State. Mandated. Homosexuality

It's about time

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>they called people who said this was coming conspiracy theorists and tin foil nuts

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Sam Hyde called it first and Bellagio Sampler Elaborated on it
Video related

Also kanye is awakening and will tell the world of pizzagate

It's funny how they think this will make people accept homosexuals. It's not something you can fool adolescents about, even kids know homosexuality is weird and an abberation. Kids will get bullied way more and singled out now in classrooms. Good job Illinois.


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Kek. What is wrong with Illinois? What timeline are we on?

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its about time

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This hasn't been passed yet herp derp

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And homeschool percentages will soar.

unit studies
>explosion of aids gay community
>suicide epidemic among trannies

The recent incident happened in St. Bartholomew's Church in Kildorrery, Ireland. Images obtained by Church Militant show a man dressed as a priest caught engaging in oral sex and other sexual activity with another man laid across the altar in the church.

A source close to the situation told Church Militant he is asking Bp. William Crean of Cloyne to investigate whether the man disguised in clerical garb is a priest. Suspicions revolve around Fr. Michael Lomasney, whose resignation was accepted by Crean last year owing to revelations of alcoholism.

It is alleged that the image involving oral sex was posted on a gay dating app. Two young men, 18 and 19, claim they met this priest through the hook-up site and the priest took them to St. Bartholomew's for sex.

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Until that becomes illegal too

You are making me wet.

Doubt we will see that in the US anytime soon. Also charter schools are another big alternative that is cutting into goy brainswashing currently.

Ill wet you with gasoline and toss you a match, filth.

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i remember this. i probably even agreed sometimes.

my god what have they done

sometimes i wonder if anyone is paying attention at all. hard to know what normies think of this outrageousness

I still dont understand why im told the slippery slope is a fallacy when we see it before us everyday

Usually when I tell some normie about this type of shit irl, they tell me to stop looking at extremist websites or whatever.

Instead of the slippery slope fallacy, bring up the boiling frog analogy.

very good meme

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All the blacks in Chicago will love that.

Sounds hot

Usually they think I'm joking or just exaggerating

mfw its not even 2070 yet

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>as a kid distinctly remember being taught in schools to be color blind and give everyone a fair shake
>current year: everything is race and we need to hamstring whites, asians & in some fields poo n' loos for being too successful

A man ahead of his time

Havent heard that one but it sounds interesting

nice lel

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But it won't be complete if they don't start at the beginning of the homo/tranny/chomo crap and talk about porno addicts and how they've warped their own sexual preferences to the point where they can't control themselves.

they're proud that we are becoming a less bigoted society.

I'm starting to understand the temptation of accelerationism now

it is very tempting isn't it, letting it all crash and burn

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and that's why my child goes to a catholic school.

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Will they teach about how common it was (and still is to a lesser but still large extent) for homosexual men to molest and fuck young boys? Gays act like it's some horrible homophobic conspiracy theory to claim that homosexuality and pedophilia are linked and yet almost all queer literature from before the last 20 or 30 years is full of old men/young boys fucking. Half the beat poets were in NAMBLA for fuck's sake.

>It's about time
go back to /sparta/ shitdick

temptation? it's inevitable at this point

LGBT history. If they weren’t degenerates AIDS wouldn’t have spread like wildfires and would be suppressed to just killing barefoot jungle people in Africa.

That’s fine, at this point accelerationism and rightwing support is all headed towards the same wonderful place.

no link

By creating a history for faggotry they mold the LGBTQ worldview into a living, breathing creature with a past a present and a future which in turn makes it seem like LGBTQ is natural and normal in the minds of the youth.

... that's the point. Retard.

Yes, but It wont work

This shit is exactly why Hitler rose to power in the first place. Are Jews this retarded.

Not unless we do something about it.

American society is so weak and pathetic its inhabitants kill themselves regularly and those who don't seek to escape the culture of death by any means necessary weather through drugs, porn, video games, or other decadent fantasies. Such a society is hanging by a thread and each day that passes the thread looses a strand...

>the slippery slope is just a fallacy you silly

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So, the fags join a list of mandated groups.

Blacks, the French, Asians and Hungarians.

Wtf is up with the Hungarians that they need to be singled out??

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>Kek. What is wrong with Illinois?

History of poopdick? Why? How do they justify it?

What have we done?
We let this happen. We didn't meme hard enough.

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>What is wrong with Illinois
It's the entire Western world.
The fall of Rome, on a global scale.

I'll be homeschooling my daughter in a couple years and all future kids, too. Planning on having 4 maybe 5.

It is pointless in wishing the state of illinois good luck in their attempts to brainwash gen z.

Because gen z are apparently conservative af, and they definitely do not give not a shit about gay rights.

The numbers, the post itself, my body is ready.

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No acceleration will work with Western degeneracy. It will simply become the new normal.

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Link it faggot

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It will at best be mentioned as something terrible straight people use to attack gays, not taught about.

This stuff won't be taught, it'll be marketed to the kids just as "islamic education" is just conversion to islam in our "muh no religion allowed unless it isn't christianity" public schools.

Digits observed. Can you explain accelerationism to me? The way I keep seeing it use it's hard to tell what it means, it's either lefties or wokeboys trying to force a social collapse sooner either because it's their goal already (left) or because it'll wake more people (based) right?

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Based Matt Beauchamp

I think it's good the curriculum will finally include that time a bunch of faggots gave each other AIDs.

>are jews this retarded?
Yes, your digits confirm

Illinois is now gayer than California