REVEALED: The President's top secret report on what to do with the Jews.
The President's Plan For "The Jewish Problem"
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inb4 stormfags sperg out
they should
>spread them out
but of course, inject these particular europeans and their poz into every innocent community in the country
WTF I love FDR now
Wow it's another shitty authoritarian idea brought to you by FDR, imagine my shock!
>M Project
>The best way to settle the Jewish Question
>t. FDR
what about the mutt problem
they always sperg out
havent clicked this yet for some reason, maybe theyre not sure if "based fdr" or "wtf i love jews now" is the proper response
Hello, this makes me happy.
if your fat commie kike whore mom just swallowed you that problem would have been solved
why do antifas dislike commies,again?
Ofc a kekistani would suck Fascist Democrat Ruinous dick
>Supreme Goy, we'd like ya to tell us what ye plan on doing eh, whaddaya got for us Jews friend
>"we're gonna build you a country"
>"we're gonna ensure you have the freedom and ability to get to that country"
>"we will supply that country with enough supplies to defend itself"
>"and when the project's completed"
>"we're gonna finish the divine job and blow the shit outta you."
>OY *boom*
maybe it's because retarded anarchists are used to support a communist agenda and then killed off afterwards. antifa is the most retarded shit around. if you actually consider yourself to support anarchist tendencies there's no way you would ever think communism is a good thing
same reason rome fell
yeah im very surprised.
His plan is to spread his cheeks and bend over.
So sayeth the dirty Khazar, who operates T_D.
What kind of BS is this? Roosevelt was a free-mason scum and a kike henchman. The only reason for spreading kikes around in order to make it easier to conquer the world for them.
FDR got assassinated.
Enlighten me.
It's factual history
Is Bill Whittle a jew?
Why the fuck did he work for them, starting WW2 on their behalf?
>FDR started WW2
He provoked Germany maximally by giving all that help to Churchill way before Pearl Harbor. Some sources indicate Pearl Harbor was a set up and that he knew about the plans in advance.
Probably needs to be gassed 25%.
>ww2 started after pearl harbor
There are many different interpretations of when WW2 really became a world war.
All I want is one day the world will wake up again to the evilness of the Jews like before WW2.
Everyone before WW2 were woke. They knew what the Jews do in every society they go to. Then after WW2 all the Libratrds controlled by Jews spread across the world and and the believed the Jewish fetishized martyrdom stories.
Oh no! Look how the evil goyim has persecuted us throughout history because they are envious of our success! Oh no the HOROCRUST!
#maga #godemperor #syria
Nice digits.
What wonderfully crafted arguments
This isn't Trumps plan so irrelevant.
>wanting white immigrants
Yeah I'm gonna call bullshit
This could have been done in order to leverage information.
History repeats itself. Here is a quick historical rundown on TeH Jo0z.
I wouldn't recommend using Israeli VPN access points, user.
It's FDR
why do you brainlets comment without even reading op?
Brainlet confirm