We have the worst women in the world

i want to fix this like bob the builder

>swear like sailors
>reject you with the force and attitude of a nuclear weapon
>entitled bitches
>nasty accents compared to australian guys >dress like prostitutes
>years of soaking up the powerful aussie sun turns them into leather bags by age 25

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nah ours are worse m8 and we got the stats backing that


i cant wait for super STDs or when taupo blows


It's true i lived in Perth and the woman are feral like the gypsy we have here.

Holly Valance though hnnnnggg

Women will soon be obsolete.

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Understand now why the sheep might seem more appealing to you

Ah I get it your bants mask your pain

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17 year old tanned athletic Australian girls

netball playing bints

im an aussie lad and i moved to america to be with my american wife. no regrets at all lads but i miss australia

>being scientifically declared the biggest whores on earth

Can confirm.
Most are roastie bogans
100% consumed by kike tv programmed (((culture))) eg being a materialistic shallow degenerates.

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>"global average of 7 sexual partners for females"?

im calling BULLSHIT

probably the based muslims bringing that number WAYY down.


aussie women look like wombats

and are feral like possums

shes serb/spanish
her half sister is serb/greek

I lived in Raglan on a working holiday visa and was really impressed by how aggressively drunk and slutty the local girls were. Ploughed a pile of 18 year olds, times were good.

20 is the average
>video uploaded 2008

Welp western civilisation is gone. The average by now must be something like 40+

Reminder that Australian women belong to NZ cokc

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came here to say he's not lying

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Good in bed though.

Most Aussie women are either 0 or 1 on this scale.

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Look, they're not fucking you because the emus treat them better than you do. Man the fuck up and stop being jelly about it on the internet.

A good one? Ourgurl?

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her head looks like a cinder block

Chad and hillbilly semen has produced most of our lasses. That's why they always try and draw attention away from their masculine faces with long hair, yoga pants and jewellery and shit.

>i want to fix this like bob the builder
lmao. At least half the whites are destined to be untermensch. There's no penetrating that level of denial and narcissism.

Don't really have an issue tbqfhphamalama

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To bad the monkeys genes were to strong

We are swarming with asian qts, and you still go for dried up roasties? You gay nigger?

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Your not wrong

>baaaaww women
meanwhile in reality average Australian man is a drunk loser who calls his woman a cunt over stupid shit and doesn't even want to spend time with his kids

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New Zealand women are literally the sluttiest in the world (10 (fucking TEN) times the international average number of sex parteners) and are also consistently voted as the least attractive first world/white women in the world


this, got with a pretty hot (for a mauri) chick recently, was the filthiest fuck I've ever had.

NZ women are the worst in the world. Ugly, slutty and feral. When you see a good looking white European tourist they stand out so much.

kill yourself

>not even with a cute asian girl but with a fucking maori
kill yourself then come back to life and kill yourself again

That mongrel is uniquely hideous.


Australian accents are good, but it depends on social class and area. A lower class girl is going to have a bogan accent just like a British girl is going to have that awful cockney accent.

>literally inextinguishable supply of Asian qts
Problem solved

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its like the aussie version of the slav chick with the orc baby

>come to this country
>get a loyscents
>for my kah
>??????pls stop

I want to kiss both her chins

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I can't even tell what race she fucked. Disgusting.

what's it like in america?

i'm pretty sure it's not even mixed, it looks 100% south asian

ah this fag again

All western women are degenerate, even the “religious” ones. They can’t be trusted. To breed you have to take what white women that are available. It aint pretty.

>white women

sorry m88 I don't live in belarus

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I had an Aussie girl with nice bongas gobble my Johnny once.

Britian has the worst women. I don't know if there is some Jew psychological trait that women of your own race seem unattractive to men, but I cannot stand British women

Import a few Brit slags




slag pics

>So South Asian that the girl has a moustache at 1
Gook genes are potent fuckers.

Fucking agreed.
Maori chicks are both physically and socially unattractive.
They have to be 1/4 or less to be even remotely fuckable.

aussie women are fittest women on earth
then when they hit 35 they shrivl up like most women
but unlike msot women at 35 aussie women still out here fucking

also fuck women there all sluts
but you cannot deny aussie women are top 5 best looking women in world

...la creatura

this thread is still going?!


What's wrong fat boy? Don't like that the few attractive women you have all crave the white mans dong? Also casual sex=/=racemixing you fucking incel

Then you haven't met a New Zealand woman.

Sam Kerr is the worst of all the Australian sand niggers. The last thing we need is another half cast breed of mongrels

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She is a holden with a ford diff


Mongrel Ute

NZ women are the equivalent of Asian men if not stronger and more manly

Slav women are the same but cheaper

Don't try to go out with bogan women.

fyi this thread is a false flag for an upcoming ABC investigation into 'INCELS'

I work with the people who probably made this thread.

Expect to see a bunch of these posts on an ABC feature story within the next 2 weeks.

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Aren’t Australian women descendent from literally whores, murderers, adultresses, and whatever other riff raff the British could ship out to that penal colony, at butt end of the world?

Why does she sound American?

that's actually plausible given how the abc parrots US MSM issues.

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Every Australian women I've ever met its been like they are in permanent hen party mode its unbearable

Hello ABC news. How's your life going? Pretty shitty by the looks of it.

ay dios mio...

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Imagine the slagishness of British women, mixed with the cuntiness of American women, mixed with the leftism and idiocy of Euro women. That is the Australian woman. Truly the perfect storm of an undesirable woman.

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another incel on (((pol)))
You are the reason this place has no value

La lux extinguido

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>we have the worst women in the world
In other words, you have the worst men in the world.

>inb4 muh baiting / retard / roastie / etc
You do realize women in a society are simply what the men allow them to be?
>inb4 muh blacked / achmed / etc
Try to give a slightly unpredictable answer

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I work with a guy who looks like that baby.

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shes like 1/4 indian or something

Almost everything in our media (and what women watch) is from America, the accent seeps through by sheer overexposure

>>years of soaking up the powerful aussie sun turns them into leather bags by age 25

tfw when part of the italian-greek masterrace

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Hapas are worse than mulattos from personal experience

bellisimo :D

When Aussies move here, the Aussie accent disappears almost completely after only a few years. It's bizarre.

probs because they're on holiday Johnathon

The Aussie accent is really more like a lack of accent, it's probably partly why we can emulate almost any English-speaking accent so well. It doesn't surprise me that an Aussie would lose their accent very quickly when overseas.

My cousin completely lost his after living in London for 4-5 years.

gib aussie waifu

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Look at Mel Gibson. Moved to Australia when he was 12, picked up the accent, makes it big in Hollywood, moves back to America and loses it. Meanwhile, my Dutch grandmother has lived here for over 40 years and she still sounds Dutch.

My italian great grandmother kept her accent for 60 years


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My English grandparents (from Devon, thick farmer Hagrid accents) have kept their accents and have been here over 50 years. An American I know has been here almost 20 years, has kept all his accent. An Australian-born girl I know who went on a Pan-American holiday for a few months came back with an American-lite twang. I guess accent are sorta like genes, and the Australian accent is the recessive subhuman gene of accents, to be eventually washed out of the "accent pool".

Also ABC why don't you cover the fact the majority of aboriginals are violent parasites.


Oh wait he is brown and apparently oppressed day of the rope can't come soon enough.
Like this fucker he nearly killed me and he got a slap on the wrist.

In all honesty, I've given up on this country, I don't care any more. Don't try to fight, just let the pieces fall where they may. Save all who you can and who will listen, let the rest let themselves burn.

People lie about their past sexual partners in person, why wouldn't they lie about it in a survey?

Roach girl