Why are religious conservatives OK with someone cheating on their wife with a porn star and bribing her to shut up...

Why are religious conservatives OK with someone cheating on their wife with a porn star and bribing her to shut up, while simultaneously being against two people of the same sex in a committed relationship getting married? I can only imagine the mental gymnastics to justify that one.

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they have 0 principles

>same sex
>committed relationship

you really don't know the gays well do you

They're not known for being smart.

Trump getting some higher class trim than Clinton though, gotta give 'em that.

It's in our state constitution.

§ 25. Marriage
To be valid or recognized in this State, a marriage may exist only between one man and one woman.

I know plenty of them. That stereotype is so 1990s.

This guy gets it.

you know their public face, but i'm willing to bet that privately they are as degenerate as any stereotype you are imagining

first example isn't gay

Christians did not condone Trump's actions, in fact they hated Trump for them. Unfortunately Christians are also smart, they realized that at least Trump would listen to them instead of insulting them. If ur still curious read their book( if u even can read @ all), it's called the Bible. Might explain a lot.

Why are atheist liberals not okay with polyamory?

I honestly was hoping someone would say this. A britfag (real fag) friend of mine cheated on his boyfriend multiple times, even saying in our discord server he was getting laid on the weekend while his bf was gone with family.

I kek'd.

I hear they all have orgies with the Illuminati too.

because we all knew what we were getting its donald fucking trump lets not all of a sudden act like we ddnt know about him or his wild personal life over the last 3 decades, fuck its that simple


>two people of the same sex in a committed relationship
Doesn't happen. Faggots = guaranteed "open relationship".

>sodomy is the same as fucking 2 girls

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why can a porn star blackmail a sitting president even after admitting there was no affair?

sad part is, you don't even need a conspiracy to see the degeneracy of the gay community

I am an atheist conservative. aka all the good parts of conservatism without the magic and irrationality. I don't care who you fuck as long as it is a consenting adult.

They're playing the long gaame. Trump got their support by promising to select Supreme Court justices off of a list made by evangelicals. They want control of the Supreme Court. Trump is how they are going to get it. They can look past his degenerate sexual adventures because they're getting something a thousand times more valuable in return.

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Why are social liberals okay with someone cheating on their wife with a White House intern while in office, while simultaneously being against someone who had a consensual affair years before even running for office? I can only imagine the mental gymnastics to justify that one.

Homosexuals are 2% of the population and around 50% of HIV cases. Similar rates for other STDs.
They do not reproduce and they groom teenagers to be their boytoys. (I’d post Stephen Fry with his near illegal bumtoy but I can’t be arsed)
And LGBT politics, where homosexual men were always the biggest actors aside from kikes (because the rest are incompetent), are one of the worst blights on modern society, now moving onto kids through trannyshit.

>Why are religious conservatives OK with someone cheating on their wife with a porn star and bribing her to shut up

no one falls into this category.

we hate cultural Marxists, numales, söyboys, whores, landwhales, abortionists, feminists, niggers, uppity minorities and loosers in general so much we can afford to ignore transgressions on what you call "conservative values".

if you pretend we turn our back on trump because he paid a pornstar or colluded with russia, while the abortionists benefit, your iq must be in the single digits or even zero.


there's no point in being conservative if you are religious. religion and tradition are two essential elements of conservatism. perhaps you are a libertarian, which is not the same thing.

because the other option is a bunch of people who have spent decades shitting on white christians

sorry i meant "there is no point in being conservative if you are non-religious"

The conservative religious right thinks Stormy and that other playboy model plus the rest are lying hookers. Call them gullible but you can't say the religious right is being hypocritical. They really think Trump is telling the truth and the affairs never happened. Trump's former playboy status is hypocritical, but the bible is full of incorrigible manwhores who turned out to be good people in the end after asking God to forgive them so that's how they excuse the parts of Trump's past that he admits to.

You need to understand subsets better.

>Why are religious conservatives OK with someone cheating on their wife with a porn star?

This is a strawman. They aren't OK with adultery. However they are Adults and understand that life for most people is a series of trade offs, them turning on Trump would be beneficial for you, but not for them.

Also if you knew anything about principles (apart from an opportunity to create cheap rhetorical tricks) you would understand that when they are executed properly and honestly they are largely self-imposed. Not imposed to win internet arguments.

Go be a faggot somewhere else.

you're a fucking nihilist retard

by the way, you're not a conservative - you're a neoconservative. you don't "conserve" anything except muh GDP and the pentagon's agenda. faggot.

it's completely accurate gays constantly talk about how hard it is to find an actual relationship because everyone is only interested in hook ups or cheating

>implying people are rational ever.

