Why can't Europe (excluding England) create any popular culture?

Why can't Europe (excluding England) create any popular culture?
Japan produces anime, manga and video games popular all over the world
Korea has kpop
US has superhero comics and movies as well as video games
Europe... has eurobeat?
I mean what the hell, WW2 is long gone why cant they take some pride in themselves and create something unique to them instead of importing everything from other countries thats even including people

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Nothing lasts forever. Europe is long past its prime now, a senile civilization. But let us not forget that it is a civilization which gave more to the world than any other so far, one that can look back to its golden days with an insurmountable pride.

Nothing lasts forever. And now it is time to rest.

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>look guys, it's another "why don't these people I've never bothered to learn anything about have any culture?" thread

Because European culture is for patricians, not the lowest common denominator

I specifically said popular culture, I'd really like to be proven wrong so tell me whats something interesting europe produces thats loved by the common folk

>Why can't Europe create any popular culture.
>Is American.
You do know a vast amount of YOUR culture is either directly European or derived from European culture, right?

What a deflection lmao, Americans are European descendants so thats a terrible argument.

Then you just answered your own question, unless you want to enter the realms of semantics.
>Lol, but we aren't European!
Well, you're European enough when you want to be. So what is it?

look at his flag

he's a cyclicist you're just gonna go in circles with him


european culture is communism and socialism.....yuck

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But you are a European culture too, neighbour.

No we definitely are European Americans but for example Americans make videogames for the American audience, Americans make movies for the American audience. You see, this is a cultural. What do say Germans produce that is loved by the Germans? Don't deny the fact that American music, movies and games are popular in Europe but vice versa it doesnt really apply. I don't know Americans who listen to European music or watch European movies

Okay, I'll make it real simple for you.
Either Europeanism is genetic, or cultural, or geographic.
Those are the only ways you can define it.
So, let's run through this.
If Europeanism is genetic, you are European.
If Europeanism is cultural, you are European, but so is Tyrone, because he has absorbed that culture too.
If Europeanism is geographic, then you aren't European, but non-whites in Europe ARE European.
So, which is it?
You can't have your cake and eat it, buddy.

Maybe the only reason you feel this way is because you live in America and consume American culture?

Maybe if you lived in Germany you would have an answer to your question, mayhaps?

I'm not trying to put Europeans down, Im trying to antagonize you enough so you can start producing something of your own. I am incredibly jealous by the fact that Japan manages to create a healthy cultural ecosystem completely avoiding foreign influence. Japan has an entertainment industry that caters to Japan only and culturally it astounds me how little they care for say American videogames and music (to a degree). I'd wish I could say the same for Europe but in my eyes its just grey and boring

Partly because they can't afford to. Taxes are probably too high for filming. Partly because they're too Americanized. Whenever I visit Europe, I hear American music everywhere and all of their cinemas have american movies. I think Western Europe is basically just an older version of America that speaks different languages and has too many liberals.

Because we left our Golden Age, as both a race and as a collective pan-European culture.
We either need to find a way to have a Renaissance, or we'll just become a wealthy consumerist culture that doesn't add anything.

Literally this.

kindly fuck off slant eyed weeb chink nigger

The Beatles and the Rolling Stones. Ricky Gervais made the Office. Monty Python.

im talking about the ideologies that continued to develop in europe well after we were a country

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it's all shit lol

The Renaissance was 400 years ago, get to starting a new one. It starts with you
>Excluding England

Oi, mate, 'ave you got a licence for that racism?

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It didn't age well, I agree.

>Why can't Europe (excluding England) create any popular culture?

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the stones worship black blues

Harry Potter

And look what happened when you started singing the same tune as the Old Countries.
It is pure poison.

Is awful in both a literary and cinematographic sense.

Cultural appropriation at it's best.

Is that British special forces or something ?

James Bond

>US has superhero comics and movies
Literally Jew shit

Do you expect me to be proud of that? No, it's trash and you should feel bad for suggesting it's any good.

