Why didn't feminists react to this ?

Why didn't feminists react to this ?

Degradation of women at its finest.

Also people's reaction makes me sick. Almost all blacks and minorities comments are racist reaction on how this is a white dad's "nightmare"

How the hell did we end up here ?

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The US is a degenerate country.

I'd side with the Chinese now kek

Women like being degraded you incel

This isn't about women you faggot.
It's about degenerate behavior from this rapper and how none of the institutions react against it.


Yes, i too have wondered how rappers and feminists coexist in the same political party

Its called liberation, user.

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Because none of these institutions are against them, they are against you. The agenda is not defined by the people of the movement, they are merely useful idiots for a "grassroots" (corporate/gov funded) organization.

1000000000th thread about women that will reach 300 replies and mods will let it. I hope you get aids and die OP

It's funny how porn gets a free pass by leftists. Most porn is incredibly racist. With the color of the people even being the main focus of the fucking videos. People don't even have names or occupations, they are just 'black', 'asian', 'white'. Also, most of the scenes are incredibly sexist. If a man talked to a woman at the worplace like they do in porn, he'd be fired immediately and reported to the police.

they have the same benefactor

Where is the sauce?

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blacks have greater victimhood than women in general
only black women can call them out and they hate white women more than anyone, so most of them are fine with this


Unironically wanting to leave gf because of this thread, should I wake her up at 3 am to tell her she's single?

you clearly aren't getting laid or aren't very good at sex

women love that shit, they love to be dominated. it's instinctive for them in the bedroom.

post her nudes first

The best I got is a vid of me fucking her that I took for a group chat.

So pol really is into incels who love cuck porn. Nice to know since every other thread has pictures of black men with white women. Bill Maher was right, stop being a hypocrite, just admit you guys like interracial porn

> you are now realizing that "your" girl was uterlly degraded by a lot of dudes before you and they laugh at every photo of you two acting all lovey dovey and shit on social media

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>you now realize that most girls are such whores that even when they're in a "relationship" they don't post their boyfriend online because they're still talking to other guys

Not when u look like me:)

Yes, and stream it.

If they lose "just look at porn" their entire life's worth of arguments simultaneously collapse.

>Never having kids in this degenerate influential society.
Problem solved, just look at how easy it is for a countries morals to be robbed. I know every generation wasn't perfect, but imo the past seemed to be pretty consistent on enforcing moral taboo. Today with the internet, retarded media, subversive TV shows, everywhere you look is another hidden agenda. Tbh I'd say around this generation parents are fucked, their jobs are way different and harder than some other time periods.

>that basedboy comment near the end

Because women can't do anything right. Just look at what sexual liberation has brought us now that we're back in the days of Genghis Khan.

Marriage and families existed for a fucking reason and one of them was protecting these stupid holes from their own self-destructive impulses. It was a father's duty to ensure that his daughter ended up with a worthy mate instead of some predatory shitbag. Now that father is forced to stand by as his daughter goes through the cock carousel and an heroes, all because society deems it healthy and progressive.

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Feminists mainly use shame to brow beat their opponents. Their arguments always revolve around how their opponents are "bad people" or are shameful. "X is literally a rapist" "you're holding back women with your privilege" "you're just slut shaming because you're ect.".

This doesn't work on blacks for two reasons. Firstly feminists can never imply that black men, even rappers, are shameful as a rule but only under the circumstances of being an "Uncle Tom" (I.e. Kanye). Secondly Niggers have no shame really, the only reputation they care about is being seen as tough by other guys. They couldn't care less about what impact feminist slandering would do to their professional reputation.

What’s wrong with the ladie in the pic what is she doing is she kidnapped I need a back story user.

Her hed is stuck in a mussasge table

Why would anyone in our society care about whites being degraded by niggers? We're the enemy

Feminism is a bio weapon

why do blonde women love black dicks so much?

This is a natural cycle . The American Empire is collapsing - this is the kike/degenerate faggot stage right before collapse. Enjoy the ride !!

I came to the conclusion recently that Poland must leave the West and join Russia, for national and racial survival.

it's from 2 years ago...
who cares, stuff happens probabilistically
frequencies matter, not anecdotes

It's not that.

If you look at the reactions, the comments from that photo you have lots of people being happy to bash on this sluts and whites in general.

It seems to me that there is a constant hate towards white people, a huge jealousy and an inferiority complex that can only be arranged by humiliating the whites.

women love domination , folks

>why didn't feminists react to RandomWhore123456789 getting fucked after the club

because no one cares about these people, not even their families sometimes. would be sad if they even wanted to live or have a normal life but no they just wanna get high and have sex with strangers for the rest of their lives. no loss really.

To be honest white women should stop being sluts the only way they will stop is if you shame them.

What did she do user?

Chief keef loves whites though, he even said so once that he doesn’t like hanging around blacks.

Because they derive pleasure from pain.

Welcome to Women 101.

