When will you realize...WAKE UP

When will you realize that race is not as important as it seems and it is all about the individual. Your only actual purpose in life is to impregnate as many women as possible user. Nature doesn't give a flying fuck what race you are. Pass your genes on, if your white genes are so superior it shouldn't matter if you stick it into a nigger or a chink your offspring will still be superior. You shouldn't trust anyone, not even your family. Your life is all about YOU.

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Dealing with people individually is too much work and too complicated. Better to go with lazy kneejerk generalizations.

God>My Family>Me>Christians>Goyim

Genes and Race are inseparable from the individual. Individuality is a manifestation of the mind, that being said, other races of sound mind in my opinion should be respected as long as, and only if they have the capacity to respect you and recognize the framework and implications of reason and honor. These things are only now being dredged from the depths of the hebraic abyss.

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>muh individualism

that's the path of weakness

But many won’t because they simply can’t and this is our boulder to obliterate.

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I have to agree. I would much rather live next to an educated black man than near white trash or Indian poorfags.

Lets be honest, race really doesn't matter. I am proud of the fact that my country is a melting pot of different races and cultures.

How is this weak? if you don't live a full life that you enjoy whats the point of fucking living in the first place.

Oh gee thanks man, Ive been kinda having a exaitential crisis all day.
I'm so glad you've put so much though into explaining the purpose of life. I now know evolution isn't about passing down traits the increases the chances of survival.
It's about ME.
That's why I'm drunk right now with pants two sizes too small that say juicy on my ass. I'm going to find a man from every race except white and have a baby with him.
Ya'll pay taxes so my kids can have welfare, because I need to go find some dick to fill the hole my daddy left, because life is about ME.

I would have to agree, but I still think the individual has to work to better himself more than focus on others, this will ultimately result in the betterment of his whole race and future offspring.

It is about you, you pass down your own genes, if life wasn't about you why even live it? why even have a relationship with any women? you can always get the next guy to impregnate your wife can't you? And I'm not saying don't have sex with any certain group, I'm saying race shoulnn't matter

But if it's my own life, should I have my own preconceved notions on which I believe is the right and wrong way of choosing a partner?
So who the fuck are you to tell me, that I'm wrong, or have any commentary at all about the ways people choose to live their life's. Why don't you just let people live it undisturbed the way they want. Because it's their life. And you just live yours.

your genetic realism is good, but your analysis is wrong. read the selfish gene

That's kinda my point. I'm saying just that you should focus on yourself and not listen to the biased stupid race argument. I'm all about individualism, live your life however you want just don't interfere with what women I choose or don't chose

Thanks, will do.

I agree, when individuals cultivate a healthy and reasoned perspective the greater community becomes stronger. Individuality is good and should be celebrated but what is truly good is am individual whose personal purpose is aligned to a greater mission, a simple and good path towards a truly better tomorrow not for themselves but for the next community of purposed individuals.


Makes you realize what women really want

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>Nature doesn't give a flying fuck what race you are.
>Ignore the fact that I'm typing on a machine only the white race was superior enough to invent!

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Then you and your children die with blood coming out of your anuses while twenty nigger looters acting as a group leave the scene with your screaming wives on their shoulders.
A just reward for individualist morons.