The white race is doomed
The white race is doomed
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saw reddit at the top of the pic
stop giving a shit
>Low quality White without the strength of character and will to power won't have children
Nothing of value was lost. I'm not fighting for low quality Whites. I'm fighting for high quality Whites.
She is gonna kill herself before 50 anyway
It's good that someone who takes post-op selfies and posts them on plebbit can't spawn.
>already past her prime
>too old to probably have kids anyways with out mental disabilities
>gets surgery to feel less pathetic
6700 upboats
Just wait until she hits the 30 yo wall
>too old
Uhh... isnt that procedure entirely reversible though?
Why do women brag about being sluts now? I overheard a coworker talking about her birth control, she's like 20 and unmarried
she already hit the wall that why she is doing it, its a coupling method where instead of trying to get things straight some people will double down and do crazy stuff like that
It CAN be. But from what I understand the longer you go before trying to reverse it, the more likely you'll never be able to reverse it. By the time she changes her mind, she'll be to old.
Watch her be an extra scumbag and get with a guy who wants kids, but she never tells him she got snipped.
She's off to a good start. All she needs to do now is have her voicebox and typing fingers removed and she's good to go
She looks like a kike to me
Libshit exterminating itself.
Should be silently celebrated
and loudly be encouraged.
Better than being on the pill health wise.
It was a interesting trick making the pill common. Somehow they convinced women they need to be DTF any rando at a moments notice.
I agree. Let whites who "like money and dogs" more than continuing the white nations die out. They and their progeny (who would have been anti-white anyway) won't be missed. We'll be stronger overall as more of this kind follow suit.
She has ashkenazi face. Those dead brown eyes and that Eastern European Ukrainian kike khazar nose. Nothing of value was lost
White race is not dyi....
Exactly. It's not strength through numbers, it's strength through quality
>I like money and dogs
This is why I am for banning pets. Then more resource can be devoted to raising the next gen.
22 years old?! Nope. There is no way! Medical doctors wont do that type of procedure unless a woman is 25+ years old.
It's a good thing this stupid thot removed her self from the gene pool. People like her shouldn't raise families and should be sterilized by law
Got scooped out?
Natural filtration.
Do you know where you are?
Anyone who would do this shouldn't have children in the first place.
>redditors are voluntarily cutting off their genetic line
She made it sound like she had to go to a number of doctors. She would have found one eventually.
She's just doing what her Jewish owners tell her to. That's a good thing.
True, but the word you are looking for is "coping mechanism".
This is definitely a coping mechanism, it is also the equivalent of a piercing or tattoo in her mind, probably a big "fuck you" to mom and dad.
"Look at what a rebel I am! I completely nullified the biological reason for my existence!"
Problem is she's going to import some somalian kid to raise. This is what libshits do. They're kind of like AIDS. They fuck up your country's immune system (i.e. ethnic birthrates) and help outside diseases (*i.e. immigrants) kill your country
Yup, the biological clock ticks loud from about 30-40.
That subreddit is absolutely mental. Why the hell would young adults so eagerly make these decisions? This guy is 22 btw.
People who refer to their pets are children shouldn't be allowed to have them in the first place. It's a good thing.
Her body looks so undefined fuck man she needs to fucking exercise for her health's sake
What the fuck do American women eat? How do they age so quickly
Yeah otherwise she won't live to see her grandkids... oh wait nevermind.
They're young.
So what. One less abortion. One less shitty single mom.
As whites remain the most attractive ethnic group, it ensures that top tier white people will continue to marry each other (ie the opposite of what tends to happen with successful blacks and asians). In a few generations whites will probably be far fewer in number, but on average smarter and more attractive. We'll literally become the Jews, and finally take our revenge.
She's using this an excuse because no guy wants to tie her down
>Doesnt want children
>slurps mountain dew
>"Its da jews fault!"
>faps to double penetration interracial cuck porn
>"I cant believe this girl doesnt want kids, she just hasnt met me yet, if she did she'd want a 100 kids >:) "
>plays video games and gains weight
Yea. lets blame her. if anything people on Jow Forums should take a thing or two from Jow Forums and maybe do a little self improvement, both mentally and physically.
>that face
She's a Jew
Irrational sterilizing themselves should be something we encourage.
They're better than children.
Not if women are replaced with artificial wombs.
You should take a thing or two from Jow Forums and maybe do a little self gassing to death, you fucking kike. Every single “person” on this planet with jewish DNA needs to be exterminated
Nuke reddit.
