just a reminder that male virgins over the age of 18 aren't welcome on Jow Forums or Jow Forums in general, you genetically inferior losers would've been euthanized in nazi germany.
Just a reminder that male virgins over the age of 18 aren't welcome on Jow Forums or Jow Forums in general...
>nazi germany
you mean that country that was really bad at it?
Nazi Germany had weird as fuck sexual dynamics, because all the men where dying so they needed children, but they also wanted only good genes, but there weren't enough good men, but they also wanted traditional families, but christian values weren't as important as the future of the nation.
Of course, it ended with all the women being raped by russian soldiers.
This is b8 but
>Have casual sex with people you have no emotional attachment to because of my opinions!
as if you wouldnt if you could
if you have got a wife an kids at home ofc your more likely to fight harder. Virgins wouldnt be much good in combat.
She is lovely.
The Original Trifecta
What if I should be a virgin in theory, but I was so socially unaware and aggressively persistent that I managed to convince girls to fuck me anyway - then I got older, realized what a pathetic fuckwit I was, and now am too timid and beta to get laid?
D-Do I belong here?
>but I was so socially unaware and aggressively persistent that I managed to convince girls to fuck me anyway
Then you aren't incel
Had 3 partners and 2 fucks in the last 3 days. First one I paid €400 too. Last night was a free drunken sex rampage. I vaguely remember it. Got plans for tonight too,
Incels ought to stop being shy/ugly.
The left can't meme.
>First one I paid €400
STIs aren't good, which is why I'm sitting alone as a good little virgin
Don't be stupid.
Goebbels was a virgin incel until he was in his mid-30s.
Haha this actually. Based rune nigger
I wonder what's the difference between this one and somebody who calls himself an incel regarding really important things, such as nation's demographics?
Probably no difference.
This faggy “muh traditional values” shit the 1488rs push is just cover because they don’t have the courage to talk to girls. You faggots aren’t going to start a society wide return to traditional life, so go fuck a white girl. If you don’t, someone else will and then you’ll bitch about it in race mixing threads. Pathetic. Incels ruined Jow Forums
>meme flag
>whore posting
Yeah, go back to plebbit or wherever shthole you came from
It is true, because moslems will start this society wide return. And people here hate them for some reason.
and then he slayed pussy left and right
he's an inspiration to us all
And go back to whatever weird pedo henti website you came from
Idk what you mean there’s barely any Muslims in the US at least