Trump tells 57,000 Hondurans who’ve lived in the US for 20 years to get out

You happy now Jow Forums? You are ruining lives

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kill yourself shill rat


Checked n kekd.

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>Hondurans get to return home to Honduras
Why do these Hondurans hate to live with other Hondurans in Honduras?

>You happy now Jow Forums?
Extremely, the human trash has to go back, Paco. Do you happen to know what is the definition of a "refugee", by UN's account? Ofcourse you don't know, how would a left wing retard as yourself know anything.

its whats lowering unemployment. by throwing people out companies are forced to go through all the paper work for their employees so the government doesnt show up to any random company and go flash inspection because they only on the books have half as many employees as they need to run the damn thing given going by irs records most are part time at 32 hours which is as much as you get with some companies its their version of full time for non-salary workers

>it's inhumane to make us live with our own people

Doesn't matter those people have built their lives here. You just can't destroy it all to make a few rednecks happy

It's better for everyone in the long run.

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Yes I'm happy about it, thanks for asking friend

>fucking racist white people
>white people please help

So happy

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They have to go back.

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>You are ruining lives
Misery loves company shitskin. Now get the fuck out.

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The impending Malthusian catastrophe set for 2050 can't come soon enough. Those welfare checks are going to stop pretty fucking fast.

But they have a whole country devoted to them.
It's called "Honduras."

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>You happy now Jow Forums?
Very happy. And I'm not even american

The fuck are you on about?

>57k illegals deported

Why is this wrong? Sounds like a job surplus for actual Americans.

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It’s almost like Honduras is a shithole or something

It not called 'TEMPORARY Protected Status' for nothing, OP.

Absolutely ecstatic to be honest. They could have applied for citizenship because they passed the 7 year mark, but they got lazy and uppity and now they get what they deserve.

I bet they all love to wave the flag of their shithole country until they have to go back.




> live in the US for 20 years
> don't bother to apply for permanent residency

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That fucking earthquake was 20 years ago.
Impressive digits.

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That is pretty fucked up.

No one should have to live with Hondurans. Not even Hondurans.

Just gas them.

Doesn't matter racist neckbeards a judge will block it and those poor people with stay in the US and there is nothing you pussies can do about it

This. /thread

A co-worker at my last job came from Honduras to the US at 18 (40 now). He says he doesn't even want to go back because his quality of life is higher here. He drives a 2014 f150, he'd never be able to have that type of vehicle in Honduras.

Pic related is not sustainable. Basically with finite resources and an exponential population boom like humans have experienced we have set ourselves up for a nice little "correction". Lots of shit will go wrong but the biggest will be literally running out of arable land to yield food. We were supposed to start experiencing it now then this guy named Borlaug came in and put a bandaid on a bullethole.

Basically, you will see extreme scarcity in your lifetime and natural selection will return with a vengeance. The only thing that concerns me is that nobody is fucking talking about except the sustainability scientists trying to tell everyone how incredibly fucked we are. Seems like common sense to me, but shit the new iPhone is out.

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That's like saying it's bad to ask someone to stop stealing bicycles because they've been doing it for 20 years.

Dura lex sed lex.
Either change it or respect it.

Well they contributing to the ruination of our lives and our future generations lives... Through several things including population replacement, balkanization of society, destruction of American identity, increased crime rate, lowered IQ, different political preferences (less freedom more government), a lack of shared identity or care for this country its heritage or people. They also seem to in mass remain attached to the notion of there Latin American roots showing like the blacks and races other than whites they will never assimilate or embrace our values or help our societies.

On the flip side they have the opportunity to return to country made for their people and be surrounded by their people as this user pointed out .

They have there own country waiting for them. I don't see the problem. And if you tell me it's a shit hole then a very simple argument is clearly they can work to make it better. Why should we expect them to want to make our country better if they don't even want to make their own better and lastly these people will make the U.S. into another Honduras if enough keep coming so... They in the end will never have that "better life."

You do realize they could have applied for permanent residency, right? If anything that just proves they are idiotic and squandered a great chance at citizenship. They had a chance, and they fucked it up.

drive it back and live in it

We have the same shit with subhumans from the balkans..... they should get the fuck out of here

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Fuck off u nip on fuck.

I will be when they leave

Yes you can, and we will. They are deported/returned when can be, with violence when it comes to that. Deportation squads should have the rights of the Judge, Executioner and Police, for they are not citizens of the said country, therefore they don't have to be considered as humans in a Nation State that they do not belong to. They chose to leave their countries, no one forced them. They could have built a better existance for them, they were too weak and/or stupid to do it, now they suffer twice.

First they suffer in their 3rd world shit holes like animels they are, duo to their own animalistic behavior...

After that they get to see that sweet sweet 1st world way of living, including damn sweet welfare payments etc...