>Also people's reaction makes me sick. Almost all blacks and minorities comments are racist reaction on how this is a white dad's "nightmare"
At least they recognize themselves for what they are

I'm so fucking sick of this shit board.

Shills have won. You losers are just so fucking easy to influence since you are virgins. YOU are the reason the West is fucked because you are weak cowards. "Blue pilled" retards do more for their country than you ever will because atleast they breed and help out with volunteer work and other shit.

Feminists are deluded. At least in sweden they seem blissfully aware. Outkast was invited to play recently on a hyperprogressive festival. It turned out that when they used strippers for the show, that wasn't appreciated.

*blissfully unaware

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Jews, literally.

if a man talks to his boss like he talks in a football stadium he gets fired.
Bedroom is bedroom and workplace is workplace.
And porn is porn

Women can't be trusted. They're a cancer.

Fuck out of here, roast beef.

>Why didn't feminists react to this ?

maybe because they love to get treated like this. feminists and women in general are only strong against weak men. when they realize you're strong and determined men they naturally submit to you.

I haven't even looked but I bet there are 12 threads up right now crying about women. You are pathetic. Jow Forums has been completely dominated by shills and this is how they did it.

>You are pathetic
You're right I am. Not going to increase the White birth rate or stop Abdul from taking over though is it? Fucking roast beef.

>I care so much about muh race that I hate my women (who racemix the least in the world) and refuse to even try to mate with one

Because they are the best thing. No wh*teboi can compete

Feminism is not a movement for women, it's a movement against women.
Once fellatio was considered a form of unacceptable submission, now they say that it's totally normal take it up in the ass.
Feminism always, since the beginning, developed as a commercial movement, some big capitalists wanted some new market and they realized how the best consumers are women and how they are easy to manipulate.
The most famous anecdote is the Bernays one, he was hired to increase the number of consumers of cigarets, and he used his money to make stylists put cigarets on models that were roleplaying as "strong independet women". In that way it was impressed in women that to be emancipated they had to smoke, and cigarette's consumers boomed.

Feminism is made against women and it is only a movement made to have new consumers, and there is no better consumer than a depressend and unhappy woman.

this just makes me sad.

and makes me want to kill.

I do. I fucking hate women. I'll burn your flesh from bone, cunt flaps.

And he shall cleave unto her and they shall become one flesh.

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Yeah, let's join a fucking thirld world shit backward country with ruined economy, most of people being dirt poor, with some of the highest crime, abortions and HIV infections in entire Europe, whose citizens are just niggers in white skin, what can possibly go wrong?

I've never seen women be so truthful.

>Why didn't feminists react to this ?

because feminists don't give a fuck about women. they only care about the destruction of white, christian, male power.

how are you still this bluepilled? you're like a boomer yelling 'nu uh all lives matter'. they want the destruction of christianity and the destruction of the west. they use whatever attack is available to them at the time. logical consistency is not hing to them.,

listen. stop listening to what women think or tell you. they are hypocritical and inconsistent in their morals (as are some men) the reason they constantly have a go at "cis white men" and let everybody off scott free is because white men listen to their bullshit and grovel and try to appease and impress. but it will never be enough as we have come to see in recent times.
ive seen plenty of strong, independent women letting themselves get treated like shit by a man they were into.
it really isnt hard, your greatest weapon against this type of behaviour is a simple "no" when asked to do something youre not into and if you get accused of some sort of discriminatory act just reply with "so what"
do not explain yourself, there is often no reasoning with feminist logic. they will never turn around and admit you are right but they will castigate you for eternity for being wrong.

im tired of seeing men bithcing and moaning about how society has double standards or whinging about all the coal burners out there. women are wild and impulsive, if they like something they go for it whether it goes against their "priciples" or not. dont stew in your anger because you will become a bitter weirdo just accept that this is how the world is and that you must dominate or be alone.
it is still a dog eat dog world it never changed.

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I agree that men should be much more masculine and accept responsibility, but I would never court a degenerate woman. Seeing how they act and dress in public is enough to dissuade me to even consider aproaching them.

Fuck the lot of them. Let's skin them all.

feminism is anti white men it doesnt matter what other men do to white women

Have you ever killed an animal? I killed a possum once. I smashed its brains out with a crowbar. Just thought id let you know.

yeah go on then pal

who cares? white women are garbage.

Got to wait for my Mom to come home first.

And enemy.
Namely (You)

you don't bite the hand who feed you
>t. napoleon


1. their gdp per capita (PPP) is about the same as ours
2. we would be the richest area in that block (like Królestwo Kongresowe)
3. cheap gas and oil
that all does not matter much compared to the fact that the West will nigger and sandnigger itself in the coming decades. And they will drag us down with them, because muh human rights.

Come on you telling me you don't know about the "regressive left"

Feminists are only trained to hate and attack white men. It is, and has always been, a branch of the Marxist/Jewish subversion and destruction of the West.

> He's such a cuck he shows his girlfriend being fucked to other men
Holy shit. The state of american "Blokes".