You don't need to convince women to be worthless whores. You just need to convince men to allow them to be.
literally proved my post right lmfao.
maybe its because majority of the men of the "white race" is on a forum like this and weighs over 300 lbs and is a NEET
Nothing against neets, I love u guys.
Why do people celebrate this shit
"I did it!"
Did what exactly? You got yourself mutilated so that you could NOT do something, cool.
>sister is redpilled as shit
>hate niggers and hates liberals set out to destroy our country
>her husband is an engineer working for the Airforce making at least 60 thousand a year while she brings in at least 30 thousand a year
>both good genes easily 7-8/10 looks
>for some reason both of them refuse to have kids
She has prevented herself from creating more of pic related. Nothing valuable was lost.
I have a difficult time believing such an invasive surgery has such small bandages...
Looks like you have to take matters into your own hands. You have to impregnate your sister.
sage thread do not reply
I don't believe in creating degenerate inbred mongrels
so them saving up and wanting to enjoy life in their prime is a bad thing? You should be happy for her, shes happier than you most likely.
I'm going to say its safe to assume that shes blue pilled as fuck? Let them be happy. by the way.. you realize how creepy you sound?
>"My sisters so fucking hot, i want her husband to knock her up!"
jesus christ, the state of Jow Forums
One small but important saving grace is no fugly looking, freak, half-nigger, "fashion accessory" kids others are expected to foot the bill for. So there's that, at least.
>I like money and dogs
I've come to this conclusion recently too. White are a global minority, the number getting smaller overall sucks, but it doesn't change our status. We were already a minority and we were going to become a smaller minority due to the population bombs anyway.
When this is all over the only whites left with be hardened, determined racial traditionalists. The goal was never to have 7 billion whites, but to build a nation that will live forever. A state isn't even required to achieve that, just determined people.
you're only saying that cuz you goofed and used her real name
Why do people post shit like this? Is all of teddit attention seeking roasties and $oyboyz?
Pets are a child raising aid. My shetland sheepdog Rupert was my babysitter growing up.
shooting yourself is quicker and cheaper
You know, I have this coworker who got a vesectamy. He and his wife are a no kids white couple. Weird fucking guy.
But when he was telling me about it, he mentioned (((insurance))) companies will do it for free!
Go get cut white men! Its free!
I'd place money that at least 90% of people commenting on her do not have kids of their own, first of all
And why would you want to have kids anyway? A complete drain of money, time, and health. Because you are narcissistic enough to want to clone yourself? Wanting a family is an acceptable answer, but your answer will most likely be "to preserve the white race" as if it's going anywhere (inb4 paranoid racist pulls out irrelevant statistics)
Settling down and having kids is for the complacent
fuck that image hit me hard
>>her husband is an engineer working for the Airforce making at least 60 thousand a year while she brings in at least 30 thousand a year
90,000 is not enough to start having kids
come back when you make double that and they can talk about it
>wanting to enjoy life in their prime
They have the optimal scenario most people fucking dream about having before they have kids and realize the dangers of the rapidly disappearing white race but refuse to play their part in it
>hurr muh sister is hot
No she and her husband have good genes that they should fucking pass on before they're old and a waste of time. Sorry I actually care about my sister not wasting her youth because women are fucking stupid and she'll wake up one day when she's 35 and all her eggs are gone and want children
Please there's a million women in the world with her name I have no hangups about posting it on a mongolian basket weaving board
take off your memeflag your nose is showing kike
You must be right. Please lead the way by cutting off your genitals so that you have more money, time, and health.
Kind of woman who would castrate herself is the kind of woman that would racemix.
Self-correcting problem.
>90,000 isn't enough
Stop living in California or New York
Your inflated cost of living has polluted how much things are actually worth in states that aren't shit
fuck off roastie liberal
See and
nice digits
well to me it sounds like they just started to make that much together and her hubby being in the airforce means shes gonna be a single mom for a while at least.
Yea, that sounds like an optimal time! No partner in sight, and having to raise the little parasite herself.
I care about my brother but you dont see me frothing at the mouth to get his wife to have a kid. what the fuck is wrong with you people.
Agreed 100%. 90k is fucking chump change when at least 20k goes to the kid and thats just to make sure its going to stay alive. Include schooling, mental fatigue, day-care, health care and lack of sleep and you've got yourself a 18 year stay in hells best hotel.
has no argument and just throws out insults. Even morons can see you're losing.
I figured that Jow Forums would be a haven for philosophical thought, without any bias or adhomen attacks.
