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Are you ready to take women's rights away?
Nicholas Lopez
Lincoln Perez
Parker Wilson
Posting red pills
Lucas Foster
Threadly reminder that it's men, not laws, that guide women.
Look in the mirror.
Jose Nguyen
Wyatt Hill
If I smack my wife for misbehaving, I end up in jail getting buttfucked by bubba while my ex-wifes new boyfriend is fucking her in my bed and molests my children while she covers it up.
Think this is satire?
Brandon Cooper
Women only get rights when they stop being mother's full time. Women in the mordern day can not be a mother full time because the human population can not sustain 8 children per woman anymore.
When women start having 4 children instead of 13 they have more free time. When you cannot be a mother fulltime you must start occupying jobs traditionally held by men. And when women start behaving like men in the economy they deserve every right a male has.
This is the only correct argument. Women did not argue for a change in government, and as a result started having less children. Women instead started having less children (more free time) and developed the need for the right as men as they started gaining capital and education.
Colton Sullivan
here's another
Juan Morales
let's not forget colleges
Kevin Davis
What happened in 1970? Godzilla?
Joseph Diaz
Women were such insufferable cunts during the last election I don't even think they should have their own checking account, even if widowed. I was wrong to even consider them worthy of love or affection.
Charles Morris
ok you convinced me now I am a w*man rights advocate
Kayden Bailey
superstition or some other cultural thing
don't remember the name now
Chase Thomas
Be me:
Get beaten up by girlfriend.
Unable to fight back.
Her fist was not alone: there were hundreds of fists: that of cops who would arrest me no matter who started it, that of jail guards who would put me in a cage, that of the courts and ((lawyuhs)) who would prosecute me, and the endless hordes of fucking worthless cucks who voted for these laws.
But we're incels for opting out...
Aiden Wright
Women have the vote bow and have been disenfranchising men. The violence against women act sends men to prison and women to treatment for beating kids. Where is the political equality?
Samuel Turner
We have allowed the left to usurp the dialectic rules of the game.
It's not anymore about women's rights. It's about women's powers.
To link women's rights to alimony, abortion, and "just trusting the victim" in the case of rape as all the necessary evidence for a conviction is beyong me.
Xavier Williams
I see you're a man of culture as well.
The ide is to quickly replace them; their cost has become so great they actually impede mankinds development.
Cooper Adams
Once women stop being good mothers they are Annette net negative on society.
Josiah Morales
No, something far more damaging.
Tyler Diaz
Beaten up by GF? I hope this is a larp, because you deserve everything you get for being a massive pussy. Jesus, do you even have a pair of ballz?
William Cooper
You blame women working for lower wages because there are more workers but somehow the same logic doesn't apply to the workforce if there are twice as many workers if the birth rate is as high as you want it.
Luke Howard
>because the human population can not sustain 8 children per woman anymore.
Then we need to stop sustaining the human population. Billions of Africans wouldn't be a problem if we didn't have to feed billions of Africans--instead, billions of Africans would rot in the sun, and infect billions of other Africans. Soon enough.
Lincoln Barnes
Fuck off! The average 15 yo boy can beat up 99% of women.
The point is that men are told not to and the police is forced to arrest you (called duluth model).
Jason Williams
Goyim fucking suck at existing
Carson Hughes
If women had 12 kids like in the past we'd be all fighting for severely limited resources.
Jacob Davis
You know, you don't have to hit them for misbehaving. Women respond very well to shame. Threats of violence are unnecessary.
Joshua Reed
Charles Jenkins
You have the same feminist problems. i was told by one of your fellow rats that its the orthodox jews that have 6 kids each that cause the high fertility rates.
Luis Jackson
Would you remove women from job market?
Dominic Sanders
Then fight for equal crime sentences.
Samuel Campbell
>African population is less than that of India.
>Africa's population density is 1/10 that of India.
>Africa looks small on a map because of (((Mercator Projection))). It's actually a massive continent, and could sustain another billion or two.
Michael Sanchez
No! The threat of negative consequences need to be there.
Women have absolutely no shame. She will rationalize every shameful thing she did to blame the man for it
>i cheated
Thats just because he was at work too much, didnt give me attention
Jaxon Young
Just look it up, and realize what an incredible (and I hate using this phrase) cuck you're being, without even knowing it.
EVERY nation on Earth is fighting for "severely limited resources". Every nation on Earth has ALWAYS fought for severely limited resources. Whether unconditioned (food, water, land) or conditioned (money)--the central feature of a nation is its expansion.
If, IF, we were truly united as a nation, under a common ideal, then we would have no problem taking from Mexico any land we needed (we did it before.) We would sweep through the entirety of the Americas, and claim it all. Who would stop us?
You've been cucked so hard into thinking that you can't have a big family anymore, and you just need to sit on your fist and take it. You're gonna let some brown people keep you from beachfront property for your family because... who.. exactly, says we can't?
Sebastian Scott
>Women respond very well to shame.
True. This is why you can't say anything about womens' actions- they use PC rules and the power of the politicians they elect to destroy everything they don't like (which is a lot of things and also very nebulous)
Angel Barnes
Just secular jews are below the rate.
Joshua Edwards
>Would you remove women from job market?
I would remove women.
