Unarmed Public

Reminder, this is what can happen to an unarmed, defenseless public.

Prove me wrong.

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Wtf I love gun grabbers now

These guys were probably just pacifists, complacent.

cant argue with that

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Defenseless is senseless.

Next this the public received Soviet weapons and fiercely exterminated the Nazi scum. Didn't even need to send the agenda - the people themselves went to war.

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This is why true Americans cannot be Nazis because Nazis want to round up all the guns from people they label degenerates

Sure it's Jews and niggers now
Tomorrow it will be the intellectuals and the day after that it will be political enemies

That means if you side with a Nazi, as a libertarian, even though you both hate niggers, jews and spics, the Nazi will still try to take your guns because you're not a Nazi yourself


Fuck Nazis

Not quite sure if Hitler took the guns, like Alex Jones said.

Complacency, or the idea "it can never happen" is the problem.

Every time.

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Castro took the guns. Not a Nazi. Jewish Communist Revolutionary, or so it is said.

I agree with such conclusions. Any person can be called a Jew and refute these words only after DNA analysis.


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Completed SA-2 missile site showing characteristic Star of David pattern.
Just a coincidence.

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The holocaust was a choice for the Jews

and then the public promptly starved under stalin lol

Why not?

Certainly. hunger was so strong that the Soviet Union defeated the best army in the world and restored the entire Eastern Europe. But it's just a coincidence...

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>true Americans
You mean human cattle?

Give me your address and I'll prove you wrong with a hammer.

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castro gave guns to the population. thats how he fucking won.


>gives guns to the population
>takes them back
>dictator now, no opposition.

ya, he was REALLY for the people wasn't he.

The National Socialists literally just grabbed guns from legitimate degenerates though.
You're actually just wrong and don't know what you're talking about.

>the German state confiscated weapons from Jews, Communists, Social Democrats and unions that refused to affiliate with the Nazi Party
>registration was spotty, confiscation (from the groups mentioned above) was selective and Nazi allies found it easier, not harder to get weapons
>Much later, in 1938, the Nazis passed a new law that liberalized gun ownership in many respects, while simultaneously banning ownership and manufacture by Jews
This is from fucking politifact, by the way, when you search 'nazi gun control'. Not some hardcore sympathizers, a leftist website.

You stupid fucking brainlet. The National Socialists didn't take guns away from the people, because they didn't have anything to fear from a populace that gave them immense support.

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Look at the gun in the (((german))) soldiers' hand.