57K beaners being sent home



Attached: goodbye.png (993x732, 707K)

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Hey hey hey

Goooood Byyyyye

hashtag my nuts

Adios Amigos

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This is VERY good news. Hodurans are worse than most beaners, even most Mexicans hate them and are racist as fuck towards them in my experience.

>Temporary Protected Status program
>Came to the States in 1998
>Butthurt that they have to leave after 20 years of not bothering to become legal citizens.

Good riddance.

57k less democratic votes

this calls for celebration!

>be light-skinned Cuban male
>dating a Honduran girl in high school 2009
>she was an illegal immigrant living here with her aunt and uncle
>one day she calls me up
>tells me she is pregernate with my baby
>I hang up the phone and start freaking out
>my life is fucking ruined and I'm going to have to raise indigenous mutt baby
>think of a plan
>spend my entire life savings (about 3K at that point in my life) on a massive amount of weed
>sneak onto her property in the middle of the night and plant the whole bag inside the uncle's car
>pay a homeless guy to call the cops and say he saw some spics selling drugs to high school kids
>their entire family gets deported

Crisis averted. Biggest scare of my life.

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