Let's discuss womens biggest fear, the loss of being able to be lazy do-nothings by trading their soggy flesh pockets for currency.
Image related.
Let's discuss womens biggest fear, the loss of being able to be lazy do-nothings by trading their soggy flesh pockets for currency.
Image related.
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If you've ever been with a woman you would know that no sex doll can replace them. Only perhaps to an autist unable to make emotional connections with living creatures.
Their position among the human species is secure.
>calling women living creatures
Moreover niggers have nothing at all to monetize, and they still manage to live parasitically off the white race.
This shit will end when we stop putting up with it.
Spoken like the horse salesmen 5 years before the invention of the automobile.
Au contraire roastie.
If you've never been with a doll, then you don't know how useless the other 90% of a woman really is.
Toastie roastie
ghengis khan would burn down their homes, kill their men and enslave them. that's the route to take with women.
now he has huge statues of himself everywhere
go figure
Nice bait.