get rid of the Electoral College.

This is a fact. The electorate college makes it harder for the dems to use the demographic war as a way to win power.

Yeah I guess that's probably a simpler way of saying it
>tfw long ass week

>Why do you still trust the Electoral College?
>rural and suburban retards
>le shareblue thread
College educated whites went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.

"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. Thus it was Hillary and the dems who get the the trash retard gibmedat vote. See pic related.

Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.


We are basically at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (immigrants, blacks, radicals etc.)

Just look at the demographics vs counties won.

It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.

Time is short.

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Their problem is that Whites overwhelming own the land

Seeing this map and purposefully ignoring population density.

The average normie is a turbosheep
Why the fuck should their vote matter
>lel truth changes if a majority of people say it should lel
Democracy is shit-tier government

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>user generated map
>meme flag

KYS faggot.


>engineer election results
That's exactly what they are trying to do.
What a coincidence.

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What a coincidence.

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Because of (Pic Related) it's all there is to say really.

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Not all people are equal of course.

All states should have to vote their electoral votes in proportion to the views of the voting population. California with 55 votes is all or noting and gives zero representation to the 33% of the population who hates retarded liberals.

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>muh democrat engineered voting population centers
Being a commie kike and ignoring

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can a place with lots of people and no land to grow food support itself? no.
can a place with a few people and lots of land to grow food support itself? yes.
The system appears to be functioning as intended.
What would happen if the high population states rebelled? --> nothing.
What would happen if the low population states rebelled? --> starvation.

>jewish opinion should matter more than The People

seeing this map and not understanding areas of high population density are fully dependent on the other places to not starve to death.

Once we accept California being counted we handicap ourselves more than necessary. They illegally brought all of these mestizos in. Now we must illegally not count their votes.

You realize if it just went off population, California would decide every single election?

population density doesn't matter because of state's ability to self govern still gives you power to change where YOU live and the different geopolitical/economic differences vary so what's good for California and New York isn't necessarily inciting to the rest of the Union of states and without them you don't have a workforce or middle class or basically anything. Electoral college is to protect from overpopulated states having dominion over the rest of the country.

Considering the current demographics, it's the only thing that creates a possibility for a Republican to win. Not for long though, once Texas turns blue it's gonna be useless.

It's completely necessary Mexicans don't know how to run a country.

It's not so much that republicans need to win, it's that the midwest and south need a fair say for their participation in the union, regardless of who they want to vote for, while the big cities are more likely never to change from blue the other states flip more often.

>Being upset about the electoral college
If it was a popular vote, what incentive would the less populated areas have for participating in things like paying taxes and producing food?

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>What would happen if the high population states rebelled? --> nothing
Actually, I think that a "blockaide" could cause starvation as well....More quickly then if a low population area "rebelled". Most major cities have enough food to last 1-4 days max. In the even that there is a revolt of any kind, influx of material goods would be the first thing to stop. Once that happens, you are forcing them to fight for what they believe or watch them begin to literally eat themselves to death.

It is a lose lose for big cities. They think they matter, but in the big scheme of things, they are just a drain on the entire system.

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yeah, of course
do you want to live in an overpopulated shithole rife with pollution and resource scarcity?
urbanization is cancer

How are American's so oblivious to what the kikes are TELLING YOU what they're going to do to you?

Are you that fat and stupid?

Notice the patchwork blue stripe along the Mexican border.

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