Only to be deported back to suffering, first you give, then you take it away, play with their minds, torture them. They are above, we are below. They have deserved it all.

I think you should worry about the Muhammad's and Jamal's before you were about other Europeans in your country.

>You happy now Jow Forums?
Not yet. But getting there.

Good fuck off.

>a temporary status is temporary

Imagine my shock

Good, honduras has the highest murder rate in the world.

Get the fuck off pol u faggot cunt, u are not one of us u slant eyed pedo faggot fuck

>temporary protected status

How did they not expect this?

>The impending Malthusian catastrophe set for 2050 can't come soon enough. Those welfare checks are going to stop pretty fucking fast.
It'll happen in Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East and the result will be many more millions flooding into the West

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dont let the door hit you on the way out

>You can't just enforce the law because criminals break it!
>th-that's racist!
BACK paco

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He is probably one of ours at a military base, mate. 70% of the jap posters are.

well that's not nice. Japs made Sony and shit. Have some respect for samurai

Why can't you just go live in Honduras with them and get away from all the horrible white racists.

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Good job.
Go back to your own shithole.

The eternal based jap

I love the way your mind thinks

This makes me so sad. My ex’s stepmom and some others who stayed with us were from Honduras.

a truly great man

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You are onto something here, it's almost like someone, 70 years ago, in Germoney, got something right...

What an argument. You address everyone of my points so well that it brings tears to my eyes.
How am I going to recover.

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>20 years
>still ilegall

Gee i dont fucking know,fuck off

a truly horrible man

everytime i see this shit i laugh like the 'looka this dewd' nigger
sort of like a honk - 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaghahahahahaha

>tfw when there will be no Democratic voters left except house niggers and white cucks by the mid-terms

Truly the best timeline.

Dude you are straight on.
I don't think I've seen a single Japanese poster that wasn't based.
You even speak/more articulate then normal Americans.
Keep on spreading that knowledge, and fuck Honduras.

we made sonyz n shieeytttt shut the fuck up u ignorant polack cunt, if ur not white u can fuck off

Hopefully thats the case

>Retarded immigrants can't speak English
>Those immigrants get btfo'd
>Thinking that more jobs are available
If you think that immigrants who can't even say one word in English properly are stealing your jobs, you're actually worse than them.

That's coming from someone who hates them for how inferior they and their shit country is.

Shut up you dumb english teacher balkan niggers are barely human they're not european just turk rape babies

Time of the culling will eventually come.

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>oh they did the crime 20 years ago so they don't have to be punished

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>You happy now Jow Forums? You are ruining lives
i mean, yeah.

Yeah but in their defense their own people are subhuman indios who murder more than niggers

MHGA- Make Honduras Great Again

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Honduras is shit.

Japan bringing the mother fucking pain I love it.

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damn they look white too

Right, like yeast in a whiskey mash, reproduce until they run out of sugar to eat like african nogs or poison themselves in their waste alcohol like the poos and chinks

Have some respect
You fucking dirty jew

The jew fears the samurai.

Fuck off you stinking paki maggot.
Learn how to wipe your arse and try to stop wheezing when you breath - I know your mum is your auntie is your sister is your uncle but it's fucking disgusting listening to you vent your deformed lungs as you waddle between the off license and the curry house.

>Beady eye bugman in charge of deciding who's white and who isn't
Do you have a license for shitty banter? I don't think so. I might report you to your authorities, son.

His banter is shit because Urdu is his first language.
Call him a 'bloody basterd son of bich' and you'll be able to see the anal eruption from your bedroom window.

>I went 20 years without being caught for a murder, and in the meantime I've bought a house and made a family. You think it's okay to send me off to prison now, huh racist?

shoutout to braphogs and doggos YEE YEE

Are they though. People thought the same with the Greeks but they have been show to largely be descended from the Mycaneans and Minoans still.

Also I never said to not remove them but just focus on the immediate threat. And if you are telling me that the immediate threat is Euro's from the Balkans and not the Arabs and Africans. Forgive me if I don't believe you sir.

You are either because ahmed is taking over your country

Or you are a shill

In any case, you are shit.

Seig Heil

they burden your social system tho
Yeah, maybe. His insults really sound Indianesque. Or maybe you Brits are finally integrating with them. Took you long enough.

>Tfw Slav shit subhuman is calling Eternal Bitchbong inferior.

You're the parasite in this world. Mestizos have more value than you. You can't even clean toilets or do anything right. Offing yourself would benefit the world.

good Mexico deport Hondurans all the time fuck them using my country as a bridge to USA

Fuck you, goblin. I'm the best toilet cleaner in the world.

These things have a way of fixing themselves. I wouldn't worry too much but I would buy an AK-47, rice, iodine, and everclear.

My heart bleeds piss...

Why did other Presidents allow them to stay for so long?