I dare you to even try to make a comeback against this, Drumpfkins!
This is irrefutable
This is like asking why do you have two TVs when you already have one?
What's wrong in having more?
who is out there saying that a car, knife and hammer are as lethal as a semi auto rifle?
strawman, no one is making this argument, because it is false
I do not have to justify my right to own an AR 15
>"need" is irrelevant
>They are as lethal in the context of "mass murder"
>I can't use a car to run over someone inside my house
>The point of the amendment is to keep the government in check
They are as lethal when used offensively to murder people, not for self-defense. If some nigger attacks me, I can't ask him to pause and wait for me to get in a car.
Bill of rights NOT needs
Can’t drive my Prius through school hallways
The leaf understands
It's not about protecting myself.
It's about killing you.
Wait, how much posts by this ID?
>1 post by this ID
Alright, saged.
Because the criminals already got their At-15s off the black market.
>using a car for home defense.
I'm sure who ever came up with this thoughthe was really smart.
Imagine being so retarded you think that this is a good rebuttal.
We're not saying they're as lethal, we're saying they all kill more people than an AR-15. The reason is that most people who have AR-15s don't use them to murder them, and handle them in a safe manner. Plenty of people with cars end up in accidents that kill people. Plenty of people commit murder with knives and hammers because they're innocuous enough to not merit attention - it's the perfect stealth weapon. But you know what an AR-15 is better for? Holding off federal agents trying to drag your half brother away to a concentration camp for being Muslim.
To protect my car, knife, and hammer from being stolen by niggers
That entire "guns are fine, but not too lethal" argument is retarded. The 2nd amendment guarantees the right to possess weapons so Americans can defend themselves from enemies and tyrants. Being able to kill other people is the whole fucking point. The more, the faster, the easier - the better.
Never should have given even an inch. Anything that'd be useful against other armed forces should have been forever legal for citizens. And citizenship itself should have been restricted, as it was originally written.
Your argument is invalid. By the way, you're glowing.
>when the people of your country own over 300 million firearms because they dont trust you,and won't try to fuck them over; and then you get a bunch of literal commies try to take them away almost every day of your life
The ar15 is better for defending oneself, pretty simple.
Simple. No one is killed with a hammer when holding an AR15. Now fuck off back to your mom's house and go to sleep now.
Based Leafposter. /thread/
Because what I use to defend myself is none of your damn business and it is up to me to deem what is adequate defense.
Your argument fucked.
Clean up your shit and stop shitting in the streets. That shit runs off into the ocean and we all share the ocean you smelly faggot.
"My car doesn't fit in my house; my knives are specialized, but usable; and who says I wouldn't take my forge-hammer to your skull if you tried to break in to my place?"