This is irrefutable

I dare you to even try to make a comeback against this, Drumpfkins!

Attached: checkmate.png (960x645, 574K)

This is like asking why do you have two TVs when you already have one?

What's wrong in having more?

who is out there saying that a car, knife and hammer are as lethal as a semi auto rifle?

strawman, no one is making this argument, because it is false

I do not have to justify my right to own an AR 15


>"need" is irrelevant
>They are as lethal in the context of "mass murder"
>I can't use a car to run over someone inside my house
>The point of the amendment is to keep the government in check

They are as lethal when used offensively to murder people, not for self-defense. If some nigger attacks me, I can't ask him to pause and wait for me to get in a car.

Bill of rights NOT needs

Can’t drive my Prius through school hallways

The leaf understands