
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump returns to DC 5/4/18
>Pres Trump/VP Pence @NRA Convention 5/4/18
>Pres Trump arrives in Dallas TX 5/4/18
>VP Pence arrives @Love Field 5/4/18
>Pres Trump speaks 2press before leaving JBAndrews 5/4/18
>Pres Trump speaks 2press before leaving WH 5/4/18
>Pres Trump speaks to departs DC 5/4/18
>SoS Pompeo @Foreign Affairs Day 5/4/18
>SoS Pompeo @Foreign Serv Memorial Plaque Ceremony 5/4/18
>This Week @State 5/4/18
>VP Pence on EWTN 5/3/18
>DepAG Rosenstein @Lawyers for Civil Justice 5/3/18
>Pres Trump/VP Pence @Natl Day of Prayer 5/3/18
>VP Pence swears in Amb to Germ Grennel 5/3/18
>AG Sessions @Natl Sheriffs Assoc 5/3/18
>DHSSec Nielsen @Natl Sheriffs Assoc 5/3/18
>Rudy Giuliani on F&F 5/3/18
>PressSec Sarah on F&F 5/3/18
>UNAmb Haley @Manhattan Inst Awards 5/3/18
>PressSec Sarah talks to press outside WH 5/3/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 5/3/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:





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Thanks for baking, sorry for tbe barbs prev thread.

Gotta sleep now, see you guys! Don't hog all the happennings


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No worries m8. Cya

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6.9 mag earthquake in Hawaii and there's also volcanic eruptions. This is it.

Heather, NO!

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OP is dead

New baker needed for next thread

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based fishy poster

We're saving all the good ones until you leave.

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nn, dont be gay now

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>Resettlement programs close as U.S. accepts fewer refugees

>Nearly 20 U.S. Catholic refugee resettlement programs have closed in the past two years and dozens of others have scaled back their efforts because there are fewer refugees being admitted into the country, said Richard Hogan, director of resettlement services for Migration and Refugee Services, an arm of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

>The U.S. State Department authorized the resettlement of 85,000 refugees in fiscal year 2016.

>In fiscal 2017, it authorized 110,000, which began during the last year of the Obama administration. However, the State Department ended up permitting only 53,716 refugees to enter the country by the end of the fiscal year.


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So whatever happened with that caravan? where they let in?



So he has really come through on the muslim ban

Got it! Thanks!

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little poop? I’ll have you know I whoop the top poop, and I’ve been involved in numerous whoopy de scoop poops. I am trained in poop scoop and I’m the top whoop de di scoop in the entire US whoop forces. You are nothing to me but just another poop. I will wipe you the scoop poop out with precision the likes of which has never been scoop de woop before, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that poop to me over the Internet? Think again, woop. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of poop scoop woop across the USA and your poop is being traced right now so you better prepare for the scoop, poop. The scoop that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call poop. You’re fucking dead, woop. I scoop de woop de poop anywhere, anytime, and I can woop di scoop you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my scoop. Not only am I extensively trained in poop, but I have access to the entire scoop arsenal of the United States Woop de di poop Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable poop off the face of the woop, you little woop. If only you could have known what unholy poop your little “scoop” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your poop de woop. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn poop woop. I will poop fury all over you and you will scoop it. You’re fucking poop de scoop di woop, kiddo.

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53,716 too many desu

>“Unfortunately, classroom Holocaust education has not been as effective as we hoped it would be,” he said, citing a recent survey that found that many U.S. millennials lacked basic knowledge about the Holocaust. “[C]omic book stories offer a way to communicate these history lessons to students that might be more effective than some of the ways that have been used until now.”

>Adams said that need is especially urgent today.

>“Anyone who’s even paying attention to modern politics ought to be warned that if you do not study history, you’re doomed to repeat it,” he said. “We’re on the crux of some very difficult times, and a book like this is a good reminder.”

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Just let it leak to all Muslims that USA is home to elephants and they will be too scared to come

actually not me, nm

Call us when it hits California

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It was a paid photo OP by Soros. Nobody crossed

Remember that degenerates get the torch!

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Tucker needs to keep his evening news slot but also do a weekly news special every weekend on one topic

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You're cute

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You're it, thanks m8

This incel thing wasn't just a tweet about some CEO? I must have missed quite a thing.

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but a bunch of news sources are saying that they were let in

>I will poop fury all over you

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oh fuck this looks very tasty

well our shit education system is good for one thing i guess. praise God.

