Time to get sprayed with redpills and wake up, faggots. Buckle up!

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, PhD - 12 Rules for Life
Stefan Molyneux, M.A. - Universally Preferable Behavior
Milo Yiannopoulos - Dangerous
Charles Murray - The Bell Curve
Mike Cernovich - Maga Mindset
Jonah Goldberg - Liberal Fascism
Ann Coulter - In Trump We Trust
Scott Lamb - The Faith of Donald Trump
President Donald J. Trump, B.S. - The Art of the Deal
Patrick J. Buchanan - The Death of the West
William Luther Pierce - The Turner Diaries
Jean Respail - The Camp of the Saints
Roosh V - Bang
Michelle Malkin - In Defense of Internment
Bill O'Reilly - Those Who Trespass
Ludwig von Mises - Socialism
Murray Rothbard - the Case Against the Fed
Aleister Crowley - The Book of Lies
Robert Greene - The 48 Laws of Power
Richard Dawkins - The God Delusion
David Icke - Children of the Matrix
Debi Pearl and Michael Pearl - To Train Up a Child
Ashida Kim - Ninja Death Touch
Rhonda Byrne - The Secret
Steven Seagal - The Way of the Shadow Wolves
Sayyid Qutb - Milestones
Bethany Baird and Kristen Clark - Girl Defined
Pat Robertson - The New World Order
Jesse Lee Peterson - Scam
Kim Jong Il - On the Art of the Cinema
Julius Evola - Ride the Tiger
Giovanni Gentile - The Doctrine of Fascism
Sadhguru - Inner Engineering
Osho - Tarot Zen
Savitri Devi - Forever & Ever
David Horowitz - Big Agenda
Vijay Jojo Chokal-Ingam - Almost Black
Oral Roberts - The Miracle of Seed-Faith
Jasmuheen - Living on Light
Jerry Falwell - The New American Family
Frank Dux - The Secret Man
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Adolf Hitler - My New Order
Varg Vikernes - Vargsmal

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Other urls found in this thread:


Stage 1: Anger
>spends all his time on Jow Forums
>hates blacks and trannies
>lonely and resentful
>hates life and finds meaning by connecting to racial identity

Stage 2: Shame
>alienation drives Jow Forumsack deeper into isolation and porn addiction
>taboos become attractive
>blacked spam starts having an effect
>begin jacking off to sissy hypno and BBC
>shame from anti-white perversions drive Jow Forumsack deeper into politics and isolation

Stage 3: Giving In
>in loneliness, horniness, and sheer boredom alt-right sissy hooks up with a black guy
>though shy and nervous, the moment black dick enters his mouth the Jow Forumsack is hooked
>months or years of porn and fetishism aligns to make everything- the black man's musk, his heavy, chocolate dick, the sissy's soft white hand on dark skin- reaffirm the sissy's fetishes and send so much pleasure into his faggot brain that there is no going back

Stage 4: Dedication:
>sissy white boi begins having gay hook ups at increasing frequency
>gradually loses interest in politics
>more body conscious, begins squatting and running for a better butt
>starts practicing a campy gay voice because it turns him on
>gets into cross dressing and make up, derives submissive thrill from looking slutty and ridiculous

Stage 5: Obsession
>completely broken by black cock
>flaming sissy faggot
>is a devout leftist because white extinction makes his penis twitch, votes for whoever increases immigration
>mannerisms so excessively campy they make his family uncomfortable
>no longer alienated, now extroverted and sassy
>has circle of faghag friends who he gossips with and makes BBC jokes around
>loves going to gay clubs and twerking his white booty for black men
>shameless size queen slut who fucks several strangers a week
>views alt-righters with mixture of pity and bemusement, uses Jow Forums only to post interracial and ERP
>thanks black cock daily for changing him from an angry, resentful loner into somebody with a full spectrum of human emotion

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Posting the classic that started it all

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Ayn Rand - The Virtue of Selfishness

damn, good call


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Red pill... that's orange Dayquil, and isn't that what the jews want, everyone taking all these "pills".

Europa - The Last Battle
listen to:
protocols of the elders of zion audiobook
These 2 are by far the best Red Pill

The only relevant Jow Forums comic

Dont read anything that sucks up to trump and the (ret)alt right

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Read Dostoevsky novels when you get sick of non fiction


user. I stopped reading...

Do you want to know how I know you copy pasted this list without reading it?

>Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, PhD - 12 Rules for Life
>Stefan Molyneux, M.A. - Universally Preferable Behavior
>Milo Yiannopoulos - Dangerous
>Charles Murray - The Bell Curve
>Mike Cernovich - Maga Mindset
>Jonah Goldberg - Liberal Fascism
>Ann Coulter - In Trump We Trust
>Scott Lamb - The Faith of Donald Trump
>President Donald J. Trump, B.S. - The Art of the Deal
>Patrick J. Buchanan - The Death of the West
fuckers like you make shit like pic related. Kill yourself

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where the fuck is SIEGE faggot???

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>Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, PhD - 12 Rules for Life
>Stefan Molyneux, M.A. - Universally Preferable Behavior
>Mike Cernovich - Maga Mindset
>Aleister Crowley - The Book of Lies
>Richard Dawkins - The God Delusion
>David Horowitz - Big Agenda
>Vijay Jojo Chokal-Ingam - Almost Black

These are only a few of your choices that made me upset.

Attached: E N O U G H.jpg (1827x927, 325K)

Stop SIEGEpilling so much. It's bad optics and people are actually acting like deranged faggots now.

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Almost nothing political that has been written this century is worth reading.

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, PhD - 12 Rules for Life
Stefan Molyneux, M.A. - Universally Preferable
Milo Yiannopoulos - Dangerous
Mike Cernovich - Maga Mindset
Roosh V - Bang
Michelle Malkin - In Defense of Internment
Bill O'Reilly - Those Who Trespass
Ludwig von Mises - Socialism
Murray Rothbard - the Case Against the Fed
>Fucking Libertarianposting
Aleister Crowley - The Book of Lies
Richard Dawkins - The God Delusion
Rhonda Byrne - The Secret

Only read these:
Patrick J. Buchanan - The Death of the West
William Luther Pierce - The Turner Diaries
Jean Respail - The Camp of the Saints
Julius Evola - Ride the Tiger
Giovanni Gentile - The Doctrine of Fascism
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

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You incels can't even read one book, yet you pust a hundred. For fucks sake, just start reading.

I guarentee that OP hasn't even read one fourth of the books he suggested. Imagine posting books you have not even read, lol.

OP is a faggot, his books are blue-pilled dog shit.

Hitler got rejected because he showed up to an art school with a portfolio of an architect. He had lost all interest in art by the time he applied and instead dreamed of building bridges and towers.

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Is this the most shallow beta intellect troll list of all time or is it serious? Jesus Christ. It’s like you skimmed the best sellers list of “I think this is deep”. It’s worse than those ayn Rand-lead jpegs

Why did he lose interest?

I'm sorry to say it OP, but that list is absolute garbage.

Obvious bait, please find something better to do with your time. 0/10

i get that. but his list if full of neocon bullshit. how about some opposing viewpoints for the list.

>trump shit
I remember when "redpill" used to have meaning and didn't just mean you were a maga-thumping retard.

>doesn’t alphabetize list

Seriously. Normalniggers ruin everything, Jow Forums is kill.

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Hello there you Malaysian car-wreck of a comic artist. Trip on a knife with your throat, give us all peace.

>Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, PhD - 12 Rules for Life
This is a hardcore bluepill.

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