Dominic Long
Why do you think they are inferior their IQ is the same as yours
Robert Rogers
>The threat of negative consequences need to be there.
Women are easily embarrassed. Why do you think literally all criticism of them is no longer allowed?
If other women and men they want to impress were to look down on them for any specific behavior, they'd stop it pdq.
Women cry about gossip and get all butthurt about everything- if it wasn't POPULAR to be a slut, they wouldn't do it as often and encourage it in each other.
But now it's OK to do a ton of terrible things because you can't apply criticism to any bad behaviors without getting shrieked at by feminist groups. Women can always cry to social media for empathy if their boyfriend gets reasonably mad at them.
Kevin Barnes
Lurk more, faggot!
Jonathan Nguyen
They could in theory have *most* of the same rights/freedoms but they NEED to be held to standards.
No crying about 50-50 representation in only the best fields and leaving others to men.
No crying about illegals and refugees and redistributing wealth based on feelz.
No blaming everything on sexism and listen to reason for 2 seconds.
But most women cannot do that, and they will eventually take over everything again, because women voting -> leftist politicians -> expanding government
Every time. They are the Useful Idiots of social engineers.
Leo Hall
Not surprising at all the only study ever done on paternity fraud was in France
It found that basically 10-20% of men are cucks raising kids that aren’t actually their own.
In most of Europe you have to get both parents permission for paternity tests and even if the kid isn’t yours courts will REQUIRE you to pay for it.
The system fucking KNOWS this and for the stability of society it keeps it in check.
Just ask some women you trust like your mom or sister of grandma or any of them.
“If the child isn’t a man’s actual child shouldn’t the husband know”
Every single woman you know and life will tell you:
>no, the real father is who raised them =l 3
Every fucking one, and you’ll see that they see nothing wrong with that statement, that it’s 100% reasonable and the right answer. It’s bioloically fucking engrained
Liam Miller
Answer me the question. That women is a bitch but i cant generalise all of them based only on her. Us males are even more disagreeable then them tho (which in not a bad thing)
Jack Fisher
>just use shame
All I have ever seen is women doing the most degenerate (and I mean DEGENERATE) things and they rationalize it afterwards and shift the blame to the closest man.
She does drugs
>It was my drug dealer boyfriend who introduced me to drugs
why the fuck did you fuck a drug dealer, were there no good guys around?
>OMG youre blaming me! *cries* *cries* Youre bad for trying to blame me. I want you out of my house you bastard!
>anyone who thinks I had any part in my bad decisions is a bad man average conversation with a woman
Andrew Hernandez
Ik know and agree with that. But we cant do anything except abandon quotas. Is not giving them to vote a little too much?
Carson Kelly
No user
These guys are right the only thing women react to is shame and social ostrization (and physical violence)
Women act degenerate if they can get away with it and some will anyway but if you make an example and tell them girl a young age the consequences most will stay in line that’s how society has worked for eons.
You still need to punish the ones that get out of line but shame works
Robert Davis
>It’s bioloically fucking engrained
Its called Briffaults law, google it for a minute
>paternity fraud (cuckolding)
A medical professor once told the med students that there is a secret moral objection group at the bloodbank that allows paternity testing even though its officially illegal.
Its insane: there is actually a conspiracy to stop men from finding out if their kids are theirs. Its a huge problem certainly: its 10-30%!
Aiden Taylor
Won't happen so long as women vote. Women are net negative on taxes, they disenfranchise men, they are literally evil but we need them to continue the species for now.
Levi Price
Jack Morales
then it will only take a few years for israel to reach european levels
Aiden Torres
>implying male not thinking about boobs
>Neither one thinking of math equations
fucking idiots.
Jackson Williams
wew this thread is redpill central
Elijah Hughes
Really gets the ol' hamster wheel rolling.
Hunter Taylor
Who are the countries in the region with 2.0 fertility rate and
Leo Bailey
>shift the blame to the closest man
Because society lets them. If we gave women (or made them take, by shame) moral agency, and made them responsible for their actions, they would not be able to pin things on men and would have to own up to them.
But women control society because the Social Engineers want them to, so they will not be made to take agency by social shame.
Sorry but I don't see much logic in striking women, as I think it would make them angry and rebellious more than anything.
>Is not giving them to vote a little too much?
No, it's a good thing to take.
Women voters are TOO EASY to control by emotions. You think the gov can release even small amounts of propaganda through the media- it's all targeted to women. They're the ones who feel bad about inequality and give the government agency & powers to step in where they already want to.
They are the Useful Idiots of the Hegelian Dialectic.
Even when they couldn't vote, they could still try to convince their men to vote Leftist, although that gives them a barrier of male logic to work through and gives them less incentive to rely on the government in the first place, because the don't want the gov using the Federal Reserve and IRS to take & redistribute their family's money.
Most usually need to have a relationship/family to see the value in more right/libertarian ideology, unfortunately for the few smart logical ones.
Although maybe there could be a system that earns you the right to vote but you have to show some value first
Lucas Green
so you are saying that women belong either in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, and that we should lower the age of consent? what party to vote for that has half of that? need to start some way, christian right I guess
Zachary Torres
It's not a matter of physical ability, it's a matter of legal repercussions. She bruises her fist on your face, you go to jail for assault because she is injured.
Jordan White
Arabs too