Fuck communists and fuck nazis. 1776 will commence again.
Libertarian General
John Lewis
Jacob Watson
who pays for the roads
Jeremiah James
Tax payers. I'm not an ancap.
Daniel Allen
>"Don't tread on me"
>The federal government proceeds to continuously tread on individual liberty for the next 200+ years
Parker Lee
Oh yes Jewish owned corporations step all over me.
Take away my gun rights, but it's okay because a company did it.
Sebastian King
what happened to taxation is theft
Colton Garcia
well said OP.
waiting for either side to start some shit.
glad we have the 2nd amend.
Jacob Bailey
How do you make libertarianism mainstream?
Oliver Perez
if its 1776 again, well just get the slaves to build them
hold on ill get tyrone and shanuiqau
Alexander Cox