I dare you to even try to make a comeback against this, Drumpfkins!
This is irrefutable
This is like asking why do you have two TVs when you already have one?
What's wrong in having more?
who is out there saying that a car, knife and hammer are as lethal as a semi auto rifle?
strawman, no one is making this argument, because it is false
I do not have to justify my right to own an AR 15
>"need" is irrelevant
>They are as lethal in the context of "mass murder"
>I can't use a car to run over someone inside my house
>The point of the amendment is to keep the government in check
They are as lethal when used offensively to murder people, not for self-defense. If some nigger attacks me, I can't ask him to pause and wait for me to get in a car.
Bill of rights NOT needs
Can’t drive my Prius through school hallways
The leaf understands