Oh no no no no!!!
>investigation based on Russia
>Flynn and muller indictments unrelated
>bounced back to DOJ to explain the case
Muller is getting fucked
Oh no no no no!!!
>investigation based on Russia
>Flynn and muller indictments unrelated
>bounced back to DOJ to explain the case
Muller is getting fucked
Other urls found in this thread:
Hahahahaha bump
What Mueller will probably try to do is focus on the obstruction of justice matter.
Even if they can't find collusion, they would give a reason for the dems to try to justify their wanting to impeach Trump, if they get the house, of course. That's the plan now.
bamp. shills won't reply til they're told what to say kek
always my favorite threads desu
I quit paying attention to all this awhile ago. Did they ever say on what basis they got all those warrants on Trumps lawyer?
NO NO NO!!!!!
>you obstructed justice on my politically motivated investigation into bullshit the dems made up
Kys it’s over
Pence or ivanka or jr for 2024?
>That's the plan now.
He'll be thrown in prison if he keeps acting out of spite against the sitting president.
They aren't getting another Nixon scenario, sorry.
I would guess because the payment to Stormy might have been campaign finance violation but at this point it’s all so fucked I don’t think they’ll even be able to close that case
The bias is too great and the population is way past over this bullshit
The dems somehow took a major loss in 16’ and rather than regrouping they turned it into the largest political clusterfuck failure in American history
They raided trumps lawyer because of stormy Daniels , true story. Not only is it unconstitutional to do that (attorney client privilege) it has nothing to do with Russian collusion.
They're desperate to find anything to impeach him before the hammer of justice falls on all of them.
why did you think you could stop justice Criminal Scum ?
Not saying I agree with this. But that's what the dems will try.
Mueller had a chance to fuck Trump, but just as the government goes... he blew it. MSM keeps up the hype because they’re paid & instructed to do so, but normies are completely over it. Mueller has proven to be as incompetent as advertised, hence why they never put the bumbling idiot in front of cameras. I suspect this might be a ruse and he’s cleaning up U1 & other scandals while his #resistance squad of lawyers have free reign to distract.
What is the Stormy Daniels link to Russian collusion. Serious question, I haven't been paying too much attention.
I meant
What is the Stormy Daniels link to Russian collusion?
>pence or ivanka
The absolute state of this board. Kanye 2024
Pence is a pro-muslim cuck and Javanka is a dumb far-left extremist thot. Don Jr. is /ourguy/ for sure.
>Rudy the shark gets on board
>New York Judge fucks Mueller
Who could have predicted this?
Nothing like fighting fire with fire.
That is probably one of the biggest legal feats in history really. Getting a search warrant on a regular lawyer takes insane justification but the mother fucker got 3 warrants on the POTUS lawyer. I'm just curious what they told a judge to get them.
I think Trump fags are underestimating the severity of this even if the Russian investigation is kill. The amount of dirt they got on Trump from his lawyer has to be astronomical. They aren't just seeing proof of 1 thing his lawyer got him out of. They are seeing EVERYTHING his lawyer got him out of, most of which the public is clueless of.
The Stormy shit has nothing to do with the Russian hoax, it's just a desperate tactic the FBI/democraps are trying to use to alienate evangelical voters, but it's not working since they already tried and failed that angle with the pussygrab tape.
Thanks, I've tuned out for a while out of pure disgust with the media.
Or he isn’t full of illegal activity despite you wanting him to be?
Maybe trump is a choir boy assod from being an asshole and fucking sluts
Trump needs to make DoJ reform an issue. Trump's flaw is that he makes issues personal instead making it about principles bigger than himself.
See Sidney Powell - Licensed to Lie.
CNN is compromised.
CNN = fake news
>tfw your investigation into Russian collusion went nowhere, so you switch to investigating payments to porn stars in a desperate attempt to bring Trump down.
Glad there are people out there starting to call Mueller on his bullshit.
Broke: Mueller is bring down President Danald drummfputin!
Woke: Mueller is a deep state plant used to try to stop trump
ASCENDED: Mueller and Trump are working together to destroy the Deep State by committing the greatest sting operation in history by using Mueller as a Trojan horse in the deep state with his deep state connections
That’s easy, they told that judge that Cohen took it from Trump’s campaign cookie jar. Which was not the case because he paid it out of the budget of the lawyers office and Trump paid him back with his own money.
