Let's welcome our new liberal friends and the media once again with some genuine laughs.
Jow Forums humor thread
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if you have some time to kill, look up videos of that show
it is a kike children's show called Fiveish. it is some of the most satanic garbage you will ever see
I wouldn't doubt it.
Cant be the only one
Fuck this cunt
What did you faggots do this time?
It's so canned. Someone needs to blow some scopolamine into that faggot's face.
This is perfect.
Monkeys in Africa have learned to ride animals for transportation.
The natives have not.
Posting this one just because it's incredible.
>The autistic kid in the weed shit dabs as he dies
Is shadman actually kinda neat?
Shad's a longtime Jow Forums user, don't kid yourself otherwise.
i didnt notice that. fuck
That was actually painful to watch.
>South Africa
this is rape
I would also love to know why the woman was mad at him in the first place. That'd be cool
Wow user, thanks for the name of the show.
>Jews worshipping a five dollar bill, sterotypes are so spot on
Not buying her a beer too?
> venezuela
> posting arguably pro communist images
not a good look
Drudge was definitely /ourguy/ during the campaign
Read the filename
Nice vpn faggot.
You win
I know but its funnier with it drawn out.
What in the hell is going on here?
The look on that horse's muzzle makes the picture.
It's really not. It's like explaining a joke.You ruined it.
You just know that photographer gave him that shirt
>Troll level 1,000
Fuckin saved
I don't get how that image is lefty. It seems to be stating that value is created by demand, not labor.
Hating Shaddie's just a meme, you newfriend
>Why does he steal the hat?
>You're a big goy
>4 u
>Not getting it
>insulting the poster of a clever joke referencing marx's labor value theory
Not a good look
Funnily enough the original is actually more pathetic than the edit.
shadman is a secret genius
But also a turbo autist
His movements seem so infantile. He even makes toothless expressions.
Hey look, another retard that doesn't get that the meme pokes a hole in marx's theory and is making fun of it.
>boomer humor
Anyone have the greentext of the German whose date ended up killing her child because nobody would date someone with a black kid?
Based Shad
I unoronically like shads art style i just wish half the shit he drew wasnt pedo shit
I like he's moving into SFW stuff now.
No he went from hardcore hentai to soft hentai. There is no way in hell you can open either of those at work and not be considered SFW
Depends where you work.
I work employed for myself, so the boss says it's okay.
Holy fuck
Someone edit this to include a nigger ball and a spic ball
Lmao you pathetic racist bigots never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads
Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers lol
>Morrowind mods + kill sequence
someone explain this one to me, my iq isnt high enough.
shut up jew
just in case
That's not even unusual. Thats literally how niggers work. Im convinced Southern plantation owners secretly bribed Lincoln to scare the South into seceding so they could get the useless niggers the fuck off their property for good. They tried sending them away but the fucking animals wandered back to theor pins.
If you dont believe niggers are lazy just look at how Obama did fuckall for 8 years except spend our tax money on free shit for the stupid.
Race war now!
And this my fellow anons is pol humor. The leaf flag, the sage being put in the name field, the reddit spacing, the unironic use of the word poc and "wrong side of history"
Simply marvelous.
>mfw niggers outsmarted by apes
Is the boss cool and is he fuggin the secretary?
I don't know what's more amazing.
That monkeys have figured out how to ride animals themselves, or that monkeys are treated less human than the supposed "humans" hunting them.
Needs some Donkey Kong music
Truth. A civilized people don't need their women wearing that shit.
I know its an edit and i assume hes actually watching a movie trailer, but i couldn't imagine being this pathetic.
These are actually great fun, but we always wore goggles/weed eating glasses when I was a kid. Lost eye was the only real concern.
why are women so utterly useless
guy on the right looks like an action figure
We shot roman candles at each other and we were dumb and living in Appalachia so we didn't wear safety anything. We'd wear our flak jackets when i joined the military and would do that.