Someone go on /co/ and see if they know some good kino holocaust comics please

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Canadian autist kills people, people find post that may or may not have been him about incel/robot shit, internet proceeds to explode in anti-male hate against robots to solidify femenist aims.

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Mr Eggman, sing me a tune, fry me an egg that i can consume

I suppose practice makes perfect.

Everyone please give your energy to meme Hillary Clinton shitting herself.

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>citing a recent survey that found that many U.S. millennials lacked basic knowledge about the Holocaust
This is so fucking Jewish I don't even have a good joke for it.

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needs a little cheese, but looks really good

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>some M&Ms with WH logo on them.

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it was fake as fuck, they got on the fence and pointed like it was a party for 30 mins, took pictures, and went home
a day later they had an aztec march through seattle and various other cities to give the news something else to film on, wake up

It's been popping up in news oulets lately for some reason. Even though the van attack was like 2 weeks ago or something idk

Well I know there's Maus, some story of the holocaust but all the Jews are mice, Polish people are pigs and Germans are kitties

>incels of Jow Forums
reee dont confuse us with those reddits shits

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Interesting way to make a fried egg sandwich but his demeanor is all wrong

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>6.9 mag earthquake in Hawaii and there's also volcanic eruptions.

OMG, is that judge that hates Trump ok?
Or did he get burned alive by the lava?

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true, a lot of married/well adjusted people, in this general, at least.

>Catholic refugee resettlement programs
>director of resettlement services for Migration and Refugee Services, an arm of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Does anyone understand my rage ever?

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Gib bliss gf

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I love Heather Heyer

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user, even if CNN is fake news, I don't see why they would lie about what they would see as a major victory

>Martha's Show
>cheerleaders complains that they are being sexualized
>they refused to blame the outfits they were wearing claiming that they have worn tight, skimpy outfits all their lives from when they were in middle school without being sexualized

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A lot of the stuff is Jow Forums robots in origin, without question.

she's mine nigga

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don't worry we marked them with vole urine and the owls are tracking them across the country


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that actually sounds cute desu i'll have to look into that

i've never even heard of the word incel before it blew up on the news, maybe i've been some stuff similar on r9k before but it has to be a reddit thing mostly.

Any good news? I'm pretty black pilled right now

Can someone tell me where (((they))) want to take this Stormy Daniels affair? First they have an incriminating DVD that never materializes. Then Cohen paid to shut her up and Trump reimbursed him? Then Giuliani wades in and upsets Trump's lawyers because they can't do their jobs with him saying shit.

What's the endgame? What is the smoking gun they're looking for? And even if it's proven beyond any doubt that Trump had an affair with the whore, what are they going to do about it after the fact?

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Maybe this will finally stop the infamous Hawaiian judge !

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>more than one wife in heaven
now i know hes incel, i barely want my one wife. i cant imagine dealing with more than one.

I swear I only fap to the whole wholesome of anime.

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I'll fight you m8

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how did Heather get away with this?

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Which Hawaiian island is it actually on? How many people is it affecting?


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Turns out the Trump Curse follows through even on shit we meme

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So, ain't that illegal?

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Does anyone else find it strange that of all the things to go after the media is now going after virgins?

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He was secular as far as I could tell

She even said "IT'S 2018"

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> why they would lie about what they would see as a major victory
>would lie
That is all they do, and it was obvious, it was more to allow the news to begin talking about mexicans in order to engage them in what Soros wants, which is Trump not to secure the border.

North and South korea have same time zone now

Seems like the only people that interact with Heather on instagram are angry Muslims. This is funny

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There isn't one


That's President Hawaiian Judge to you plebs

It is very very weird and reminds me of when they attacked plebbitniggers, /v/edditors, and pepe in some weird campaign during election, like it is going to bite them in the ass.

i'll kick your face in mothafucka

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big island, about 3500 people evac'd already

I want her Jew ass to ride my Aryan cock all night long

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They ruined our education system so much their bread and butter was ruined.

>Can someone tell me where (((they))) want to take this Stormy Daniels affair?

Impeach Glimpf for lying about affair ala President Clinton.

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Ironic they're targeting CTR with what they are saying

Clearly i have missed that.
>leaf fuck things up, even in death..

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nah theres a lot of freaks that stalk her and comment on all her posts compliments about her and that

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Nobody's going after them; that's why they're virgins.

But it happened before he took office.