The guy you're replying to doesn't actually care about his sister, he just wants his sister to fulfill his psychotic narcissistic fantasies
Pretty twisted if you ask me
nihilism is not an acceptable philosophy you liberal retard
Pretty sure that's a Jewess, so doesn't really matter.
Not if it can stop the spread of the Femin virus in time.
Information on the Femin virus:
>The Oxytocin hormone and it's importance to pair bonding, maternal behavior, in-group preference, pregnancy and other functions
>Biological and psychological differences between liberals and conservatives
>Birth control causes frontal lobe brain damage, as well as other things like infertility, cancer and depression
>How Civilizations Fall: On the role of radical feminism in the decline of civilization
>References in mythology to the Femin virus
>Gloria Steinem's history with the CIA and use of the Femin virus on American black communities
>The Bronze Age collapse was caused by a Femin outbreak
>Elevated Femin infection rates helped cause the Cambodian Dark Ages
>Texas contractor arrested while possibly investigating Femin virus
>murder, leadership change at CDC over Femin virus
>WHO announces Femin virus as “Disease X”
>List of symptoms Femin hosts display (work in progress)
Femin is a retrovirus that inserts its genome into the human genome. The inserted genome disrupts the DNA sequence and expression of a gene involved in regulation of oxytocin hormone signaling.
This causes disparities in oxytocin, which is involved in maternity, pair-bonding, ingroup preference, and dopamine/serotonin regulation, all things that feminists tend to lack.
>And why would you want to have kids anyway? A complete drain of money, time, and health.
YOU are a drain of money on the economy if you aren't planning for the future
by whos standards? who says im nihilist? Just because I dont like / want kids doesnt mean I have no regard for life or think it empty.
You're making a lot of assumptions here
Look at oxytocin deficiency and damage to the hypothalamus and limbic system. All due to the retrovirus (and birth control which helps the virus spread).
The Feminist is immunized against all dangers: one may call her a nationwrecker, whore, roastie, slut, it all runs off her like water off a raincoat. But tell her that she has an incurable virus and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
>demographic most in favor of abortion: liberal women
>least in favor: conservative women
>Even Women Didn't Want To Give Women the Vote
>If women got the vote, they would have to serve in the army and on juries. There would be fewer children but more divorce. Men would become less chivalrous and reverent of womanhood.
>Women would take up men's occupations, and men would take up women's occupations; the result, according to an antisuffrage booster, would be a "race of masculine women and effeminate men and the mating of these would result in the procreation of a race of degenerates."
>"If women achieve the feministic idea and live as men do," wrote a male doctor who opposed female suffrage, "they would incur the risk of 25% more insanity than they have now."
>Of the 535 members of the 108th Congress, only 73, or less than 14%, are women. All but six of America's 50 governors are men.
>“Some men have vaginas and some women have penises,” claims the Church of Scotland.
>The church’s newfound fascination with sex changes stems from SJW advocacy by the Church of England, which has members who refer to God as a “she.”
Remember that turning a society's deities into feminine forms or worshipping snakes is a known sign of a femin infected civilization which is approaching a total and complete collapse
You don't have to be in the Airforce to be an engineer to work on their stuff. My state has a very big Airforce field that hires engineers to keep things managed. She wouldn't be raising a child alone because he works a 9-5 job just like most people. My sister should be having at least one kid because women are fucking useless if they're not going to fulfill they're one biological purpose.
You're not fooling anyone schlomo
Lol what a slut. She'll never trap a man with a baby now. How is she gonna collect gibs? She's going to be a miserable old cat lady.
Where the fuck do you think you are. You're argument rests on hedonism. That's your argument. Fuck right off.
>1 post by this (((ID)))
Demoralization thread. Nothing of value to see here. Sage in all fields.
>You're making a lot of assumptions here
>majority of the men of the "white race" is on a forum like this and weighs over 300 lbs and is a NEET
dont ever reply to me again retard
Are you going to make a pyre soon? I hope you have enough wood to burn me at the stake ahahahahaha.
no wonder you guys are mostly christian, its in your blood to persecute any one that disagrees with you for obscure reasons that require a leap of faith to get to
Not sure what me being a Christian has to do with it Schlomo.
she would have been a terrible mother
majority white board that just shitposts all day. No assumptions here, just stating the obvious.
Unless I'm wrong. Maybe you'd care to elaborate? So all these posts about "Saving muh white race" is just my imagination? It must be a EXTREMELY overactive imagination to see as many as I do every day.
Who else has the time to shit post all day? NEETS and social losers with nothing to lose.