Just normal armed police, fairly common in London and big cities.
In fact, I live in a fairly rural county, in a fairly small town and have seen armed police shopping in Tesco.

So what German pop culture do you watch? For that matter, any European pop culture (besides English) do you or the rest of the world enjoy?
OP has a point - on a global scale why do you idiots suck down our pop culture like it was a Tim Hortons growler?

you got a loicense for that harrasment of a soveriegn citizen mate?

Never said its good but it is popular culture. Take a look at all the capeshit dominating movie theaters

europe is creating new islamic cultures

Mate, our county really has gone to shit.
Soon we'll be hearing:
>Oi, you got papers?!

What of the British police running from knife man webm? That just a meme like all burgers are fatty on scooter?

youre right it is

Yeah, armed police would've shot him. Kind of strange they didn't call out armed response, they normally do.

They have thise in UK? I assumed they would get binned for life just for having thise beliefs

What about croissants user?

The scandi countries make good metal at least. In regard to movies I think that Hollywood is so huge that people who want to make it move there from Europe. So you have euro and American actors while everything gets written by Jews. Euros also make big video games now, look at witcher or kingdom come. Eastern Europe has the advantage of cheap labor like Mexico without having to hire Mexicans.

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Normally they just kick in your door and sue you for being "too rude", and I'm only partially memeing there.

Can you even class food as popular culture? Because bagels alone are Polish.

So do most have a pistol at least? Or is it kinda like American werewolf in London where most don't but then they call the blokes with long guns if need be?

Yeah, the ones I see around here normally walk around with a side arm, rarely a rifle.
In London they normally patrol with an MP5 (or variant).

why the fuck do not more people sue em, i know at least 10 cunts that sued the guv for absolute bullshite

let us nevar forget the day ameripol came to the defense of this man on twitter. what a glorious couple of hours

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Interesting. Of course here in the states all fuzz have a gun at all times. Only ones that don't are not real police but like auxiliary police you see in bigger cities


Politically motivated, who knows?

When people discuss firearms and Britain on Jow Forums there is a lot of memeing that leads to disinformation. Sure, we're more restricted in many ways, but if you live in a rural county, firearms aren't too uncommon, normally a shotgun though.
As for our police, many of them are armed and isn't a rare occurrence to the see the odd one walking about, even in a rural town.

I will be Stilicho.

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I assumed it was mostly memes, like everything here. I'm a bit of an Anglophile. What's the low down on British women? Is it really mostly ugly? I know they produce some of the best lookers in Hollywood, for whatever thats worth. Pic is my waifu, feel free to say something nice about her

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I’m half English and love English culture, but OP is right. Britain isn’t making anything that’s British. All the musicians make the same music as Americans and the Scottish just makes Grand Theft Auto.

We're the Renaissance, asshole. Clean your fucking room and have 6 kids.

I should add a caveat, of course, in urban areas and cities, firearms and even tools are far more penalised.
As in, ceasing chainsaws and the such like, but that doesn't really happen out in the countryside.

British women are a confusing conundrum, you do get some extremely beautiful women (normally of Northern origin, Scandinavian genes and all that), but you also get some extremely hideous sea cows, not much inbetween. Very polarized.
As for personality, it's more about where you meet them.
For instance, if you're going to a university campus, they'll probably be upper class, or middle class and often liberal.
Whereas, if you're meeting them at the local pub, they'll probably be chav scum.
Finding a right-wing British women is fairly rare.

What about Snatch?

Already at 3, Mister Peterson.


I talked to a couple British women online back in the day, one was very uper class. I think she was rather right, talked about how her dad thought Obama was arrogant (and her dad had met him iirc, that's how upper class she was). She was a cool girl, claimed to be a virgin and all

Yeah, some British women aren't all that bad, some of it is memes.
But there is, as always, a kernel (or more) of truth.
I think we could be saved, but it would take something draconian and I don't think we have left in us.
Lord knows what'll happen, but I just hope my children grow up in a better era than I was forced to.

