Laugh while you can, nazis

Laugh while you can, nazis.
We're coming.

Attached: 1525302336962.png (540x691, 427K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: banner2.gif (320x240, 54K)

Attached: e11.gif (500x373, 487K)

Attached: 1494881580790.jpg (842x725, 104K)

pls no

Attached: naziswatchout.png (704x808, 749K)

"goes to Streamable"
"doesn't stream"

Attached: Good Night Left Side 1.png (1028x1081, 537K)

>fist making instructions

Pantyfa types have got to be some of the stupidest motherfuckers that have ever lived. Figures they'd be drawn to something as demonstrably retarded as communism.

Why are they all either emaciated or morbidly obese?

Attached: B297ACBE-1D61-48D8-9B17-C7FE8869D42D.jpg (1024x766, 182K)

It will be a good day on earth when these sóyboy faggots are decaying corpses hanging from cottonwood limbs.

Attached: soylent.png (1019x806, 1M)