This is definitely paradise

This is definitely paradise

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Oh what a shame if someone did something to it..

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Jews are needed for the smoke stacks in the back

So why does "the world" want to get in if it's so terrible?

really grinds your gears

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Fight with pride for your respective tribes, goyim.

Your anger is a useful tool -- cultivate it!

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>I like niggers

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That image is old news but fuck it still kills me that they unironically shill that thug culture is a good thing.

Look at his post again then look at the flag.

I think what he means is that we should both work something out, agree to separate and protect our own people. Malcolm X and George Lincoln Rockwell were friends for this exact reason you know...

extremely racist

I want to live there

i don't think there will ever be separation but ending liberalism would at least do wonders for preserving the white areas that still exist

Shouldn't the asian girl be up there with him sucking his cock?

I don't see a problem with this.

I like it

>the shitskins still want in
Made me think

>i don't think there will ever be separation
you say this but black people already have a very big in group preference, if you swing these dumb niggers in JUST the right way it may work.

Notice that all the shitskins still want in. Like in IRL

blacks do have strong in group preference, but this doesn't mean that they want segregation back. blacks when polled seem to want it both ways, they want tribalism for themselves, but they don't want other groups to be able to be tribal.

they don't really want in because america is white, they want in because america is wealthy compared to their nation, and america is the most accepting of a diverse range of immigrants of any nation.

if japan accepted this, you'd see many people moving to japan. but japan is much more nationalistic than we are, and would not permit this.

>they don't really want in because america is white, they want in because america is wealthy
Wealthy because white

>if japan accepted this, you'd see many people moving to japan.
Japan is successful because it was conquered and remoddled by a white nation (America)

So basically you're saying they want black nationalism in white countries?


i wouldn't even say that. they just want to be able to act on group interests while denying others that right.

meaning, if they want all black communities they can have them. but if they want to live with whites, they can also have that. but all whites must accept blacks living around, and cannot have a white community.

to be fair, there are plenty of wealthy asian countries that i'm sure many third worlders would prefer living in. it's just that white nations tend to be more open than east asian nations.

surely living in hong kong or south korea would be better than living in the congo.

you quite literally can't defend the first three listed on that list, what the fuck was the artist thinking?

Indeed and checked

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I mean yeah, that looks pretty good

There is literally nothing wrong with ANGRYWHITEMENISTAN

That's a pretty decent wall. I'm down.

After reading that sign...why do those people outside want to go in there? Are they too stupid to realize that they would be happier anywhere else? Why is "the world" so determined to enter a place where they at obviously not welcome? Probably the same reason OP comes here....

Muzzies get out!

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>Probably the same reason OP comes here....

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>no thug culture
whats the problem?

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So wait.... dishonest media, thug culture, and elitism is a GOOD thing?