How do I

How do I,
become a

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I doubt that I have the IQ for it anyways. Sacred and ancient practices of masonry is profoundly complex

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Idk and my family is full of them. The deceased ones even have the symbol on their headstones but it like never gets brought up

Jow Forums is the most powerful secret society in the world

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let a bunch of faggots penetrate your asshole

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you never ask?

Jow Forums causes holocaust
top kek

You have to submit yourself to a bunch of ritualistic faggotry and eventually bow down to Nimrod and Osiris. You seem pretty gay, you might make it.

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Its not about iq my dude, to become a free mason you must be recruited by one. Usually the standards are an upstanding member of the community with a job that makes enough to provide for a wife and children.

Thats just means not a single one of them trusts you even a little

Sneak into their lodge early Sunday morning and hide in the sarcophagus they have in their back room. When they open it during their ritual and find you inside they will know you are worthy of joining and initiate you into their society.

Bro you just look up your local chapter on Google, you can call them. But i think you need to know someone who is already a member.

Go to your local lodge and ask.
It’s fine, once you hit 32 then the barrack Shriners come. Once you hit Barak Shriners you peak unless you get into clandestine shit like jesters.

I’d like to belong to a meaningful group with a goal in these superficial times. But what service could I offer them, speculatively, as a 21 year old finance student? I don’t study architecture, but I love the beauty and meaning in art and structure.

By killing yourself because daddy never gave you hugs as a kid

I’ll replace the mummies and stuff the sarcophagus with occult symbol origami

Literally just ask one to be one.

Don’t know any, might be an age thing.

Then you go find one. Google your state/province.

Go to a lodge and ask about membership.

Youre too young for the masons, if you want to join the future then keep your reputation clean and find a traditional wife

Definitely possible for me then

Not hard. Find one and talk to them. Bring it up. They will recommend you if you're not a retard. I thought about it, but was an Atheist at the time and it requires a belief in a God.

What drew you to it?

You have to ask one to sponsor your membership. Three seperate times. They’re told to tell you no the first two times


Most new guys are younger (18-30). What's the point of an old dude joining?

In immediate or rapid succession or with time to deliberate?

>They’re told to tell you no the first two times
That's pretty rare, though. Mostly only the ancient guys who do it.


Go on


"no" +**^*


>once you hit 32
There is no 32 in Blue Lodge masonry

>be intelligent.
>apply online.


This isn't a set rule. It's more of a test to make sure that you're serious

Wrong. You are never recruited.

I am a free mason AMA


No. Go to the Grand Lodge of Canada's website, and find a lodge bear you. Call their secretary and ask for a petition.


Take a knife and stick it up your ass.
A genie will pop out and thats it, your in.
>Enjoy dog fucker

Why do it?

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To be one, ask one.

You get a lot of perks, job opportunities, cheap rent prices

It's like the Jewish version of being White

You are retarded, they take anyone who can pay the yearly dues and who can remember which way to walk in a circle and recite a few sentences about hiram abiff.
>Masons are satanists, and any mason who says differently hasnt read anything by the masons.
>The idiot blue lodge (master masons) and a 3rd degree. They are average schmucks who dont know (or care) what its all about.
Masons hated blacks but now have thosuands of them, kind of ironic to join an organization whose important figures (albert pike) founded kkk clans.

>Masons hated blacks but now have thosuands of them
In a separate but mostly equal group called Prince Hall.
And Pike wasn't racist.

>Read the phrase 3x
>Hair stood on arms
>user delivered

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Yeah Blue Lodge Masons don't usually know what it's really about. The higher degrees of the Scottish Rite are where the Satanism becomes more prominent. I'm not sure about the York Rite. There's also the Memphis-Misraim Rite which goes up to 99 degrees, they're also the most secretive.

Literally all you have to do is ask to join their club. Pretty sure Jow Forums is meaner to newfags than masons. Anything you’re worried about, don’t be. I know a mason who owes back owed child support and is a binge addict who semi stalks his ex after she’s asked him to leave her alone. Masons don’t really have standards and that’s their biggest secret. They need their due money I guess, but they must be getting hard up for candidates if the guy I’ve known for over a decade is in it, and he is. Just show up to one of their monthly functions and mingle.

Yea ok
You a satan, i mean mason?

>we literally memed another holocaust into reality, surfing Trump into the presidency on a wave of aetherjew ash

I'm kind of surprised how many people are cool with Masonry on a board filled with National Socialists.

>Masons cant be Christians
Orthodoxy wont allow the satanic tards in and truth be told any mason who knows its satanic but goes along with it has damned their soul to hell.

Dont be stupid user, its not worth eternal damnation to pay yearly dues and go to a few dinners.
>Jesus is the way user. I pray you wont join op

This. Wtf masonry is communist. This is a Catholic board

why are you
writing like

It shows how many normies have infested pol
>I miss the good old days where this thread would hit its limit and be solid redpilled info

Freemasons are satanic retards who think they know special ancient hidden esoteric things that grant them hidden knowledge about the universe.

Jesus is the ONLY way to heaven, and any gnostic bs only leads to hell.

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Search Israeli supreme court building
>Has a fucking pyramid inside, is filled with masonic symbolism and built by ???
Gee i wonder who supports NWO, zionism and globalisation....masons

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Scottish Rite and "York Rite" are separate groups. Nothing is higher than the Craft Lodge.
Memphis-Misraim is sadly defunct, and not practiced as appendant to any regular lodge.

Because it's similar to Masonry, and tonnes of us have been here for years. Both would be forbidden under fascist rule.

>Freemasons are satanic

not using esophagus

Well fuck sign me up lol. I imagine I would tribute money/skills/services?

What the fuck?? Is that a message?

Trying to be a free mason now...illuminati left 50 years ago

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Kek don't do this, that's how you visit Gravelord Nito.

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You need to pay a fee and attend a meeting every so often

Worth it?

So that
You would
Read this


and its beautiful