You've got a hell of a treat coming when you realize that you are just as irrational as everyone else.

that's a doll not a real human you dumb fuck

If you cant understand the difference between the two you are probably mentally retarded.

Federal law trumps state law. Everyone knows that.

>millions of faggots in the USA
>0.71% are married
Fuck outta my face with your lies, nigger.

>Federal law trumps state law.
sure it does...

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Thinking Trump and stormy arent on the same side. Faggot.

We're against all of the above. Who says it's OK? But we aren't getting ready to vote for the democrat party who is literally doing the work of Satan, and which will purge us with violence as soon as they can do away with the Constitution.

Trump bedding some hooker is a sin against his own body. The Democrats forcing conservatives to service "gay weddings" is a sin against the country.

>The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people
You know, it’s funny. I don’t see anything about buttfucking being a-ok anywhere in the constitution. Don’t give me that b-b-but equal protection nonsense. That line and “provide for the common welfare” are the biggest crock of shit used to illegally expand federal powers. ESPECIALLY, the provide for the common welfare crap in the preamble. It’s in there as a whole lot of flowery nothing simply to sound good. Meaning, these following things are to provide for the common welfare, because if simply providing for the common welfare is enough to justify anything, why bother having any limits on the federal government, EVERYTHING (obviously not everything but close to it) could be justified as providing for the common welfare.

Whatsup with religious "wars" on Jow Forums today user? Did someone step on a jew toe creating lots of jew
Butthurt ?

if an actual factually proven adultery in the white house by a sitting president didn't get clinton pulled out of office, then a decade old affair with a washed up pornstar sure as shit isn't going to stop trump.

I'm not religious, but both are totally unacceptable. however, yo can't purity spiral too hard unless you have someone solid to replace them. If we could get a non-cheating version of trump, i'd like it, but lets use the hand we're dealt.

Pence -> Too religious!
Trump -> Too inmoral!

Leftists are retarded.

>or even zero
More like has a subzero iq

Because I’m not going to have a bunch of faggots use my morals against me. Tough shit, freaks. We’ve caught on.

Just leftypol trying and failing to do what they've attempted for years.

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Cheating is an act of sin.
Same sex marriage is a lifetime sin.

The last is worse because is a lifestyle, something you choose, not a mistake.

Because they knew the guy was this way when they voted for him and he's still supported religious liberties while in office?

What do you want us to say? First off, these are still allegations--which in this climate of democrat meddling I take with a grain of salt. Secondly, even if it were proven true Trump could have had Barron help tag teamed 40 additionally roasties in a hot tub full of Big Macs and it wouldn't change a thing. I would still like Trump more than Clinton. He does far more good than anything Clinton would have produced. Hell, i'd be dead with birds eating my burnt corpse because Hillary went and got us nuked.

because that shit is gay nigga.... sounds like you love fish sticks... in your mouth..

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Dont really care about either Trump's or Clinton's affair, but when you run on family values, christian morality, etc. and you cheat on your wife and pay hush money, you're a hypocrite.

>I can only imagine the mental gymnastics to justify that one.
Why do irrational people always play identity politics to justify their inability to accept reality as it is? If x then y checkmate thread disregarded.

Because Trump was willing to stand up for them. And he takes giant shits on the media who hate them. And they love him for it.

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Because the alternative literally descends to Hell every night to fuck the Devil.

>run on family values, christian morality, etc

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>Trump supporters
>Morals and intelligence

You have to understand their mindset. Everything is fake news and Trump is fixing America. Even though literally nothing has changed for a lot of his supporters, excluding the rich.

Yeah no

Who is ok with it?

It's not about faith.

The religious right in the US are overwhelmingly shameful hypocrites.

They care more about being on top than doing any good in the country.

Trump just played up their brand of bullshit.

>ran on ending stupid wars waged in the past
>ending a war in Korea
>doesn’t care about fixing America

Literal retard

Replace "Religious Right" with "Democrats" and this post is 100% accurate.

What good was Hillary going to do?

both would stand true.

None. Didn't say she would.

So why vote for her over trump then?

>omg those damn religious people keep voting based on their theology >REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>omg those damn religious people aren’t voting based on their theology

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religious conservatives are just part of the group that is now conservatives. you retard democrats just gave us all of your actual liberals, because you're all illiberal commie leftists now.

Why are liberal faggots such faggots? Baffles the mind...

>moral superior party
>bill clinton
how old are you?

>but when you run on family values, christian morality,
kek when?