How would this kind of school shooting situation play out in today's world, Jow Forums?
> be students at Kent State University
> protest Richard Nixon expanding the Viet Nam war into Cambodia, announced April 30
> gather on campus, get faced down by National Guardsmen
> 29 of 77 guardsmen fire their weapons, using an estimate of 67 rounds of ammunition during a span of 13 seconds
> 4 students killed; one paralyzed; eight others injured
> closest victim 71 feet away from the Guardsmen; farthest 750 feet away
May 4th, 1970
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I remember Urban Outfitters getting so much shit for selling these bad boys
>Conveniently leaving out the part were the protestors burned down the ROTC building on campus
National Guard did nothing wrong.
80s synth-pop band DEVO’s Jerry Casale has been quoted as saying, “All I can tell you is that it completely and utterly changed my life. I was a white hippie boy and then I saw exit wounds from M1 rifles out of the backs of two people I knew. I would not have started the idea of DEVO unless this had happened.”
This is what "peaceful protestors" always do.
And nothing of value was lost. A shame more faggot hippies weren't smoked.
Even still, too soon.
Years ago I called up the University and ordered a T-shirt from the bookstore. Worn it every May 4th.
I'm waiting for the Revenge of the Fifth
>Too soon
To mock them? Never
>Interestingly, Kent State officials had already boarded up the ROTC building and were planning to raze it.
The violent hippies got what was coming to them man. The fucked up part was the collateral damage
My Dad's babysitter was killed that day. She wasn't even involved in the protest, just walking to class.
Unarmed students 750 feet away? One of those injured was in the ROTC.
>The President's Commission on Campus Unrest avoided probing the question of why the shootings happened. Instead, it harshly criticized both the protesters and the Guardsmen, but it concluded that "the indiscriminate firing of rifles into a crowd of students and the deaths that followed were unnecessary, unwarranted, and inexcusable."
Well, in the case of Kent, two of the dead were simply walking to their next class.
Don't confuse today's left for what was happening then.
You cease to be unarmed once you start throwing rocks.
You ever been pelted with rocks? Shit happened to us all the time in Afghanistan and it's not fun. Plenty of times where I wanted to shoot those fucking kids throwing rocks but never was allowed.
Hippies should have been rounded up and shot.
Their parents should have let it happen. Now look those assholes got into positions of power and destroyed the West and mass imported in 3rd world slaves to replace us.
The people behind the days of rage then are the same people behind #resistfascism today.
When was the last time anyone on the left protested about the escalation of a war?
No these days they want a world war with Russia over faggots not being allowed to marry there.
Also they fall for every single propaganda piece about Syria and think Assad is worse then ISIS jihadi's taking over.
Devil's Advocate, sure. The mayor had asked for the Guard to be called in because of a riot which caused property damage in town. The Governor agreed and dispatched them. The United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit later ruled that authorities did indeed have the right to disperse the crowd that had gathered on campus.
Also, I'm sure Israeli soldiers could say the same.
This is a link to a film called "Growing Up In America", which follows some of those hippie people into their adult lives.
In his liner notes for the song on the Decade retrospective, Young termed the Kent State incident as 'probably the biggest lesson ever learned at an American place of learning' and reported that "David Crosby cried when we finished this take."
Less people would support the students in 2018 than back then. People aren't clueless to what's going on in higher "education" these days like they were in 1970. All though you'd figure all the left wing bombings would of clued them in back then too. I think people purposely ignored it because accepting it was too difficult.
>67 rounds of ammunition
>4 students killed; one paralyzed; eight others injured
Outrage at how bad of shots the Guardsmen are
>expecting National Guardsmen to know how to handle a weapon
These lazy mother fuckers only join so they can get gibs and cry "IMA VETURUN HOW DARE YOU I FOT FOR MUH CUNTRY" and just sit around all day doing anything but training
We would cheer them for killing commie Jews
literelly only reason i clicked was to see a devo picture
jesus my life is shit
>Well, in the case of Kent, two of the dead were simply walking to their next class.
>Don't confuse today's left for what was happening then.
They we're Jews trying to destroy white society. Literally the same thing
Chrissie Hynde, the future lead singer of The Pretenders happened to be a student at Kent State University at the time. In her autobiography she says, "The Guardsmen themselves looked stunned. We looked at them and they looked at us. They were just kids, 19 years old, like us. But in uniform. Like our boys in Vietnam.
>Dying for Soviet contrived (((peace mivement)))
These people have no idea what fascism is.
I hate colleges.
>They we're Jews
Four dead in Ohio
> Jeffrey Miller - His family was Jewish
> Allison Krause - family was Jewish
> William Knox Schroeder - wiki doesn't say and neither do secondary sources
> Sandra Lee Scheuer - Her family was Jewish
I'm just glad they didn't harm Saban that day.
Roll Tide!
Provoking until something happens? It’s typical regardless of the date. Only thing that’s different is they’re now outright Communists.
It really stood out to me how times sure have changed when Antifa chimped out about Milo at Berkeley and the seeming majority participated in the following shenanigans.
Sproul Hall had been the birthplace of the Free Speech Movement in 1965