Is it a he or she my polacks?
Is it a he or she my polacks?
Fuck it and find out
It says he/him pronouns in the bio, so im guessing it has a penis. So...yes its a man.
It's a dude. Plus says he/him pronouns.
just a run-of-the-mill faggot trying to make a few heteros sweat.
failing miserably, but B- for effort.
It has a lantern jaw, whatever it is
facial features indicate a mild Down's Syndrome
don't care
fuck off
stop shoving tranny at my face, I don't want to see them
Fucking kek
Look at the fingers, they seem lady like to me. My guess is it's just an unlucky dude looking chick.
>>does it matter tho.
Good point my northern leaf friend
Shut your chink mouth up. Go fuck your sex dolls
I'd pound that tight, pink boipucci
What is? Pointing out the snasauge handlers or the fact a everybody's mouth feels the same.
Exactly, you see, you my friend are what we call chad. Unfortunately we have the chink fuck against it
The fact you point out his lady like fingers.
Why do you even think it matters, user?
Love is love. And it would be a bonus if she has a feminine penis -- like a birthday present you weren't expecting!
I want to fuck his boipussi so bad
I bet it's all soft and squishy. Maybe Dennis Rodman knows.
Rodman has an average penis. It's actually suckable
>any woman in your vicinity is in complete fear for her life
we're reaching alpha levels that I didn't even think were possible
>Rodman has an average penis. It's actually suckable
Should I ask how you know this?
>we're reaching alpha levels that I didn't even think were possible
Probably the most alpha man who ever lived.
I like the way you think, gaynon
firstly if they look female, and theyre trying to get you to call them male, theyre probably a chick. second of all dudes dont have little hands with thick chubby wrists unless theyre at least 210lb.
t. I've studied anatomy and queers alot. I was an art major. Yes i hate myself.