The left told me that you're not allowed to question the sanctimony of the judicial branch.
>the guardian
>because the payment to Stormy might have been campaign finance violation
How exactly does that warrant spying? Even if it is actually an in kind contribution all they have to do is subpoena financials. What judge would sign off on something like that without a clear political motive?
It doesn’t and it’s arguable of weather your even get congress willing to impeach over it because of the Korea situation.
>ending the war in Korea after 60+ years
>let’s fuck it all up with impeachment over sex
It’s fucked the dems are FUCKED. The econemy is doing well too they are so finished, Kanye? Failing after failing after failing
This is the kind of perfect shitstorm that breaks a party. Could you imagine what will happen if the republicans end up gaining in both the house and senate.
Holy god the dems are so fucked
The wanted an alternate source
Bumping for interest.
Mueller likes taking the hard one up the ass. Obama wore him out, and he gave aids to Comey.
Nice post. Bump.
Man I need that hoodie
No more dynasties, ever.
Yeah let’s ignore the fact that muller has most of these guys flipping in order to avoid prosecution.
One conservative judge saying things so he doesn’t get removed from the social calendar won’t save trump.
Manafort better Flip while he has the chance
>no rebuttal?
classic shareblue response
You're lawyer is no longer allowed to lawyer in America
Yawwwwn. Who cares? Trump needs to go, for our Republic.
oh boy the TrueBlue squadrons have mobilized.
I fucking hate reddit liberals. Cancerous cunts, all of them.
>case about to be dropped
you are an absolute nigger
Which is to hilariously retarded because Trump has the right to fire anyone for any reason AND Rosenstein HIMSELF recommended firing Comey ffs.
>insane justification
how exactly does that line get drawn?
even criminals have a right to a lawyer.
Kill yourself you sick disgusting faggot communist traitor, i hope you hang faggot.
Is this your improvised shill attempt until your bosses send you the final script?
>monarchies responsible for the rise and greatness of all european empires
>switch from monarchy to democracy turns europe into a muslim colony
I see why you don't want a dynasty
not only that but as usual mueller fucked it all up and hes got nothing, and the evidence is now sealed in a federal judges office, ie mueller is 100% well and truly fucked, cohen will sue him for 100 million dollars and win!
they got nothin, they dont got the bookeeper, they got nothin in court, they got nothin, just alot of talk and a badge
but the real story is that cohen planned this ... yes thats right he PLANNED to bait mueller into raiding his office, an egregious violation of not only his civil rights, but those of his clients, making mueller out, in front of the whole world, to be a gigantic fuckin asshole who belongs in cuffs himself
obstructing justice in a bullshit investigation is still seriously illegal. Doesn't matter if what they're investigating is true
>you cant defend yourself from our made up bullshit
kill yourself bootlicker
cohen planned this
So heres what i think is happening;
(1) When Admiral rogers informed trump that NSA was conducting an illegal wiretapping Trump rightly gets paranoid, and moves all his campaign efforts out of trump tower.
(2) He wins election anyways
(3) Once he becomes President he becomes aware of extent of illegal survellience. He and Sessions decide to take down those responsible.
(a) Install Sessions as A-G
(b) Use office of Inspector general to initiate full review of all illegal operations during Obama era
They know Rosenstein is in on it, because he signed warrants. They know Mckay, Ohr, Strozk etc etc are all part of deep state. They put all these people into the Mueller investigation, including the Clintons legal team. They want all the rotten apples in one basket. Once Mueller was chosen (and Trump and Sessions probably rightly predicted that some kind of special counsel would be formed to look into 2016 election), Trump knew who his enemy would be.
The OIG has been aggressively pursuing all of these actors, with the realization that this is blatant and fully illegal investigation. That the DNC and deep state is essentially using the FBI to conduct opposition research and attempt to overthrow a duly elected President.
How can you obstruct justice for a non-crime?
From the day Trump found out the truth from Rogers, it is likely he informed Cohen. So Cohen knew too, and has probably been party to all significant facts in the case. Cohen would have assumed that he too was being placed under survelience. And it is likely that by Nov 2017 Cohen had already destroyed all evidence. Certainly by the time an active investigation into President Trumps affairs was under way, Cohen would have realized the need to destroy any and all incriminating evidence.
