America is the most degenerate country in the world

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That don't look like Britain?

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Kek five minutes ago I heard American tourist fucking in the street. This at the center of my little town.
Why the hell are your fellow countryman so degenerate?

True, but at least we don't have Ebola.

There are wholesome folk left in the country, fella. The city people are the Sodomites. These faggots eat soi and worship nihilistic consumerism, and I raise and butcher chickens and pigs, and hunt deer and foul, and fish with my family and friends.

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agreed. Iranians were right to call us the "great Satan" at the exact time the Jews took control of our culture.
But don't fret. You will live to see the JQ resolved in America.

No it's not

We don't care, Really, we don't give a shit about anybody but us.

im not that degenerate

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and it's also a world superpower. funny how that works eh?

Tough shit, ya little queer hiding behind your gay flag

Wow that’s so alpha, almost as alpha as having the White House lit up in faggot colors to celebrate america’s vibrant LBGTQ+ community. We should plant a giant dildo on top to celebrate tranny pride next, that would really show those europoors who’s boss

Ever been to Thailand newfag?

No it isn't watched German porn thought I was going to throw up. It was an old guy in lederhosen with a fat woman that had piercings in her labia and she squatted and a can of coke came out of her. There was also one with some pigs it was weird.

No that would be some non white country. Look at mexico with it's mass killings of fellow citizens. Or all of Brazil's trannies and scat porn, plus also crime.

nah theyll just plunge america into war or civil war and have you killed off. Its worked for hundreds of years why wouldnt it now.

The flag poles should be flesh colored and look like giant dong dildos with rainbows on the stripes..

you know what i'll say this

there's nothing inherently degenerate with being gay (hell maybe youll even adopt a black baby with 2 white males and improve the baby's IQ)

Just because (((they))) say it's "ok" doesnt make it inherently bad. baka

Thailand's degeneracy is literally all in one city.
The women still act like women and they have a lot of children, just the men sometimes act like women.

(You) are correct.

He’ll get his facts straight.
- the donald

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America is a continent you retarded shit-eater.

But we're the only ones that matter on this side of the continent.

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> retarded shit-eater

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Open faggot appointed by Trump to ambassador to Germany -- (heavily pushed by the Jews that run the "Christian" ACLJ)

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Ironic that you send a fag to Germany for diplomacy

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