Why do super rich people go into politics? Shouldn't they just enjoy life in their mansions eating lobster, steak...

Why do super rich people go into politics? Shouldn't they just enjoy life in their mansions eating lobster, steak, drinking, and shitposting like a normal person would do?

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Because they fuck kids and all part of the same cult.

because their egos are even bigger than their houses

Pursuit of power and egomania, dude. No doubt some of them actually believe themselves to be crusaders for good, but in general it's just the thrill of control.

People who pursue excessive wealth are fucked up to begin with. They are not secure, not content with themselves, so they have to keep pushing forwards and dominating other people to make up for the fact that they will never know peace and happiness.
It's psychopathy, sociopathy, megalomania, neuroticism, or one of several other mental disorders that drive them. Normal people can secure a basic amount of self-sustaining wealth and be happy, but rich people are not normal. Far from having big egos they are generally trying to make up for their insecurities, which is why they are generally insufferable - always trying to prove themselves and one-up others.

I thought they got into politics to become super rich.

Wtf i hate Drumph now.

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>he thinks rich people eat the roaches of the sea
user, I...


This. Also they are easily driven by peer pressure. When people like them they think they are moral. The religious right was defeated in America, but the the genetic line and psychology persist in all manor of even more cancerous ways.

they go into politics for insider trading and bribes


Agreed, about 3-6 years ago Congress struck down a law that would make it illegal for any of them or their family members to use insider info that Congressional Memebers and Staffers would learn in closed sessions.
I thought that would wake up the left-cucks....to no avail.

Politics is mob management, and allowing some mob rule is part of that. If you directly oppose the plebs' wishes, you could get btfo'd. Property, even the right to attain it, can be taken away by the mob.
t. this came out of my ass

They get bored and want real power.

Yeah we are talking about rich people ITT.

A more interesting question might be how many in government are able to accrue so much wealth so quickly while in office.

Maxine Waters (Dumbass Party-CA) can afford to buy a 4.5 million dollar CA mansion on 174K a year, and has three other homes in LA.
She must use lots of coupons when shopping!

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Better question, why do lefties believe any of the bullshit that comes from Dem leadership mouths?

That's a nice wall she has there

Why does anyone get into politics?

Is that a fucking wall?

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politics and business are nepotistic systems that value individuals that lack moral constraints. to get support from the political parties you need to have the ability to bring them money. the only people that have contacts with deep pockets are rich people. And people with deep pockets usually want favors. its no surprise nearly everyone in congress is a millionaire or becomes one in office and the government is only interested in helping corporations.

Richfags get bored and want more. It is NEVER enough. No conspiracy, no cabals, simply people who want MOAR.

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you cant be super-rich without politics.

goyim needs to be asleep and entertained in order to you to get their riches.

not mutually exclusive

well yeah, but people high up are just as stupid as the rest of the population, I have seen some utter incompetence in government and rich people

To get sweet deals with the gov.

power my friend
they want it all, money and power to fuck your life

Many rich people in politics were not rich when they entered politics.

maybe to stave off bolsheviks who want to kill the aristocracy and plunge us all into poverty and famine.

>Because they fuck kids and all part of the same cult.
(And thats a good thing)