This is the average young American white "male" in 2018

How does this make you feel, Jow Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I wonder if you know what the word "average" means.

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This is the "male" without makeup on.

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Why is sneaky so hot.
Post pizza sivir cosplay

Unicorns, staffs... - it reminds me of medieval knights.

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I want to put it in her butt.

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this shit is turning me gay
i go to the grocery store and see white """women""", negro apes, mexican goblinas, all obese and wearing poorly fitting clothes
then i come home and see this
what the fuck am i supposed to do here

Rock hard tbqh

>How does this make you feel
It gives me an erection. I'm glad he knows his place as a young white male: becoming a sexy little trap

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some older anons may be aware that the sky stopped being deep blue some years ago, and switched to a pale blues hue, and the sun stopped being yellow and turned bright white. Google this, it's not news, people old enough to remember the world pre 9/11 know this.

but now... lately, the blue sky is starting to come back, slowly turning deep, prussian blue again, and the sun had starting going flame-yellow again.

something old is making its way back, the time gates are open again and a switch has again been turned.

remember "see you in September"? Exactly, that's where it began. The lady clad in the sun had given birth, and has now left and the sun is no longer veiled and sky can again mirror the oceans and vice versa.

the board is set
the pieces are moving

brace yourselves

Grocery stores contain the scum of the earth

Do you really think a cute feminine male like Sneaky would go to the store instead of ordering online?

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If it came to a choice between that and any woman I just saw on my trip to WalMart, I'm doing that.

>playfully pushes Sneaky into the pool
>jumps in after to perform mouth to mouth

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>playfully pushes Sneaky into the pool
>holds his head under the water until he stops moving

>10,000 viewers
People love to see the sissification of the white male.

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Sneaky really needs to stop cosplaying as females with curvy bodies, he doesn't have the body for it. Or the face. He should just stop, period.

>fucks the still warm dead body of Sneaky in any way you want and he can't say no

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Just accept it user. Some boipucci sounds appealing. Also, women are such trash that boipucci sounds appealing. Not sure which is the bigger realisation/issue.

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It's a fucking sexy topic. There's nothing that displays your domination of another male than forcing him to become sissified

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id feel good. if it were true

>(s)he's streaming right now
you're right, i do
i give up
i succumb to the current year
10,000 + 1


Oh user, you pathetic beta :)

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I feel like you should go to /b/

No homo

i wish that pizza slice was my penis

www twitch tv/c9sneaky

>How does this make you feel, Jow Forums?

Who's this?


cute desu

Who is this girl?

lol no its not, not at all. i swear the only time i saw a "trap" in real life, and i live in a city, was this fat guy dressed as a lady, not passing at all, just no man


You can't tell if it's a real trap though

I don't care if "he" has a penis, it's probably feminine and doesn't smell bad like a pussy.

hot and bothered

Just nuke us Ivan, I'm sick of this gay shit.

>How does this make you feel, Jow Forums?

d-do you think she has drained a lot of um ... b-balls ?

>how does this make you feel

Attached: no_homo.jpg (650x719, 222K)

This got me fuck


If by less than 1% you mean average, sure whatever

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hearing him talk is just odd
twitch tv/ c9sneaky

bretty gud tbbqh

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Makes me realise why I gave up on white race and human race in General I just look forward to this world being covered in ash

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I'd let that cute little sailor scout for whales on my premises

no one believes you, dog rapist

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fuck white people

Why is it that it seems like men are a lot more attracted to MtF traps than females are to FtM traps?

Is anyone attracted to FtMs?

fuck no. it has too many syllables for that brainlet

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You're supposed to realize that white women aren't the only women in the world. You faggots put white pussy on a pedestal then can't figure out why you're aren't getting any from them. If you were receptive to females of other races your dick probably wouldn't be the dried up shriveled piece of shrimp that it is.

hol up when the fuck did this guy decide to become a crossdresser

that's not a trap retard
that's called cross dressing

Are these images photoshopped at all? There are definitely some masculine features on the face, but the shoulders aren't too wide and the collarbone is pretty slight. Can't really tell with the hips on account of the skirt. Not attractive, but I couldn't say it's definitively male from the pictures alone.

when it boosted the fuck out of his popularity didn't know who the nigga was before this crossdressing shit, now he is spammed everywhere

Makes me feel like a threesome with my wife might be doable.

ah I forgot to mention, the leg bones seem pretty narrow for a man as well
This one's a lot more definite, since you can get a better look at the hips and the angle of the upper leg

You wouldn't go dressed as Flandre to a con?
You pussy. Just tell people you lost a bet.

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>pull in an average amount of viewers every stream
>start crossdressing
>viewership explodes
why is the west so fucking gay

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Fucking a white man is less repulsive/less gay than fucking a nigger woman.

One of these threads again.

>why is the west so fucking gay
Memes. It's the fetish of the month.

too many actual men died in WW2

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or not enough.

this is why white women don't want you lol

There's nothing wrong with cross-dressing

people just like hot chicks

would smash

Traps are really fucking gay.
If you unironically fantasize about feminine penises you're a fag in denial.

finfaggotry sure suffers no denial

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why do you have faggot shit in your hard drive, big gay?

At least they are the epitome of masculinity. No homo.

>This summons the finfags.

because having it on your fucking country stamps is better, you fingaylian?

that's exactly what I said, you chink autist

>a 3rd wild fingolian appears
that must be quite close to the largest finfag gathering in recorded history

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i would legit fuck him if he was dolled up like this.

Yeah, if we just called our common cousin then half of the country would be present.

>this is the man that calls a faggot on /a/

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This is getting creepy.......
>facial feminization
>plastic surgery
>breast augmentation
>hair extensions
>dermal fillers

It's getting damn hard to be able to tell the difference in some of these people who have been trans since they were 6-7 and have had countless surgeries to help them pass.

calls you*

he's not wrong

Don't be mean

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my theory is that as society becomes more atheist and turns away from God and becomes more like Sodom and Gomorrah that here will be a critical mass we hit where God will allow one mad man with too much power unleash nuclear hellfire on the earth where 90% of humanity will die, but by that point nothing of value will be lost, an analogy to the great biblical flood in a way.

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you are retarded

WW2 was so long ago it has little impact on millennial. besides, most people are still normal Jow Forums just worships faggots

I think if a young man is born with unfortunate genetics he has every right to destroy his sexuality. Who am I to rob someone of there perceived notion of “happiness”?

I am not an authoritarian nor am I a Puritan. I say live and let live. This society is already suffering from rot and decay why not add to it? The sweetest feeling in this life is chipping away at the pillars of purity, you must embrace the decay.

I'd say something encouraging to apologize but you're a spic too so my hands are kind of tied here.

Jow Forums in general has a weird obsession with traps

>want to get into this fetish
>have a big dick
kill me

aristotle makes 1,000,000x more sense here

league of legends is cancer, literally goes hand in hand with pot, degeneracy and wasting your life


Would you like to know more?

Jelly and aroused
Right. This is far above average.

Truthfully, if the white race is to go down, we should copy the jewish samson plan and take the entire world with his.

Schlomo... we are about to finally defeat the white man! OY vey... all the missilies are launched...