Be me

>be me
>college graduate - so obviously not some simpleton
>see tradies
>spit out coffee in laughter because they’re such pathetic peasants
>anyways, hire plumber and it’s some fat retard with ketchup stains on his shirt
>fixing my toilet
>my diarrhea splashes all over his face while I’m watching him
>laugh right to his face and then I tip him chump change out of pure pity
>in my office
>group of intellectuals on break looking out the window
>see laborers working up a sweat and getting dirty - gross - for mere minimum wage
>whole group of friends at office bursts out laughing
>tradie hears us and looks up because the window is open
>goes into a porta potty in shame - probably cries L O L !!
>on my way home in my sports car and I see simpleton linemen doing nigger work
>one of the white linemen falls and I hear a loud crunch
>burst out laughing because I know he’s either dead or will never walk again
>come home and enjoy a Perrier with avocado toast after doing AT MOST 20 minutes of real work and making $500 that day
>proceed to play video games with my buddies the rest of the night
Why are (((tradesmen))) so stupid?? Hahaha feels good being top 1% in genetics and I spit on any low life scum that does labor - simpletons!!! Pic related is the average trades”man”

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Lol — no responses yet because tradies can’t read for more than 10 seconds at a time ! Any other office workers here?? Feels good right?

fuck up loser, I make 50k a year doing a real man’s work. You’re a limp wristed bitch

Is that picture real? I mean, did the guy take it as a joke or what? There's no way anyone with a functioning brain dresses like that for a serious picture if he doesn't want to be ridiculed. It looks like something out of Idiocracy.

HAhahahaha brandon is that you? :D

Imagine the smell...

Attached: 1508775473350.png (650x622, 21K)

Remember kids - this is what not going to college does to you!

Honestly what is this shit dude? Are you having a mental breakdown?

Attached: 1525478397871.jpg (646x646, 87K)

I started in the trades and now I do inspection work mostly on bridges and underpasses for $30/hr and in a few years I can make 100k with promotions. If you're smart and in the trades you have a lot of options to hit 100k.

It's the perfect mix of office and outdoors walking around work.

Plumber here make $260k a year only do new construction. I think u may have called the building janator. Enjoy your Starbucks job serving me coffee.

>be tradie
>replaced by machine
haha you can't make this shit up

Honestly - nobody cares what you do Julio just get back to work little bitch

Yea chef here at wendys making 400$k a year

12 inch cock btw

>t.things that never happened

>buying coffee at starbucks
literally kys you literal faggot

Attached: badthings.png (913x766, 779K)

it's just NEET posting

Nice false flag, trade boy.
Reported for misinformation

It is this kike again trying to spread class hatred between white men.

I think you meant $26k you inbred swine

>Avocado toast

Can someone explain to me the allure of avocadoes? They taste like nickels.

>The tranny on the left.
lmao at americans.

Don’t even try to understand - if you don’t have the mental capacity to begin with. Just get back to work cleaning my roads - idiot. Period.

You replied to it.

Attached: 1513372988447.gif (230x175, 1.94M)

>college graduate
>so obviously not some simpleton
this faggot

>be ex office worker - mid management by 24
>switch to trades out of disillusionment with the modern office environment/producing nothing of physical value, just numbers on a screen
>make less (starting out) but much happier, more productive, more time for hobbies/interests, more opportunity to start a business and work for myself.

Feels alright, not everyone wants to do office work.

Some days do suck, but its not a continuous groundhog's day as is with some months I had in the office(s). Coworkers/management are much better and easier to work with, some are smarter than the average office drone with a lot more to tell, some are borderline retarded but still alright to work with.

>be liar
>on the internet
How much of a loser can you be?

its another episode of someone thinks being butthurt counts as trolling somehow.

I did lie, in the first part. I was making more, but I dont plan on sharing details.
You seem like a tradie trying to troll other tradies with hyperbolic stereotypes of college people

Speak English Julio you fucking lowlife slob - show some respect to your fucking superiors.

you own your own business. that is not the same thing as being a tradesman. don't tell me you're just a regular plumber making that much because i know you aren't.

I make €750000 working at Taco Bell, I am very

This is a surprisingly good description of avocado, kinda tastes like coins

Thats what i like about it though, very exciting taste, kind of like smelling gasoline

Yes I do I worked a few years to learn the trade then started my own company. there is no state certificate for a plumber here so I didint need to become a journeyman. To those other faggots this same thread has been posted 4 times today is this a bot or shareblue taking point.

I saged, shill

Looks like someone caught the plumber cleaning the wifes pipes.

Hahahha $500 a day?

Technically I work in the trades. I work 120 days a year and pull around $1300 a shift. Depends on if I log an hour or two of OT on the back half to finish up.

Last month I was in Dubai getting drunk with Russian women I assume were hookers. I can't remember.

Enjoy your wage cuck mid level office job and the impending cardiac event and impotence at age 45-55.

Big tough guy on the internet - LOL... what a loser!!! Kek

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>college graduate - so obviously not some simpleton
You lost us right there, dipshit.

>tradie scum
You lost me there, you simpleton swine.

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