2018 stock market correction over and the S&P will be at 3000 by the end of the year

>2018 stock market correction over and the S&P will be at 3000 by the end of the year
>unemployment 2.9%(full employment) lowest level in recorded history
>university grads are making 80k starting with stock options and multiple offers
>average trades journeyman making 120k
>even laborers are making $25/hr now

Seriously how the FUCK is the American economy so good right now? Meanwhile the EU + UK never recovered since the 1008 crisis. Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are all stagnant housing bubble shitholes with 1000 applicants for every job.

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just be yourself bro.

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The God Emperor giveth, the God Emperor taketh away.

Bro this country socially right now is some mix of Back to the Future 2 tier and The Purge...I think we're headed to Mad Max tier. GTFA from here. This is a sinking ship SOS SOS SOS SOS

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>Seriously how the FUCK is the American economy so good right now?
Turns out giving people jobs gets the economy going again, who knew....

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>tfw all Americas trash and more is coming up the border
>tfw can barely afford rent
>had to pay extra in taxes this year
it's fucking hopeless


Can your President do this ?

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Thank FUCK we're not americucks

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Or this ?

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lmao Tony Blair was the worst politician in the 20th AND 21st century

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Don't worry my fellow, the tide is shifting and change will occur elsewhere too.

With Trump's relatively flawless success over these past two years, people are losing ever more trust in what they are told by traditional media and will look for others like him to lead. We must pray that such individuals shall rise to the occasion or at least, that those who would act against the needs of the people aren't given the votes they once were.

In time the pendulum shall swing even further in our favour what with the rising tendencies to act against that which is dragging our nation down. We can only hope it shall be soon enough to save us though I doubt it will be for all.

Don't complain leaf, your government is based as fuck. Our government hates us and wants us to die. Your government wants you to live. Be grateful asshole.

Just kidding. Faggots

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The Jews are keeping their cash cow and guard dog alive, that's literally the only reason. Don't be fooled.

>Stone Cold will go down in history as having stunnered possibly the greatest president of the United States
>The Rock will go down as a hollywood cuck

Let no one question again who the face of the Attitude Era is.

Check out the flag leaf.

Thanks Obama. Europe is too white and racist which is why there economy is still bad


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Believe me, America is only good if you're already rich and have a lot of money to invest.

Our mass immigration system makes it easy for capital to make fantastic gains, but it's a hellish system for everyone else.

Just come to Norway and work for a couple of years and you will see the problem.

Comfortable people are lazy and weak, doesn't matter what the racial situation of a country is. Americans literally can't understand that Europeans are just lazy, the work ethic in America is 100000000000x better.

usa has always been an exceptional country, kikes dont destroy it economically because its their main dog/workhorse
usa is not only exceptional in decent things like industry,etc. but also in drug trade and weapons trade. they dont die out becuasse theyre like that movie lord of war.

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Trump's isolationist economic policy will ultimately lead to China becoming a global super power, fucking idiot.


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>isolationist economic policy
we're the most integrated economy on the planet

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The AUSTRALIAN man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.
Let’s start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his tanned skin. This tanned reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of the outback, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The tanned skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.
The AUSTRALIAN man’s demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behavior strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man
The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The AUSTRALIAN penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the AUSTRALIAN man the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent AUSTRALIAN seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the AUSTRALIAN man impregnates.
In total, the AUSTRALIAN man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.
All this is the reason why the AUSTRALIAN man is the epitome of masculinity

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would you fucking post-millennial retards stop bringing up the purge, don't you have anything else moderately political and topical you can reference

China's economy is pic related

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Stay mad Europoor. You are irrelevant in the the scheme of super powers. Go eat a Muslim cock , bin a knife or something.

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>literally who calling anyone else a cuck

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as a guitarist, I love bloated van halen at the end

China is FAR more protectionist than we are. Eat a dick, faggot.

The Chinese be like:

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Yeah, but there's not a fucking dollar sign on every experience there. But yeah, especially the shit customer service would take getting use dto.

and thank god or that, I dont want to be a nigger.
I am white.

I don't expect that guy to be okay.

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>New Zealand are all stagnant housing bubble shitholes with 1000 applicants for every job.>>

Auckland is already starting to fall apart. The Chinks and Pajeets have ruined wages and dragged them right down and the property market is driving white people from the city in droves.

I just moved to a smaller city in Australia and brought a house for 600k that would have cost 2 million in Auckland.

Thanks to Obama. You actually think that 1 year is enough to do all that? The economy will be fucked in 5 years and you will all be begging for him back lol

This guy gets it. Only the japs can beat our work ethic.

Even 600k is absurd

Jesus christ, what's up with the Chinese and escalators. I swear you don't hear about this stuff happening in other places.

B-but I thought Trump was going to be a disaster for America. I thought the country was going to fall apart if we elected him.

And what has Obama dun 4 u?

It would seem the kikes have a more promising project underway elsewhere :^)

>Seriously how the FUCK is the American economy so good right now?

They were intelligent enough to vote conservative. Don't you wish our leader wasn't such a cock smocking faggot? I know I do.

Wages here are good tho. NZ the working class has been decimated by foreigners who will work for pennies.

finally, a good thread!

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>laborers making 25 and hour
Not sure where you are, but in a spic majority area laborers make like 13 an hour because of under the table pay.
Jews and spics are of the same stock.

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I thank God everyday I'm an American.

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>the 1008 crisis.
Yeah man it was rough, but the Crusades gave a lot of men jobs so it was good that happened when it did.

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Please just face it that the only good things happening in the economy were from Obama and now we have the trailing affects. This was also true for Reagan and Clinton but I don't hate unlike ya'll

steelin the sidewalk n shee

A fag told me that i wasn't missing anything by never going to the USA. What the hell is he talking about?

He probably wanted to suck your benis. We don`t have fag`s here in the land of freedom. You might be gay and not even know it.

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Some fag that’s mad that here it can be called a fag without having to worry about leaf police, oh and that he has to pay for his medical anal bleaching not the government