Me and the girlfriend are babysitting tonight. A 2 and a 4 year old, both blonde white boys...

Me and the girlfriend are babysitting tonight. A 2 and a 4 year old, both blonde white boys. They love it when I come over and wrestle with them, always asking my girl when the next time I'll be up. Problem is their Dad is a total S-O-Y boy. Starwars, Marvel, Harry Potter, etc.

How do I ensure they turn out like men and not follow their dads path?

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You sound like a pedo. He fathered children and has a house. You work as a babysitter with your girlfriend. Get the fuck away from the kids.


he sounds pretty fine to me leaf, at least he's not a canadian, you know?

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Show them old Disney movies that "didn't age very well"

>dues vult flag
>like to be around young boys

kek. in all seriousness though, maybe you should try and redpill them? teach them to hate those things that youve named and to like better forms of media and such.

>pic related

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How would you know? He has a meme flag.

Ummmm, about that

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This LEAF is fake from the rake. OP is a babysitter. A grown ass babysitter making fun of a man with a family who likes Star Wars.

Punch a Baby in the Face

>t. The Super Anti-Christ

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