Do female incels exist Jow Forums?

And why aren't they so violent like male incels?

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>Do female incels exist Jow Forums?
Nah, for women it's always a case of being too picky. I'm not even saying it's a bad thing, but it doesn't compare.

Because regardless of their misfortune there is something to fall back on, always. You know what males of old clinged to with die-or-try hands? A family. A purpose to continue your lineage. What else? A solid sense of masculine appeal with a side of praise for your accomplishments. Do you know what they don't have now? That and more. It's no wonder they rebel mindlessly. A woman's purpose is concrete. A males purpose in modern times is a discrete tuck-away from society.

Women can always get sex. So no.

>inb4 this is used as proof of toxic masculinity and why it needs to be stopped

>women and men are different

>unfuckable women
Even some 200 pound slug will have a number of beta faggots willing to orbit them.

Women cant be incels, its in the name

Even the male incels on this site can be pretty "picky" if that's your standard

one fat chick at my school was arrested for cannibalism. she actually ate people, so I'd consider that a killing spree of sorts

>Do female incels exist
no, being fat is a choice

ffs, its not that complicated
women are usually risk averse (with obvious exceptions)
as such they rarely engage in direct conflict with people that could be a threat
this is why, when they do engage in violence, its usually towards children
they will also use mob violence/shaming, which insulates them from any repercussions
the female version of violence is "he raped me" - then letting the police/white knights inflict various forms of punishment (and if they are unable, society as a whole, who will restrict access to the means of existence)
women arent any less guilty, their evil just takes a different form

some woman shot up youtube the ither week you idiot.

They do, they simply take a different path.

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males have testosterone

>unfuckable women dont go on killing sprees
Yeah we know. Its the women constantly getting pregnant and then aborting it that are going on kiling sprees.

Flag you bitches.

the same part of a woman's brain engages when she derides her husband as when a man beats his wife. Same impulse, different behavior.

Fuck off we don't have incels, we have robots and wizards. FUCKING WIZARDS MAN. Reddit literally cannot compete.
And they're probably just talking shit and trolling with their supposed pickiness. Might be a case of sour grapes too.
The whole "incel" thing in the subreddit sense is mostly just a bunch of memes. People who actually think like this must be a few in a million.

What a shame. She was a QT, I'd smash.

no women can be extremely ugly and there is still a guy desperate enough to fuck her

Yes, of course they can. Both genders have 1/10s and 2/10s that no one wants. Fat, disfigured, mentally or physically ill, theres loads of people who can't get sex.

In b4 women can always get sex: so can guys, if you find some desparate 40 year old hairy 400lb woman with bipolar and a thyroid condition and a pills addiction. But no Elliot Rogers wants that; sadly, no one does. Everyone has standards.

And yes, due to reproductive strategy differences, women are much pickier. They have good reasons to be, and their hindbrain doesnt know alimony exists. Men have a much harder time. But female incels ecist; perhaps 1/5th as many as male.

Males build roads and bridges, we can't afford to be as passive as women. Besides, women desire violent men. Almost every mass shooter gets a ton of fan mail from women.

Of course they exist. There was a fat, edgy, autistic chick with a slight moustache at my high school. Nobody liked her except for some brony outcasts, even though she wasn't a brony herself. She didn't harm anyone though and wouldn't react in an aggressive manner even when bullied. I think she'd easily find some beta autist to date if not for the moustache. There's something extremely off-putting about a chick with male features.

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she definitely thought she could do better than you

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>Nobody liked her except the ugly guys in her league

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>1 virgin goes shooting
>blames entire sex

Yes. They are your bright hair, overweight, SJW man-haters.

Why not date the bronies then? Were they not edgy enough?
Also please delet this picture.

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the equivalent to an incel i would say is an unmarried woman in her 30s-40s (feminists basically)
men get status from sex
women get status from having a guy commit to them
men control commitment, women control sex

>purple haired spinsters

she was a teenager. Women dont start thinking they mgiht not be worth Chad till they hit 29.9

A female incel is a woman who wants to fall in love and get married but they are annoying and ugly nobody wants them. Then they turn into bitter SJW's. who turn gay and dye their hair purple.