Now everybody keeps saying Cohen had a non disclosure agreement. But it is in fact a little more then that. Cohen owned a media company. Registered in delaware.
He used this company not to make a non disclosure agreement, but instead to buy the exclusive rights to the stormy daniels story. The stupid skank thought cohen was going to publish the story. In fact it is unlikely she knew Cohen owned the company!!!! She sold the story. Now he can sue her for telling the story, and he can sue anyone else who tells the story knowing he owns exclusive rights to story....
Technically its not a non-disclosure agreement, its the exclusive rights to story ... same thing.
Anyways, its even better then that, since cohen never published the story, he can claim the 130,000 as a business loss on his taxes (getting a tax write-off, 30% of his money back ... hahahaha). None of this is illegal btw. And he doesnt have to tell anyone that he has done this (hence technically, Trump doesn’t even have to know). This is why they attempting the charges of bank fraud, wire fraud, illegal campaign contributions, and tax fraud. But none of it is going to stick! Otherwise thousands of other politicians and rich people who have done exactly the same thing can also be charged!
Now it is likely that Cohen knew he was under some kind of survellience. He recently (three months ago) moved out of his house, sent his family for a vacation in florida, and started working out of a hotel. Why??? he didnt take these steps for no reason.
I think he had planted something in his regular “co-operating with mueller” dialogue that was so juicy Mueller would have to investigate, but in and of itself was not illegal. Mueller took the bait. He is attempting to use the USDNY (which is totally deep state apparachiks btw ... thats the clintons home team at FBI) as a “taint team”. They have to do this in investiations where a lawyers records are seized, since it is DoJ protocol that ivestigating team cannot see evidence which does not pertain to investigation. But this taint team is totally tainted... with hillbillaries cronies!! So they get all the juicy down low on Trump priveleged attorney-client communications.
Now the thing is, Cohen knew the raid was coming. Thats why his house is being reno’d, his family is away. His “office” in trump tower was only ever used for perfectly legitimate business (wills, estate planning, trust funds, real estate deals etc etc etc). His shady business was always handled out of his home. And since he thought it was bugged, he moved into a hotel, and switches hotels frequently.
It is likely he also purchased a new computer and phone.
It has been over 72 hrs and they have not officially charged him yet ....
What if they got nothing ... what if they got ten hours of Mr. Pickles!!!! on his phone
make a vid and post it
I have just been following this cohen development closely, because cohen is interesting
and yes i would say he most closely resembles Tom Hagen from godfather, he is the brains behind the don's bull moves, hes the fixer, hes alot smarter then people give him credit for, and he has always tried to stay out of the limelight
he is no fool, and I dont think its beyond him to lay a trap for mueller. we would all agree mueller needs to be stopped, and the don probably came to this conclusion months ago, and asked his old wily jew lawyer friend from brooklyn ... "well exactly how the fuck could we derail this son of bitches investigation and send the mueller train careening off the tracks and into a fucking scrapheap!
and an operation like this he knew opsec was paramount, so he would have to travel alone, that he could trust no one, he had to assume everything, everywhere was bugged, that he was 2-4-7 under surveillance, that he would have to goad them into breaching his clients civil rights, in a huge way, in a public way, that could not be denied ... and then have them come up empty handed!
Mueller and his team just dove head first into a pool of liquid diarhea, and if they cant convict Cohen now, they are well and truly fucked
>The UK is one of the most muslim infested shitholes in Europe
>is a monarchy
really makes you go hmmm
the government doesn't let you obstruct justice because they don't know if you're guilty yet. They enforce this because they want to discourage it, you can't obstruct even if you're innocent that's fucked up. Trump should have taken the investigation and been open about it, rather than illegally obstruct justice
You do realize the Queen doesn't have any power, it's all centralized in parliament???????/
Trump didn't send emails. All communications were most-likely in person or over phone. It's likely any info they got is useless because of a lack of context. You can't put together a puzzle if there aren't pieces.