*have that left

Japan has and continues to absorb influences from all over the world and then puts their own spin on things that the rest of the world then also enjoys. Who cares if the rest of the world consumes your pop culture anyway?

I root for you guys

Literally what?

Thanks, man.

>inb4 that was almost two decades ago
No bully.

Europe creates ALL of the fashion culture in the US. You guys totally just like steal it from us. I was in Italy in 2010 (the year they won the world cup) with my homosexual young biracial boyfriend Giovanni, and everyone was wearing capri pants, then they were popular in the states the next summer. Giovanni died of rectal trauma.

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Room confirmed clean, carry on

>homosexual young biracial boyfriend Giovanni
What the fuck am I reading?

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Why do you call us mutts and not European then?

It's a meme, but some are mutts.
If you have a clear European heritage, you aren't a mutt.
If you have a murky European heritage, you are a mutt.

> American games are all popular and shit
Idiot, games like the Witcher III, pretty much the greatest game ever made, are from Polish studios, and there are other examples of media just like it from all over Europe.

Food, art and architecture, as well as the idea of not having to worry about healthcare. Yeah Europe really got nothing of value.

Also, if you get angry about being called a mutt, instead of 'besmirched' you are almost certainly a mutt.
If you feel 'besmirched' is helps to prove the accuser wrong, in both a personal and community sense as it gives an aura of solidarity and pan-European homogeneity.

Don't forget Kingdom Come from the Czech Republic.
Whilst it isn't as polished as Witcher, the content is enjoyable and immersive.

>Ignores the existence of the Witcher series

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Culture is not popular.

You've strayed far from /sci/, brother.

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pop culture is trash culture by your own definition
>anime, manga, videogames
>capeshit comics and movies as well as videogames
>muh videogames
>muh eurobeat

All of it is worthless and has no real depth or meaning. It's value to people is entirely superficial, which is why children and teens are the audience of literally every example you provided.

Please. Clinging on to one video game is just proving me right. What does one outlier make up for the mountain of videogames the US produces or a planet that Japan produces

When I went to Germany, everyone watched American movies. At one point, I was sick of Hollywood schtick, so I watched some European stuff and... realized Hollywood could be a whole lot worse. I mean, I never knew there existed entire cottage industries to make the most disgusting and depressing garbage you've ever seen.

The same can be applied to Rock n Roll, it was mostly for teens back in the day right but teens grow up and still hold on to it. Youth creates new culture, thats no new observation

yeah and I would put rock and roll under the same category, as you've said

So, value high culture more than pop culture?
I agree.

Le Arté Filmé where you spend 4 hours watching a French guy monologue whilst smoking and drinking Lé Vín.
Very esoteric, of course.

Every old generation doesnt like what the new generation is into. That's how society works you have to accept it and encourage it rather than stifle it

this is why the elite laugh at common people and have no respect for them, they point to things like fucking videogames and comic books as valued aspects of culture. what a joke

OP did ask about pop culture, NOT high culture.
There is a difference in demographic and target market.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Minecraft, Amnesia the Dark Descent, Gothic, Cossacks, Metro 2033, Endless Legend&Space, X space sim series, etc

Crysis, World of Tanks, Warthunder, Alone in the Dark series, Brothers in Arms, Blood Bowl video game series(developed in France.), Arma, Heavy Rain, Wargame series, The Settlers series, Farcry, Risen, etc

Aryans made the pyramids. (all of them)

Aryans make civilizations. Niggers and (((((((((fellow whites))))))))))) destroy them.


popular culture is for lowest common denominator
Europe is too good for it

Poland does have some interesting classical culture.

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I'm sorry but the Egyptians where more closely related to (((((((((fellow whites))))))))))) then to Aryans(But Aryans probably still come in ahead of your average American Dindu.)

Call of Duty is unironically the media most infused with soul in the modern West

American culture dominated the world.

>The Euro fears the Micky D.