Hey guys so today I was at the local teen center hanging with a few high school guys I redpilled and I noticed some thing disturbing that some of the staff painted I might be looking too deep but it is the boy lover emblem if I am not mistaken
Possible trafficking location at my local teen center
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fuck off you creepy pedo
Could be something, could be nothing. Do some light snooping user, but don't sperg out without reasonable evidence. All you have is somewhat reasonable suspicion right now.
big if true. bumping for support of getting them off the streets and into a coffin.
Here's another one
There's this mural on the wall
This Become an investigator unironically but keep your power level hidden.
>blue arrow
yep, that's definitely a pedo reference to boy benis... Or maybe it really is nothing. Any black lite paintings of Pizza around there OP?
2 kids (hand, center) were molested and shot (gun, far right) and killed on the beach in Hawaii (sun/palms/flower). Their bodies were swept out to sea by the waves (waves, left).
It's a story. Follow the story, find the truth.
Ok... honestly with how this article is presented i take it that you wish to collect opinions.
Certain boys and girls are effected by bloodline curses. Those sodomized children may or may not be a part of a bigger group.
I really would not ask questions about this on here.... If anything, your natural reaction, if you did not want to express your own curses, would be to just ignore the symbol.
It kind of goes like this "it smells like marijuana in here have you been smoking illegal drugs"
>The rest of Jow Forums please notice how structured this topic is compared to the rest. This could very well be a data mining thread.
OP here found this