Why do so many men look so feminine?
Even with beard they look like women.
The basedboy meme is clearly not just based on nothing,
have men always looked this feminine?
Is it because many of them don't work out?
Hormon disturbing pollution such as some plastic like BPA?
Why do so many men look so feminine?
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stop spamming this shit. first incel now basedboy, holy fuck just stop.
Well obviously test levels are 40% lower than in the 1970s, it's why when young people see a pic of a 13 year old kid from the 50s and say they look 20
That guy doesn't look feminine, but the expression could be seen as effeminate. There is a difference. If he had a more neutral or serious look about him, he could be seen as having more dignity. I think the raised eyebrows and that mouth expression are detracting from this. The man has a decent beard, and is also dressed decently, so it isn't his hair or what he is wearing, either.
Here is a man from the 40s, you can see even though he's plain looking his the general high test of the average man back then creates a dominating more masculine face, something modern plain men do not have, they just straight up look like females, but let's just ignore this, and the fact our test levels are at the lowest levels in recorded history
Apparently, people's hormones change when their time is spent with a single parent opposed to spending equal time with both parents.
Of course, that's unprogressive to say thus needs to be silenced.
Nice quads. Joseph Goebbels, by the 1940s, was well into his middle ages, with a rather creased, wrinkled face. Ordinary modern men could look like that, as well, especially if they have hard-working habits and general outdoors pursuits, or otherwise habits that encourage the spread of wrinkles, such as squinting, frequently staying up late, or even doing various drugs and drinking alcoholic beverages. If you notice Goebbels' serious expression, it may be remarkable how few modern men wear such an expression for photographs at present. That also contributes to the image of maturity. I like the idea of serious portraits, but they do not appear to be anywhere near common currency, any longer.
Most photos of basedboys are just Jews, though. Including the guy in the OP.
Good post.
200ng/dl or so of test (average 20 yo male today) compared to 900-1000ng/dl of test (test levels 1950s) don't you think this is a large difference