Redpill me on Ted Kacyznski

What were his ideas?


Attached: thepowerprocess.png (590x612, 132K)

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just read the manifesto

I am curious on what you guys thought since pol is not inhibited by what society thinks of people or ideas.

his criticisms of leftist identity politics is prophetic (remember he was writing in the 90s when that shit was not generally the norm). he takes many strides from Freud, specifically Civilization and its Discontents which in my opinion is Freud's most relevant work.

people require context for their lives in order not to fall into a behavioral sink. today's push of nihilism and materialism is obviously detrimental to this with degradation of virtues and commitments, ironically the hyperindividualised culture of the west is what is destroying actual individual liberties. Teddy quite astutely noticed the cybernetic effect technology was having and the quickening of societal movement depriving society of meaning (an observation also observed by Toffler).

Attached: 1525403059341 (1).png (1064x2052, 2.27M)

Very interesting. Here is another thing I have seen posted that seems to have been on point.

Attached: leftismtotalitarianforce.png (609x717, 188K)

His criticism of conservatives is correct as well, as he noted you can’t conserve traditional morality and traditional social mores if technology is constantly changing and changing the way we interact with one another and the circumstances of our life such as having to move away from our families for work or not seeing our parents because they need to to work all the time.

Yeah, he was correct on that. Growth for the sake of growth is inherently anti-conservative, yet its the most important Republican belief.

Ted's proposed solution to this raises a very important question for us however.

As our mastery of technology gradually improves our living conditions, paradoxically it also produces a sense of thanatos at having lost any pursuit of meaning. what do we do when we no longer have a new world to explore, new enemies to fight, new wrongs to right? what do you do with a video game where you've maxed out your character and achieved 100% completion? we can argue that there is still more to explore in providing efficient power and electricity, eliminating disease, ect but this is largly unfelt in direct ways by the average individual except for waves of economic activity that either harm or provide a windfall to their employment prospects. we have conquered the planet but now our victory has defeated us and now we are left to meditate on the reality of our mortality. where previously we could Deny our death through the pursuit of noble crafts that will outlast our lives, we perceive our pursuits as simply putting out meaningless death throws into the either of nothingness a fact that a lot of modern media seems not only promote but constantly remind the public in order to keep them low depressed and docile.

its coincidental that this thread has come up actually because i saw this image on Facebook earlier today and immediately thought of Ted. Think about what its like to do that to get from one part of the world to the other, how you would perceive the other side of the bridge given how much effort it takes to get across? It is not the destination in life that we enjoy it is trying to get there which has the most meaning. if primitivism were to somehow completely win, the experiance of life would be much more fulfilling, the trade off would obviously be living standards, but the return would be trading in a static stagnation for a dynamic, dangerous adventure.

Attached: ethiopian bridge.jpg (960x640, 115K)

He was absolutely right about technology. Too bad he was crazy and never created a real happening....

>Africans never rebuilt the bridge
It's all so tiresome.

Good posts by the way, i am reading Civilization and its Discontents at your suggestion and it is very interesting