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the ugliest female can go online anonymously and get lots of attention and friend requests as long as they say they are a girl. Guys will care about their appearance only after they give their attention to them.

Women don't need to go on shooting sprees to massacre people.

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and now no one's getting what they want because everyone's withholding what they got till they other gives up what they have

This makes me sad. I think of what could have been in a different timeline, it could have had a happy ending. Feminism kills.

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Lol fat bitch ate people literally.

women kill their kids and abuse old people all the time


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no one wants their used up vaginas

Female incels are called lesbians and they are extremely violent. Like those lesbians that just drove their entire adopted family off a cliff.

>tfw no cannibal GF to eat corpses with

Why was I made to feel this?

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All of the violence women do is sanctioned by the state so they don't have to get their hands dirty.

Women can:
>rob men as a whole and live off of their money
>murder babies
>commit crimes with impunity and get a slap on the wrist
>sexually molest underage children with the widespread approval of the country
>force a man into slavery by marrying and divorcing him for alimony
>avoid conscription without penalty
>get a man thrown in prison on their word alone

What reason would they really have to kill a man? The state will do pretty much all of their dirty work for them.

All females are volcels.

its like 2-3 guys out of millions holy fuck. dont these fuckwits make parallels with #notall from islam or are their brain too damaged for this basic consistency check?

I'm a woman and I haven't had sex....


You can weigh 1000 lbs as a woman and literally step outside your door and find a man who will fuck you in 5 minutes.

>all she had to do was calling me

Here's another.

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This. Its impossible to be involuntarily celebate if youre a girl, aside from maybe being phyiscally deformed in some way.

and even then, you would need to be severly deformed


>nobody kissed me in high school.
>but when I went to college I fucked 30 guys

like if youre missing an arm and cant walk but youre a 5/10, youre still fine

There is no such thing. If a woman wants to fuck, all they have to do is ask every healthy man they meet. About half will say yes, and the other half will think about it for at least a moment.

What there is such a thing as is involuntarily poor women, i.e. those passed over by chads who can afford to buy them everything they think they want. Those are the ones who thrust globalists and socialists into office. They don't kill men much. They don't have to. The government does it for them.

Women are the Jews Hitler warned you about.

This, they rely on thirsty faggots.

I don't know if it was the bronies who couldn't force themselves past the 'stache or the girl who couldn't force herself past the bronies. Probably both at the same time. Me and my buddies were digging up more and more shit about her throughout the entire high school for the laughs and we found out that her ideal boyfriend would be some sort of an edgy romantic goth creature. I guess the bronies didn't really fall into that category.
Also, the worst part is that despite the fact that we laughed at her she really seemed like a redpillable reasonable person, if you ignored her extreme lack of self-awareness which could've been worked on. She exhibited patriotic values, albeit a tad bit misguided ones, which is something unheard of when it comes to teenage females. If only she didn't have that fucking moustache she totally could've been worked on and brought up from a 1/10 to a 4/10 cuddly autistic Jow Forums-GF.

I think female incels exist, but are beyond rare. They are either actually fucking retarded, or are so mentally fucked up, depressed, and socially anxious that they repel everyone. Iv seen one my entire life way back when in highschool. She wasn't awful looking if you liked big girls (not fat, but tall, stocky, heavy slavic features) but she hated talking to anyone, wore hoodies every day even if it was hot as shit. Read manga during class, had no friends. No idea what happened to her.

That being said, the reason why female incels don't go Rodger is because someone will fuck them. Its easy, they just have to muster up the courage to ask someone to go on a date. Fat girls, tall girls, dump girls, doesn't matter. Men will fuck them. Hell I would have fucked the girl I was talking about. All it takes for a female incel to get fucked is just putting a profile on OKC and responding to a guy she likes. Male incels can't do that.

Men shoot up schools

Women drive off cliffs with their children in the car

See the problem? Equality is a lie.

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>Women drive off cliffs with their children in the car
or poison the elderly

what she look like tho?

They poison people and you never hear about it.

