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Are you ready to take women's rights away?
Nicholas Lopez
Lincoln Perez
Parker Wilson
Posting red pills
Lucas Foster
Threadly reminder that it's men, not laws, that guide women.
Look in the mirror.
Jose Nguyen
Wyatt Hill
If I smack my wife for misbehaving, I end up in jail getting buttfucked by bubba while my ex-wifes new boyfriend is fucking her in my bed and molests my children while she covers it up.
Think this is satire?
Brandon Cooper
Women only get rights when they stop being mother's full time. Women in the mordern day can not be a mother full time because the human population can not sustain 8 children per woman anymore.
When women start having 4 children instead of 13 they have more free time. When you cannot be a mother fulltime you must start occupying jobs traditionally held by men. And when women start behaving like men in the economy they deserve every right a male has.
This is the only correct argument. Women did not argue for a change in government, and as a result started having less children. Women instead started having less children (more free time) and developed the need for the right as men as they started gaining capital and education.
Colton Sullivan
here's another
Juan Morales
let's not forget colleges
Kevin Davis
What happened in 1970? Godzilla?