The Israelites were not jewish

>eyes like pools of water
>skin like ivory
>smooth raven locks

>ruddy complexion
>could see his veins
>could see him blush

>hair as white as wool (very light blonde)

King David
>red hair
>ruddy complexion

Attached: mary chan and jesus kun1.jpg (674x867, 593K)

Other urls found in this thread:

shut the fuck up with your "WE WUZ" bullshit you pasty faggot

that's a lot of information user. could you give me a give me a quick rundown

it's not WE WUZING it's the truth

Attached: 1525475252582.png (984x728, 237K)

Dragon Energy = Kundalini

This. Fucking OP worse than nigger Hebrews.

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Attached: day of the rake3.jpg (272x186, 9K)

The "hair white as wool" is a description of the Ancient of Days on the throne in heaven and is not a description of the incarnate Christ

Attached: 1522748790343.jpg (489x488, 23K)

good point

Attached: 1525469929519.jpg (824x275, 39K)

i can't click on that

Attached: lord jesus.jpg (1163x851, 228K)

The word Jew originates from the tribe of Judah.

God revealed himself through the Jews, get over it.

The jews either repented and accepted Jesus or were otherwise separated and eradicated in time as their punishment for killing our Lord.

The modern day "jews" are just inbred khazar turkish larpers who worship Satan.

>Jesus: jews are the synagog of satan
>you:Jesus was a jew
what did user mean by this?

Attached: christ chan19.png (1280x720, 708K)

Now that I know those disgusting turd people who fall for (((communism))), also hate Christianity, I'm ready to sign up.

good you should start by reading the Bible and going to Church.

Attached: 1525461158425.jpg (445x409, 72K)

Absolutely. Christianity is our only true weapon against Satan and his earthly followers the "jews".

Jow Forums is a Christian board. Go to church and read your Holy Bible KJV. Only then will you be ready to fight the good fight.

Yes, Jesus rightly refers to the Jews who rejected him and his theology as the synagogue of Satan, it doesn't change the fact that he was a Jew.

The overwhelming majority of Jews rejected Christ, that's why they are still Jews.

Christ on earth was the first "anti-Semite" even if he was a Jew himself. If you follow the teachings of the Holy Roman Catholic Church you'd know He was borne of Immaculate Conception and hence did not belong to any earthly race.

I don't really dispute any of this, except perhaps Jesus not having a race, he was born among the Jews, perhaps it doesn't make sense to say he has Jewish blood or to describe him as a Jew now, but for a time he was a Jew amongst Jews.

When the jews left Egypt, they stole with them the secrets of the Egyptians with them. Their entire spirituality/mysticism was plagarized. Hell, even their god was taken from the Caananites' god of storms.

"I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan."

Armageddon when?
