57K beaners being sent home
Hey hey hey
Goooood Byyyyye
hashtag my nuts
Adios Amigos
This is VERY good news. Hodurans are worse than most beaners, even most Mexicans hate them and are racist as fuck towards them in my experience.
>Temporary Protected Status program
>Came to the States in 1998
>Butthurt that they have to leave after 20 years of not bothering to become legal citizens.
Good riddance.
57k less democratic votes
this calls for celebration!
>be light-skinned Cuban male
>dating a Honduran girl in high school 2009
>she was an illegal immigrant living here with her aunt and uncle
>one day she calls me up
>tells me she is pregernate with my baby
>I hang up the phone and start freaking out
>my life is fucking ruined and I'm going to have to raise indigenous mutt baby
>think of a plan
>spend my entire life savings (about 3K at that point in my life) on a massive amount of weed
>sneak onto her property in the middle of the night and plant the whole bag inside the uncle's car
>pay a homeless guy to call the cops and say he saw some spics selling drugs to high school kids
>their entire family gets deported
Crisis averted. Biggest scare of my life.