What happens after that?

What happens after that?

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I think nuclear will make a come back once safer facilities are made, renewables can supply most of our energy needs. Electric cars will catch on in the 2020's.

white people are long gone by then so who the fuck cares

honestly I fucking hope global warming greatly accelerates and we leave a scorched earth for the niggers and gooks

after that your mother has to generate electricity on a bike that you can jerk off at the night

>What happens after that?
plague probably, when population reaches levels like these cleansing plagues usually occur.

Use thorium for nuclear reactors, it's 3x more common than uranium

"Accidentally" or not? pic related, I wouldn't mind an eugenic cleansing

but... but... people here said global warming was a chino-judaic lie!

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So you seriously think the hundreds of millions of white people living now will be magically gone in 30 years?

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Electric cars will catch on in the next decade, says increasingly nervous investor for the 10th straight decade.

>Hey everyone, what do you think of my completely fake leftist anti-energy propaganda chart?
I think you should go back to third grade and get an actual education.

Attached: Happy Earth Day coal roller.jpg (592x720, 79K)

you'd have to be incredibly insecure to think like that desu

I don't think Thorium is the magical answer, we still have a long way to go. Would be cool if it worked tho

>The 3.5 billion acres would produce approximately 2 billion tons of grains annually, he explained. That's enough to feed 10 billion vegetarians, but would only feed 2.5 billion U.S. omnivores, because so much vegetation is dedicated to livestock and poultry in the United States.
>So 10 billion people is the uppermost population limit where food is concerned. Because it's extremely unlikely that everyone will agree to stop eating meat, Wilson thinks the maximum carrying capacity of the Earth based on food resources will most likely fall short of 10 billion.

apparently there might not be enough Lithium on earth to replace the existing cars with electric. something i keep hearing.

governments should invest in methods of mass transit to remove the need for cars.

We are already seeing symptoms and they will just keep getting worse. What boggles my mind is that nobody seems concerned except for sustainability scientists and nobody listens. Unless we get another Norman Borlaug innovation it will happen during our lifetimes, right about the same time antibiotics lose most of their effectiveness.

Even if the white population were cut in half, there would be more white people than there were in 1900.

Everyone is banking on making a hyper AI computer to work out how to do things better.

>peak oil

Has been debunked

Why is everyone praising AI? It's pretty cool but how is it gonna solve food and resources shortage?

No it hasn't. There's just a lot more of it than people thought. In all likelihood, there will be a man made peak when we stop using so much of it. If we just indefinitely use it, it probably won't peak til the 2030's or 2040's.

An AI could speed up and solve many modern issues, but the problem with AI is if it thinks it will spare a fraction of a second in its processes by killing us it will kill us to speed up.

I bet that computer tells them people gotta die and starts a eugenics program. Reminds me of the "AI" they made that started coming to racist conclusions about blacks because it recognized news patterns and shit.

That's nowhere near what AI is being researche right now. The only people defending what you're seeing is fearmonging media. AI won't go full terminator or Glados anytime soon.

By performing the magic known as science at a much faster rate than us, so we wouldn't be able to say for sure. One way might be self replicating nanobots and more efficient farming methods. It could tell us to recycle all our plastic in some hyper efficient way and then make floating plastic islands that we could use to produce seafood and other things with, might show us better ways to de-salinate water (Since the world is desertifying), it might just tell us to transfer ourselves to a mechanical rather than biological body. In regards to how it figures that out, basically it is demonstrated a series of symbols (Lets say chemicals and chemical symbols) and given extremely detailed information about what these do to the body and to what extents in certain receptor sites depending on how it enters the body, and then through complex pattern recognition produces a viable new molecule suggestions based on all the patterns it can see along with synthesis routes. For an explanation that is more general I would look at Nueral network pattern recognition and you'll see what it is, AI beat the best players of the most complex human games in existence already. A while back they won at chess, then they won at Go which is debatably the most complex game human have made, it didnt just calculate 40000000000000000000000000000000 responses per second and choose the best one as computers do not and will not have the capacity to do this. The way it won is by understanding the rules and playing against itself millions of times and learning the best patterns of response, it learns like a human in a sense only because it is a robot it can play the same game thousands to millions of times over whilst a human can only have 10-20 games in the same amount of time.

Don't expect anyone to understand on this forum they all just think its skynet, they don't realise its more likely to kill us all due to being given a parameter such as 'Produce as many potatoes as possible on Earth but do not kill humans in the process' without knowing that the ecosystem will die if there is no eco-diversity and thus killing humans indirectly.

>keeps sending foreign aid to africa
cut all foreign aid to the third world and all of a sudden you'll see these problems disappear

>even if the white population was cut by 90%, there would still be more white people than there were in 1000AD.

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>what is Tesla

Niggers will have replaced whites in every western country and inspectoid chinks will take over the world and turn it into a global hell similar to Beijing today

>literally not hemoragging cash
>existing after next quarter
>elon musk having melt downs during QAs and won't even answer questions
>implying tesla's electric cars aren't a netdrain on energy after production


nuclear will make a comeback once china has had modern facilities for 20 years and (((they))) start to panic on the MSM realizing they fell behind because of their own propaganda.

>nuclear running out by 2020
what did the frog mean by this?

>this is critical
most american houses will take 1-2 electric cars to power. Small businesses require 2-4 electric cars.

>meme car
catching on

>the absolute state of Jow Forumstards

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mfw the UN thinks it's 3rd world country members will stop having 6 niglets per woman because of food shortfalls or something.

When I was a kids they used to say it was stupid to build a nuclear power plant because they take like 5 years to build and it would help in the short term. Pretty sure they are still saying this.

just find more

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Are you denying the holocaust goy!?

Modern facilities dont need be to be used more widely. The only one that are faulty or relatively dangerous are old as shit.

>nuclear first to go
lmfao, where did you get this retarded graph?
Nuclear will last longer than the earth.

Dont be a fucking retard. Do you really think we just dropped from 70 to 50 since 2010? We are nearly on 2020 already. Have you noticed any major energy crisis?

Also, earth has a lava core. Earth has waves. All we need is ways to collect the energy sitting right there.

Christ, Frog! Are you surrendering to your fears of the future?
Peak oil is a myth.
"Fossil fuel" isn't made from fossils.

Wait, this is just a plan for what libtards want in the future.
Wtf do they have against nuclear? It is the cleanest source of energy. Must be the kind of retards that think we'll run out of space to store the waste long enough for it to stop being radioactive.

Adaption. People will adapt, markets will adapt, innovation will happen. Don't think humanity is so inept that it will just fall over and die when something like this happens.

2 Problems with that chart:
1. It lists technically recoverable reserves and does not account for reserve growth
2. No methane hydrates for natural gas

the mainstream media holds that nuclear is safer than it has ever been and highly efficient and safe, the few tons of radioactive waste are far far fewer than what we exhaust into the atmosphere with coal every year and you simply store a large nuclear waste cask underground in a government controlled facility

no one should be propping up coal,(like trump did, and also hillary did) its been dying for half a century, we should be transitioning those people to new jobs as coal jobs become scarce

stop shilling the msm meme