now a new addendum to my thoughts, is that i am being vindicated, i first put up this pasta days after cohen was raided, its now been a month
a fucking month and still no charges, in fact mueller hasnt even publicly stated why he riaded cohens office ... and cohen is going to sue the shit out of mueller over this ... mueller and rosenstein will lose thier licences to even practice law anymore
cohen is like tom hagen, he is the legal brains behind the don's bull moves
They have no crime they are investigating though.
this guy gets it,
I'd like to believe you but seriously dude, they have to determine what documents to pass on and what can't be seen. So..takes time.
doesnt matter, gotta let the cops do their jobs, otherwise your breaking the law
trump hasnt obstructed anything, in fact he is placing himself in a position will he will be easily able to argue that mueller has brought the administration of justice into disrepute, and have mueller and rosenstein dis barred for highly unethical practices
explain to me again how trump has in any way obstructed mueller from carrying out his "investigation"
Imagine Mueller ending his investigation and exonerating Trump on the same day Trump gets the Nobel peace prize!
Federal Judge Ellis ordered the special counsel to turn over the memo detailing their mandate.
If Mueller turns it over he's fucked. Everyone will either see that they're stepping over their mandate or that Rosenstein gave Mueller unfettered power, which shows their only intent is to remove Trump by any means necessary
Russians Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
They aren't doing a job though. They are off the stated task. They might as well be pissing off the top of the building and anyone upset is "obstructing".
if it's true that he fired comey to end the investigation, it's an open and shut case and he should be impeached immediately
Wow reddit is AIDS. They know what they have coming.... the weaklings wont make it.
you dont get to fire the director of the fbi because you think his investigation into you is "off the stated task". That's illegal and it should be
scoops needsa good impeech, very so
I read the agreement. It was an NDA. That was not a contract to sell a story.
huge if big
You are factually wrong and a complete idiot. The President has the constitutional power to fire anyone within the executive branch for ANY reason.
You are literally begging for Mueller to create a constitutional crisis.
Please continue to post your idiotic nonsense. You're doing a great job.
King/Mulvaney 2020
>The President has the constitutional power to fire anyone within the executive branch for ANY reason
So he if tried to fire someone for being black that wouldn't be illegal? Retarded ass nonsense, he still has to follow the law, this is america
if there was anything serious dont you think they would have had it first week ... no
ok what about when week 2 happened and it finally got before a federal judge ... no still not enough time
ok now its been four weeks, a whole panel of USDNY lawyers had it for two weeks, now two different federal judges ....
and ..... they havent even annnounced prima fascia evidence of wrongdoing sufficient to justify a warrant, let alone charges!!!
no dude... think about it, trump has known for months that mueller was trying to lay a perjury trap, so one day he woke up and said
"well melania, maybe i ought to set a little trap of my own" and he called up his old friend, a slick and slippery kike lawyer from brooklyn and said "how can i fuck this guy, and i mean fuck him right up the ass and derail this whole shit investigation???"
cohen thought about it for a while and formulated a plan, trump is not stupid, now im not a fan of some of his stunts, but nobody makes eight billion dollars being a retard!!!! and his legal advisors are also probably eqully skilled at what they do
now mueller has spent a lifetime being a "government servant" ... ie lazy easy jobs with little or nothing at stake (he didnt have to pay the 100 million out of his own pocket when he got sued over whitey bulgers murders), he got a fucking promotion!!! mueller didnt have to pay the victims of boston marathon or 911 etc etc etc .... mueller has never had to answer for his failures, because he works for uncle sam
but cohen ... he had to fight for every peso from every slimey cabbie and eventually catch dons attention and then had to cover for all his shit for 20 years
cohen came up through school of hard knocks ... he paid the "iron price" for his failures, and it hardened him, and it made him sharp
mueller is fucked!!! cohen fucked him!!!
every day i sit in this hotel room i get weaker, and every day charlie squats in the jungle he gets stronger....
>-21 points
>mfw supporters of the "law and order" candidate say that it's okay to end an investigation into yourself
>The billionaire who married an escort is wholesome.
I bet you think a prosecutor can impanel a grand jury against Trump as well, right?
Please, continue to spout your nonsense so we can all laugh at your dumb ass
Isn’t that treasonous? Maybe Hillary wasn’t lying when she said they would all hang from nooses if trump won.
I’ve learned that when people make statements like this especially in confidence they are usually telling the truth.
holy strawman