Is the redistribution of sex feasible?

The NY Times has actually posed an interesting argument:

If prostitution is legalized and Sex Robots become a reality, doesn't that mean everyone can get laid without unfairly punishing those at the "top"?

Is it possible and beneficial to redistribute sex if when sex becomes an infinite resource?

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-05-04 at 7.14.22 PM.png (1538x1388, 1M)

Ah so this is why (((they))) are shilling the incel meme

Look at them ready to bend over and endorse degeneracy at the mere thought that it might be necessary to appease a (supposedly) violent extremist group.

Bread and circus

so you're saying (((they))) are secretly trying to get everyone laid more?

If that's their "super eeevil world domination" plan, they have my blessing.

what do you mean?

DOnt you have a house pet to molest?

Notice the pricetag

Don't you have some sheep-shagging islanders to get BTFO by? Don't you have an economy to collapse? Aren't you a nigger?

Women will not let prostitution be legalized. Women control the market on pussy now. If prostitution is legalized, the value of unprofessional pussy will drop, and all of the manipulation women do with it will no longer work. They will be ruined.