>be me
>college graduate - so obviously not some simpleton
>see tradies
>spit out coffee in laughter because they’re such pathetic peasants
>anyways, hire plumber and it’s some fat retard with ketchup stains on his shirt
>fixing my toilet
>my diarrhea splashes all over his face while I’m watching him
>laugh right to his face and then I tip him chump change out of pure pity
>in my office
>group of intellectuals on break looking out the window
>see laborers working up a sweat and getting dirty - gross - for mere minimum wage
>whole group of friends at office bursts out laughing
>tradie hears us and looks up because the window is open
>goes into a porta potty in shame - probably cries L O L !!
>on my way home in my sports car and I see simpleton linemen doing nigger work
>one of the white linemen falls and I hear a loud crunch
>burst out laughing because I know he’s either dead or will never walk again
>come home and enjoy a Perrier with avocado toast after doing AT MOST 20 minutes of real work and making $500 that day
>proceed to play video games with my buddies the rest of the night
Why are (((tradesmen))) so stupid?? Hahaha feels good being top 1% in genetics and I spit on any low life scum that does labor - simpletons!!! Pic related is the average trades”man”
Be me
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Lol — no responses yet because tradies can’t read for more than 10 seconds at a time ! Any other office workers here?? Feels good right?
fuck up loser, I make 50k a year doing a real man’s work. You’re a limp wristed bitch
Is that picture real? I mean, did the guy take it as a joke or what? There's no way anyone with a functioning brain dresses like that for a serious picture if he doesn't want to be ridiculed. It looks like something out of Idiocracy.
HAhahahaha brandon is that you? :D
Imagine the smell...
Remember kids - this is what not going to college does to you!
Honestly what is this shit dude? Are you having a mental breakdown?
I started in the trades and now I do inspection work mostly on bridges and underpasses for $30/hr and in a few years I can make 100k with promotions. If you're smart and in the trades you have a lot of options to hit 100k.
It's the perfect mix of office and outdoors walking around work.
Plumber here make $260k a year only do new construction. I think u may have called the building janator. Enjoy your Starbucks job serving me coffee.
>be tradie
>replaced by machine
haha you can't make this shit up
Honestly - nobody cares what you do Julio just get back to work little bitch
Yea chef here at wendys making 400$k a year
12 inch cock btw
>t.things that never happened
>buying coffee at starbucks
literally kys you literal faggot
it's just NEET posting
Nice false flag, trade boy.
Reported for misinformation
It is this kike again trying to spread class hatred between white men.
I think you meant $26k you inbred swine
>Avocado toast
Can someone explain to me the allure of avocadoes? They taste like nickels.
>The tranny on the left.
lmao at americans.
Don’t even try to understand - if you don’t have the mental capacity to begin with. Just get back to work cleaning my roads - idiot. Period.
You replied to it.
>college graduate
>so obviously not some simpleton
this faggot
>be ex office worker - mid management by 24
>switch to trades out of disillusionment with the modern office environment/producing nothing of physical value, just numbers on a screen
>make less (starting out) but much happier, more productive, more time for hobbies/interests, more opportunity to start a business and work for myself.
Feels alright, not everyone wants to do office work.
Some days do suck, but its not a continuous groundhog's day as is with some months I had in the office(s). Coworkers/management are much better and easier to work with, some are smarter than the average office drone with a lot more to tell, some are borderline retarded but still alright to work with.
>be liar
>on the internet
How much of a loser can you be?
its another episode of someone thinks being butthurt counts as trolling somehow.
I did lie, in the first part. I was making more, but I dont plan on sharing details.
You seem like a tradie trying to troll other tradies with hyperbolic stereotypes of college people
Speak English Julio you fucking lowlife slob - show some respect to your fucking superiors.
you own your own business. that is not the same thing as being a tradesman. don't tell me you're just a regular plumber making that much because i know you aren't.
I make €750000 working at Taco Bell, I am very
This is a surprisingly good description of avocado, kinda tastes like coins
Thats what i like about it though, very exciting taste, kind of like smelling gasoline
Yes I do I worked a few years to learn the trade then started my own company. there is no state certificate for a plumber here so I didint need to become a journeyman. To those other faggots this same thread has been posted 4 times today is this a bot or shareblue taking point.
I saged, shill
Looks like someone caught the plumber cleaning the wifes pipes.
Hahahha $500 a day?
Technically I work in the trades. I work 120 days a year and pull around $1300 a shift. Depends on if I log an hour or two of OT on the back half to finish up.
Last month I was in Dubai getting drunk with Russian women I assume were hookers. I can't remember.
Enjoy your wage cuck mid level office job and the impending cardiac event and impotence at age 45-55.
Big tough guy on the internet - LOL... what a loser!!! Kek
>college graduate - so obviously not some simpleton
You lost us right there, dipshit.
>tradie scum
You lost me there, you simpleton swine.
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