How does one stomach such depravity and degeneracy throughout the Western world?

What is Jow Forums's secret to not going absolutely insane?
>inb4 alcoholism

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Tbqh lad, I just embraced insanity.

But if you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you?

Take a look at 2nd and 3rd world countries, the alternative is even worse.
So yeah, the West has some problems, but still it's the best humankind can offer.

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Idk brit.
I just have a few drinks to relax, then I end up thinking deep from my heavy buzz about my problems until I realize they arent just my problems and that many people are the same situation.
Then I drink more until I spiral out of rage into my bed and repeat the cycle.
When does this ride end?

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Finding meaning and identity in your beliefs (which are based in fact) and holding on to the hope that the world will turn around.

Yes, but it's still better than living around leftists.

Severe apathy and schadenfreude.

Civilization tends to move in cycles. If you look at world history from a broad perspective there's nothing particularly new or unique about the age we live in beyond technology. Cultures grow out of darkness, flourish, become decadent and lazy, entropy occurs, lesser cultures swarm in to pick the bones. We're in a stage of decline right now; maybe we can reverse it, maybe we can't. But in the end it will probably pick up again. Just do what you can in your lifetime and try to leave something of value for your descendants should you have any, that's all anyone can do.

At least I am not such a weak subhuman like this faggot to rely on others pain to make my life worth it.

you should know damn well the ride never ends

Learn to take pleasure in what is difficult and painful. For when the time comes, you will relish every moment of that righteous struggle. If you do not know how to act now, then I say train yourself and be prepared for when your path is clear.

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I can't stomach it. I either withdraw and focus on myself and my family, although this can feel isolating, or I look at the spiritual degradation we're reveling in and feel despair, sickness, anger. I feel very mentally unhealthy in general.

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That is the real truth afterall, I suppose its just my soul yearning for a world without depravity and hate.

>I feel very mentally unhealthy in general.
Be a hero then

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>a hero
Get out, newfag.

My life is worth it on its own.
The schadenfreude just makes it more enjoyable.

I drown myself in work and only visit Jow Forums when I’m so exhausted I can’t tell if it’s just a bad dream

I enjoy it a lot.

It's more entertaining than any book or movie. You gonna die anyways so enjoy the show of life!

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My reaction to "degeneracy" is mild so i dont really care about it.

Fuck offf Schlomo

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dude weed lmao

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There's no secret. If you stare into the abyss enough it will destroy you. Ask Nietszche.

Schadenfreude is one of the great pleasures of life. Rare, though

>So yeah, the West has some problems, but still it's the best humankind can offer.
Whoa, such a pick me up.

When whatever greater power simulating our universe pulls the plug... mercifully.

As in, dissociatives?

But I was raised around a culture of nihilism, ergo, I find it hard to form meaning from abstraction.
Though, I'd very much like to be somewhat spiritual.

True, very true.

Dark and sadistic, fits the flag.

Personally I try to do my part in making this degenerate world a little bit better. No alcohol, no smoking, I became a vegetarian, no watching TV or movies(few exceptions based info if its degenerate or not), no accounts on social media.

Im still alienated from other people though.

You learn to live with it, dwell on the things that are out of your reach.

Oh muh wow, so societally said, wow muh how wow

Schadenfreude is only pleasureable if its happening to someone you hold grudge against, or are enemies with. And at that point it may as well just be rache.
If you actually go around getting pleasure out of fucked over people, you are the one whos fucked up.

The fact that were winning, I wake up every day beyond happy and filled with joy knowing that the establishment is in full panic mode and completely collapsing in front of our faces

It's beautiful to live in these wonderfully historic Times

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I know our society is fucked, but why should I care

Video games and Stoic isolation.

Yeah, totally, I agree. Just didn't bother to clarify. Gladly, I'm not so twisted to derive pleasure from shit happening to random people. But deserving ones, assholes you despise... oh boy, I couldn't get enough

western occultism. keeps you honest

Hello Styx

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ha! i dont enough mana to be styx

>What is Jow Forums's secret to not going absolutely insane?
Who says I'm not?

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He way his expression and emotion changes when he says that is eerie... eldritch even.

dont add to the dark by being dark yourself. B the light that cuts through it.

I've never heard of that before, looks interesting.

user, do you need help?


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>inb4 alcoholism

You kidding me, m8...

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You're famous around here.

Give it to a redditor to suck a namefag's balls.


Thx but just a science sperglord ... though always glad to be of service!
Btw excuse the recent tripfagging but we had shills steal identities and post bluepills in the Kraut/pol/ recently...

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It's actually tripfag, newfag. Learn your lingo if you're going to LARP.

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A tripfag would have just a trip you fucking reddtior retard.

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Trip is more important than name: name is impermanent, trip is eternal.
Trust Plebbitor to not know that.

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Shills are abound, we must root them out ruthlessly.