>Because regardless of their misfortune there is something to fall back on

like lauren rose for example. she's unemployable and has no future obviously but all she has to do is type ''im looking for a bf, send your applications'' and if she'll get a bf who makes 6 figures. boom shes set

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>tfw no incel gf

If this woman kept her fucking legs shut and then lost 100 lbs, she have soi boys lining up. That's a lot easier than growing 6 inches or making a 7 figure salary.

>Do female incels exist?

27 year old virgin female, not ugly, shut in. Will hit the wall soon, may die a childless virgin.

>why aren't they so violent like male incels?

Women are violent in different ways because being directly aggressive is dangerous.

I'm proud for Elliot. It's been almost 4 years and still very much alive in collective consciousness.

His immortality has been assured.

damn, Robbie is thirsty af

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They just kill themseleves

Male suicide rate is still higher though, sweetykins, honeylamb love of my life

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If we needed definitive evidence that we live in a time of fucking zero rationality, a time where everyone with the power to lead the narrative have totally lost all of their critical faculties, this is it. None of it makes any fucking sense.

Incel women don't go on killing sprees because women generally don't go on killing sprees. Women are mostly just average, while men are for more widely distributed between terrible, average, and brilliant. Men are more likely to be violent, prison is filled with men. Men are also more likely to invent or discover things that all of society benefits from. Only 48 women have won Nobel Prizes, while 844 man have. If you want all the incredible shit men provide, you have to put up with the occasional terrible shit.

Trust me if they bagged a whale they'd do it, they're just LARPing as picky to seem less pathetic.

Women don't know anything

He may not have created offspring but he helped shaping the world nevertheless.

Wrong! most of these cunts have a 'men don't want to stay after the sex' problem, not a no sex problem

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There's still zero proof that the Toronto guy really posted this incel shit too. It's just a picture of a facebook post. Anybody can fake this.

For women they end up killing their children. That's how they punish the world.

Instead they get together and try to pressure men to date hambeasts because "muh beauty standards."

>>>>>>unfuckable women
Thanks for the laughter. Such thing doesn't exist. What exists are pussies with high standards. Like for real, if a girl lowers her standards she will be fucked by somebody. Even those crippled retards that used to be spammed on /b/ over a decade ago cucked each other.

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Because they just have to make a profile on any online dating site and take a picture with some hygeine care and done. After that it's all waiting till they pick a dick to ride.

They don't get violent because females are likelier to believe their own bullshit excuse if they can't get laid, as a whole they're pretty good at it.

A man understands reality, on a concrete level even a delusional neet might scream and furyfap about roasties and inequality but at the end of the day it's because *he* is not good enough. Period. The tangible things that cannot be changed will always be viewed by the opposite sex as unattractive.

T.wizard apprentice

oh yeah, totally believable.

All these used up women failing to get a man. Don't they know that in order to get a man they have to pretend to be ladies instead of whores? Don't they know that in order to get a good man they have to find him while they are in their twenties?

All female incels are SJW’s.

>And why aren't they so violent like male incels
Because they are even more destructive, because they are females, thus more evil.
They falsely accuse everyone around them.

Femcels should be burnt like the evil toxic witches they are.

ebin meme broseph

>Unfuckable women can't preform killing sprees

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They would have to be insanely unattractive to be incels. The bar for a female to be fuckable to the average man is so fuckin low that you'd have to have some sort of deformity or disability to not catch a dick as a woman.

Define "women".

Every kind prefers their own.

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This article infuriates me for several reasons.
1. Men will fuck literal deformed retards. That bitch with two heads? She (they?) have a boyfriend. The standards lowering cannot go any lower than what men are willing to fuck. Men will fuck actual animals. Like not just as a 'hey this bitch let a donkey fuck her for money' but as an actual lifestyle and not that uncommonly (see all scotsman and arabs).
2. She's comparing feeling unpopular FOR A YEAR OR TWO IN HIGH SCHOOL to the deep depression of a 20-40 year stint of that. My guess? The cunt who wrote this article has a boyfriend. Oh so your high school days were a temporary thing? Shut the fuck up then.
Imagine if a white slaveowner told their black slave as they were being whipped 'hey I know how it feels, my mom made me clean my own room once'. That's what this article is.

Women are fucking insane. She's a whale

Flip side of the same coin my man


nice digits nigger...truth be told